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Being a native New Yorker and possessing the all encompassing New York state of mind, has enstilled in me the strength and desire to become a U.S. Marine. I have been apart of the United States Marine Corp for the past 4 years and have combatted in two deployments. I currently hold title of Corporal, serving as a motarman in the infantry, and currently awaiting honorable discharge. In the meantime of transitioning into civilian life again, I have come across some great endeavors. Working alongside Francesco Rulli and Film Annex industries with the creation and success of the newly founded Global Initiative for Veteran Entreprenuership (G.I.V.E.) project are a few of such endeavors. With these new experiences, who knows what the future holds. I forsee abundant possibilities for any veteran who participates with the project, it has already done great things for me. A continued success in business entreprenuership is what I strive for, especially for my family and veterens. Cheers to new beginnings!