The begin of the Cinema Festival in Gramado was transfer for the 19h:00 of these Friday
These friday night will have the presence of one of the best actresses from the soupoperas and films from Brazil Glória Pires, that will be honored with the Oscarito Trophy.

The weather is raining and because of that the official begining of the 41º Cinema Festival of Gramado was transfer to the 19h00, at the Palace of the Festivals in Gramado.
Glória Pires will be honored with the Oscarito Trophy. After the tribute, will begin the exibition of the film Flores Raras from the director Bruno Barreto.
These day because of the rain, the open of the cerimony will don't have the performance of the Sinfonic Orchestra of Gramado.
Here are the list of the events on the Film Festival Week:
19h – Tribute for the Actress Glória Pires with an Oscarito Trophy.
Filme of the Open: Flores Raras, from the director Bruno Barreto.
14h – Show of the Short Films Gauchos – Assembleia Legislativa Premium.
19h – National Short Film: Pouco Mais de um Mês, from the director André de Novais Oliveira;
Long Foreign Film: Puerta de Hierro (Argentina), from the director Dieguillo Fernández and Víctor Laplace.
21h30 – Trophy from the City of Gramado for the director Wagner Moura; Short National Film: Merda!, from Gilberto Scarpa; Long National Film: Éden, from the director Bruno Safadi.
14h – Show of Short Films from the south – Premium Assembleia Legislativa.
19h – Short National Films: A Navalha do Avô, from the director Pedro Jorge, and O Matador de Bagé, from the director Felipe Iesbick.
Long Foreign Film: El Padre de Gardel (Uruguai).
21h30 – Premiums for the Short Films Gauchos – Premium Assembleia Legislativa; Short National Film: Arapuca, from the director Hélio Villela Nunes.
Long National Film: Tatuagem, from the director Hilton Lacerda.
A lot of espectatives on these 41° Cinema Festival of Gramado with a lot of short films and long foreign films too, stay tuned on the PixFlake Web TV Blog to see more about the Festival and the Films.
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