I was somehow forced into watching parts of it by my lovely wife, and halfway through the ceremony, I got on the phone with Marine Jonathan Weinkiper to discuss our online and social media strategy for (G.I.V.E.) Global Initiative for Veteran Entrepreneurship. While we were discussing our relationships with columnists who write about post traumatic stress disorder and Veteran business opportunities, I saw Edward Norton and Phillip Seymour Hoffman talking about what movies meant to them as kids.
Ed Norton, one of my favorite actors, especially because of his role in American History X, said something about how being in movies define the truth of life, and others contributed to the conversation with similar non-sense. What a contrast with the perception of the 18 Marines we interviewed in Jacksonville and our work to create employment opportunities for veterans.
I would love to have Ed Norton share a few thoughts with Marine Jonathan Weikiper and Marine Luke Deer in our next meeting in Jacksonville, NC and give us some insight on what movies can do for the careers of military veterans.