Heard of the kiss with Bono long ago, and the story has been retold emphasizing the “tongue” more than a few times by Mo. However, I could never find the picture. When I spoke to Bono about it years earlier, he surely remembered it. I think it symbolized his first visit to Sarajevo.
It was Mo’s misfortune that so much that he did and sacrificed on behalf of Bosnia happened just before the age of Google and development of most of the web. Appeals, contentious debates at the UN and all of that is more or less forgotten unless it appears on Google. What happened outside of the UN, the universities, Congressional meetings, Veterans’ Clubs is even more lost to fading memory and crumbling paper. I actually still have one copy of the NY Times when Muhammad Ali and Mo held an all day at the United Nations. But luckily, I found this. It was just on the edge, just like the kiss.
Actually I shared it with Sebastian Aulich, publisher of the European Courier. He then found it in black and white but better definition. We decided to send it out over the net, as a sort of joke, but also as reminder of what Mo was and did for Bosnia. When I showed Mo the photograph, he smiled wryly. I think he enjoys that unpredictability as well as attention. Mo and Bono shared the same philosophy about the appeal and un-forgetfulness of contrarianism. Both Ali (Bono’s wife and love since teen years) and I understand the flirt in the two of them, although a kiss with each other was the least of a woman’s concern.
The short and sweet interview Mo did for the European Courier is below, if its of interest as well as the original Bono-Mo kiss photo that I salvaged from pre-Google days!
--- By Susan Sacirbey
Find me at Face Book at "Diplomatically Incorrect" and "Diplomat Artist"
Twitter - DiplomaticallyX
Q-Was that a real kiss?
A -Of course it was and even with tongue, but maybe some don’t get the joke. Of course that’s Bono and I, when he came first to visit Sarajevo after years of support and solidarity with the city's and country’s citizens.
Q- Where was that and who was with you?
A-It was in one of Sarajevo’s late night cafés, around the New Year holidays. Bono’s wife Ali and two other friends involved in art and humanitarian issues came with him. I was with my then girl friend Mabel and many friends from Sarajevo. It was a private function for our guests, but one photographer did not give up trying to get a photo. After seeing this poor guy freezing his ass off outside, Bono and I conspired to give a photograph that would be memorable. He is as much a prankster as I, but I hate to admit it, it was also a bit of empathy for the freezing photographer. He was not rude or overly intrusive like most paparazzi - just persistent.
Q – Any consequences?
A – Actually one high level Bosnian security service person got a hold of the photographer and his camera. He thought that he had done me a great favor. Don’t think he got either the joke or impact of notoriety. I asked him to release the camera and photograph.
If I had to kiss Bono to help bring attention to the coming change, what we then hoped would be a dawning of prosperity and openness, it was not much of a sacrifice, and of course Bono understood the same. That is why even back then he committed to come with U2 to play the concert that would be a memorable celebration of Sarajevo’s/BiH’ survival and to peace. To this day, it was a kiss that was not only memorable but at least had impact for the city. For some though that are perhaps more homophobic or without much sense of humor, they will not get it. I suspect they never got me nor Bono. We both support freedom and openness, but I don’t think that either one of us feels we're missing much by not kissing more men, although Bono does have another similar photograph..
Q – What happened with the photograph after that?
A- Think it actually was published in something I believed called “Q” magazine. It got overtaken by other events though.
Q- What do you mean?
A few months later, I was in Dublin for birthday celebrations for Bono’s wife Ali. I stayed at his home, and we all went out to see “Oasis” play. At the end of the concert we went backstage. And what a whore, Bono and (Oasis’s) Liam Gallagher did the same thing for all the press – they kissed on the lips! I thought for a while that Bono and I had started a trend. But now all I have to remember him by is a photo!!! Actually, it is a good memory, more because of the optimism that Bosnia was headed for a great recovery and great things. Maybe we dreamed that the experience of Bosnia would help prevent new wars and genocide. In the end though, the reality has not justified our hopes from back then. Thanks for finding and publishing.