Bitcoin Takes Away Power From The State

Source: IamSatoshi Aaron Koenig, the founder of BXB Berlin, Bitfilm Productions, and Blink Magazine, believes that Bitcoin can hel…
Source: IamSatoshi Aaron Koenig, the founder of BXB Berlin, Bitfilm Productions, and Blink Magazine, believes that Bitcoin can hel…
Source: IamSatoshi Circuit bending art, code and activism, raising awareness to Bitcoin giving a Carte Blanche in the Forex market…
Source: IamSatoshi In January 2011, Mark Edge had a very profitable lunch. He received an email from one of his shows, amps, invit…
Source: IamSatoshi I met with Emmanuel Abiodun, a senior IT developer in a leading high street bank to film an interview for my re…
Source: IamSatoshi I had the honour of meeting Elizabeth Rossielo, BitPesas CEO, during my recent travels to Kenya, recording Bitc…
Source: IamSatoshi The first London version of the well known Satoshi Square face-to-face bitcoin marketplace on Saturday 18th Jan…
Source: IamSatoshi Kyle Drakeis an influential eco-system hacker. CoinPunk, a DIY wallet service, is his encrypted browser wallet …
Source: IamSatoshi If you try to avoid having a bank account and you take donations in Bitcoin, how can you prove that you have th…
Source: IamSatoshi LocalBitcoins has 300 new users each day, more than 50k users altogether, and more than 500 trades a day. There…
Source: IamSatoshi Book For You? Post-Crisis Adventures in Financial Subversion. The Heretics Guide to Global Finance: Hacking t…