“All necessary measures” and French troops in Ivory Coast are the combination which has apparently placed Laurent Gbagbo and his forces under attack by UN flag forces. You will recall that in my previous article/blog on the subject I pointed out the similarities in the language between the Libya and Ivory Coast resolutions, particularly the “all necessary measures” terminology to protect civilians: “Ivory Coast to Peace or More Killing” -
It perhaps should not be surprising that France and the UN have employed air power and artillery against the obstinate loser of last year’s elections Laurent Gbagbo. After all, he and his supporters have tried to ignite religious hatreds and ethnic cleansing. Gbagbo’s rhetoric was resembling that employed in previous genocides, such as Bosnia & Herzegovina. Presumably the quicker Gbagbo is defeated decisively the better for all, except Gbagbo and his immediate supporters.
Why Libya but Not Ivory Coast?
The French Ambassador to the UN on February 26, 2011 when Resolution 1970 was adopted referring Libya/Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court explicitly pointed to the precedent as being a warning that Gbagbo should take seriously. After Paris led the coalition into air strikes against Colonel Gaddafi’s forces in Libya, many asked why no such robust intervention in the Ivory Coasr. Perhaps the French Government has now answered those skeptics having found the opportune moment to act once forces loyal to the internationally recognized election winner Alaissane Ouattara had gained the military initiative and marched to the outskirts of the capital Abidjan.
Evidence of Massacres – Attributing Culpability
There have also been reports of massacres in some towns which have been attributed to one side or the other or perhaps marauding militia not particularly motivated by political loyalties. If such massacres are found to be connected to Ouattara’s forces, this would be a significant blow to his claim of higher moral ground and perhaps legitimacy. Outtara’s Ambassador to the United Nations has indicated that a prosecutorial investigator has been dispatched to the town of Duekoue in western Ivory Coast where hundreds may have been killed. The town had apparently come under Ouattara force control after a couple of days of fighting. Western Ivory Coast along the border with Liberia had also been the base for at least two opportunist militias who had engaged in brutality during the civil war almost a decade earlier. (See our previous Report/Blog on analysis of loyalty and motive of such militia -
diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/ivory-coast-to-peace-or-more-killing-gbagbo-gaddafi-milosevic-by-ambassador-mo/26759 )
France Originally Intervened Decade Earlier to Curtail Civil War
French troops had originally entered Ivory Coast to help curtail fighting during that last round of fighting. By most opinion, the French intervention then had helped salavage Laurent Gbaagbo’s rule back the. It also drew a line through the middle of the country which threatened to become a more permanent partition. A peace plan was worked out, and UN supervised elections. When Laurent Gbagbo apparently lost and tried to renege on the election commitment, apparently France turned on him this time, 11 years after he had originally assumed office – another argument for term limits especially where Presidents have a habit of becoming monarchs for life.
The future role of France in the Ivory Coast remains to be seen, especially in former African colonies where it has been the kingmaker habitually since formal independence the last century. Nonetheless, the French intervention this time is likely to have at least two positive consequences – bring the current conflict to conclusion before it becomes an all out ethnic conflict, keep the country from splitting along ethnic/religious lines with probably even greater humanitarian consequences and finally help the UN and international recognized winner of elections take office and have his opportunity for needed reforms.
---Ouattara and presumably UN/French allies have apparently taken control of the Presidential Palace as of posting of this Report/Blog.---
By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey
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