The actions, the speech, the ways and manners of the holy prophets peace be upon him are called Hadis. In addition to the prophet’s peace be upon hi words and actions his acceptance of deeds or events which took place before him is also considered to be a part of hadis and is therefore a part of the religion of Islam. Obviously if any deed or event were in any way contrary to the teachings of Islam the holy prophet peace be upon him would have either prohibited or corrected it. The holy Quran is the final scripture which was revealed to the holy prophet peace be upon him whose mission it was to deliver and explain its contents accordingly the holy prophet peace be upon him explained its teachings and provided and example to the Muslims of how these teachings might be put into practice. Thus the life of the holy prophet peace be upon him is the best explanation of the holy Quran it says verily in the prophet of Allah you have a good example.
It again says hence accept whatever the prophet gives you and avoid whatever he forbids to you
From these verses it becomes clear that the instructions given by the holy prophet peace be upon him for the spiritual and moral uplift of the Muslims his decisions on important social religious and economic issues his declarations on what was permitted and what was forbidden all have both legislative and religious significance.
The hadis maybe classified into categories the first category deals with jurisprudence and the second category deals with the Islamic code of life. The provide guidance in our daily life including moral social business and family matters. To understand and interpret the first category a thorough knowledge of the Quran hadis sunnah is essential. However the second category of hadis maybe read understood and followed by all Muslims.
The hadis maybe classified into categories the first category deals with jurisprudence and the second category deals with the Islamic code of life. The provide guidance in our daily life including moral social business and family matters. To understand and interpret the first category a thorough knowledge of the Quran hadis sunnah is essential. However the second category of hadis maybe read understood and followed by all Muslims.
It is obligatory upon Muslims to abide by directives given by the holy prophet peace be upon him and to emulate his life style which was the embodiment of the teachings of the holy Quran and a perfect model for all Muslims.