wiseman 2013

Lays Potato Chips started this program in 2013 and introduced Sriracha, Chicken & Waffles and my favorite Cheesy Garlic Bread……
Before I start the review, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. I cannot accurately talk about how great this movie is without giving……
Based on The Nilson Report, here are top Ranked Credit Cards Issuers Worldwide in 2013. United States $Billion $126 JPMorgan……
The latest report from BI Intelligence, here are E-Commerce Conversion Rate by Social Network 2013. 1.85% Facebook 1.16% Vimeo 1.16%……
Best Movies of 2013 (You must see ALL of them)
Kitchen is the room of the center; it is like the heart of a house. Most people consider the kitchen as the very important room of……
کمزور اداروں کی سنگین غلطیاں وطن عزیز پاکستان میں اداریں آزاد تو ہیں……
Source: IamSatoshi Brett Scott, author of The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money (sold for Bitcoin),……
Oblivion is a science fiction movie by Tom Cruise, one of the best 2013 science fiction movie. Tom Cruise is acting very well and……
The pre-release post-screening Question and Answer session is something of a common occurrence for cinemagoers living in London. While……
کسی بھی ملک میں ریاست اور جمہوریت کو چلانے کے لئے ضرورت ہوتی ہے حکومت کی……
As I had written in one of my last Blogs that I will write about the signings of last season and I will assess the performance, the……
Year 2013 has been a great year for technological and scientific innovations and discoveries, we have to remember the most important……
Nuestra capacidad creativa no es totalmente dependiente de la de nuestros padres - y la de ellos , no lo es de la de sus propios padres……
Introduzione: L'attrice di Hollywood Sitara Attaie potrebbe essere la prima persona nella storia a citare sia……
Introduzione: ‘Sitara’ significa ‘stella’ nella lingua Dari dell'Afghanistan. E, che……
Introduction: Hollywood actress Sitara Attaie may be the first person in history to quote both the German philosopher……
Introduction: ‘Sitara’ means ‘star’ in the Dari language of Afghanistan. And whether by chance……
Is cricket coming to Afghanistan as well, will it find its way to all provinces? Will the outcomes of Asia Cup 2014 in Bangladesh……
It was not by any means a great year for fantasy films or for films in general for that matter but there are a few films that……
"Movie 43" was crowned the worst movie of 2013 by receiving the Worst Picture award at the 34th annual Razzie Awards! But M.……
2013 was the year that saw F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, “The Great Gatsby”, brought into cinema once again.……
La basura que se arroja en el profundo mar azul puede llegar a casi cualquier lugar, en el otro lado del mundo. Recientemente me encontré……
In molti mi hanno chiesto di questa trilogia che ho cominciato nel 2010 e finito nel 2013, così ho messo insieme l'intera trilogia……
خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية لم أكن خجول في وصف الظلم والتمييز للمواطنين……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
I watched this film almost 24 hours ago and I have had to wait that time in order to fully appreciate what I watched and let my final……
The critical hit of the winter is HER, Spike Jonze’s story about a man’s intimate relationship with a machine. Set in……
Gennaio sta finendo e posso finalmente guardare indietro al 2013; sotto alcuni aspetti è stato un anno di transizione, un anno……
January is ending and finally I can make a review on my 2013; in some way it was a transition year and also a time were many……
*The awesome ensemble cast of Lone Survivor, released Dec. 27th 20132013. Wow. What a year in movies. I'm not sure if it's because……
If you have 2 or more Wireless networks in your area how dose windows select one to connect into it? windows has a priority……
Mercedes Aragonés es actualmente la Presidenta de la Junta del Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI ) y lo ha……
خمس أشهر و العمل مع فيلم انكس , أجبرني على أن أكتب بعض الاشياء في عام……
درست ساعت 9:30 شب سیزدهم جنوری بود شبی که همه مردم در سراسر دنیا انتظار……
Recently, I watched the highly anticipated 2013 sci-fi survival release After Earth, staring Will Smith and his (at the time……
Okay, so I have this film on in the background as I'm writing this, for the third time in the same amount of days, which probably……
Yo solía viajar mucho en los viejos tiempos. Y estoy segura de que no importa a dónde vayas, la parte más emocionante……
La parte interessante nel giungere alla fine di ogni anno è guardarsi alle spalle e tracciare un bilancio della propria……
The final blog this year covering the highlights between September to December September This month meant the start as my role at……
Jack the giant slayer was what I expected to be honest. To give you a brief synopsis; Jack acquires some magic beans, grows the beanstalk.……
Like most of us, I always wonder where the previous year went when New Year's eve approaches. With 2014 upon us, I always like……
On christmas day it marked my 1 year anniversary of when I got my Canon 650D. Since then I've collected lenses, tubes, ND filters,……
Dopo cinque mesi di attività su Film Annex sento il bisogno di scrivere una sorta di recensione di quest'anno……
Continuing through the year, in this blog we will focus on the highlights between the months May - August, which proved to be a career……
After 5 months of being actively involved with Film Annex, I felt compelled to do a kind of review of 2013 (not unlike many……
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones The Mortal Instruments:Cities of Bones is the action,adventure and drama film and it is a 2013……
Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en mi primer guión de largometraje. Lo empecé en el 2011 y ahora siento que estoy……
2013 has been a huge year for myself in my career and as a person and in the next few blogs I will breakdown my year month by month……
Zohaib Nawaz is one of my best freinds that are loved by me.He belongs to Rawalpind.His village named CHAKRI. He is 26 years……
Revolve Camera Dolly Pro Kit Review Recently I used the Revolve Camera Dolly Pro Kit (www.revolvecamera.com) on a little Christmas……
No one wakes up in the morning and says to themselves "I'm going to do something extraordinary today". Yet we all have witnessed or……
Here I would tell you where one can watch Pakistan vs Sri Lanka TV Channels Providing Live Streaming in Pakistan, UAE, UK and USA.……
I have never thought to write on this topic until I saw the episode of my favorite program “sare- aam” about the transgender……
Hello, So last week I filmed my MA project, coming soon in next blog, and a Christmas Video, One Minute at Christmas, that tested……
Un paio di mesi fa, sulla mia pagina di Facebook, ho condiviso un video di Chelsea Wolfe (songwriter americana che spazia tra il folk……
It's been a few weeks already since the end of last championship of Formula 1 ended with another domain by Red Bull. And at the end……
Afganistán es un país que ha experimentado más de 30 años de guerra. Por lo tanto, todos los aspectos……
El día de hoy hace 50 años, el presidente John F. Kennedy fue asesinado por un francotirador durante su visita a Dallas,……
Friday 1 November 2013 It’s Friday, I’m in Paris, without either Lady O (no passport) or Kumar (attending English revision……
Not counting my travel One Minute videos, I have not planned (even just a tiny bit) a short since my graduation film Output, but come……
It’s always good to put your life on pause for a second and sit and reflect about what is going on around you. This year has gone……
Sight & Sound (the British Film Institute-published magazine) is the first to create a list of the best films of 2013. Polling……
In October I attended a film festival in Leeds called No / Gloss, was a VIP and presented a time-lapse workshop there. It……
The 2013 F1 season concludes with an obvious victory for Sebastian Vettel, for which adjectives are now finished. The cover of today……
This one is a really cool poster from Oldboy, the new film from Spike Lee starring Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley and……
The awards season is here! And to those who know me, they know that this is my favorite time in the whole wide world! It's……
Escribo mucho sobre mujeres poderosas y mujeres para las mujeres en este blog. Es importante para mí reconocer que yo nací……
Sports in Afghanistan, a candle of peace and prosperity started lightening after a Civil War and Taliban regime. The talent in every……
Sebastian Vettel is not stop: another pole position for the now four-time German champion, the eighth in a row for Red Bull,……
Paseando por el centro de la ciudad de Manhattan en la ciudad de Nueva York. si tu das vuelta en la esquina de la avenida A y la 5ta……
Kevin Harvick won the AdvoCare 500 at Phoenix International Raceway, the penultimate round of the 2013 season in the Sprint Cup Series,……
A few weeks ago I presented a time-lapse workshop at No/Gloss Film Festival and I decided to share all the resources I made for……
American audiences are still waiting to see SNOWPIERCER, the English language French comic book-inspired hit Korean movie co-written……
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un altro tipo di proiezione. Ha avuto luogo giovedì a Bodegas Arráez, un gran bel posto situato……
Tuesday 1 October 2013 If procrastination has a name, I’ll tell you tomorrow. Kumar returned to his Future Film Steering Group,……
And once again Sebastian Vettel won! The German driver of the Red Bull got his seventh victory in a row after a rather boring……
India is always hunting ground for Sebastian Vettel. The German won for the third time on same editions in New Delhi (and always starting……
THE FLU is a big-budget Korean pandemic movie about a strain of avian flu that spreads from a container full of dead illegal immigrants……
A few weekends back I was a judge and guest at Screen Stockport Film Festival 2013. The festival is now in it's third year, and I……
جایزه نوبل معتبر ترین جایزه علمی است که به یک دانشمند تعلق می گیرد جایزه……
The poster for Grudge Match, starring Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone is now here. In the film, two retired boxers and rivals……
Sebastian Vettel, with today’s victory, is basically a step away from winning the fourth title that will allow him to reach……
This year I ventured down to the now annual Manchester Comic Con, my express intention to photograph the many comic fans that reside……
Miley Cyrus has surely been the talk of the town these past couple of weeks every since her performance at the 2013 VMAs with……
By Howard Altman | Tribune Staff Published: October 7, 2013 Hours after the book “Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan……
I can't think of a single short-film maker that hasn't said to me at one point "I wish I made that film", or "why didn't I think up……
俄罗斯电影周(Russian Film Week)将于2013年10月9日到13日在纽约盛大举行。 这个活动第一次举办时是在西元2000年的纽约,当时由俄罗斯专业电影摄影师联盟支持和赞助,并称这个活动为俄罗斯电影节(Festival……
Sunday 1 September 2013 Middle aged nudity. That’s just what the teenage Kumar doesn’t want to see. Unfortunately,……
Jakelyne de Oliveira was elected Miss Brazil 2013 in a contest which took place in Belo Horizonte on Saturday night, 28. Jakelyne……
بواسطة سیم مالتسیو(Sem Maltsev) أسبوع الافلام الروسية ……
After the 2013 Summer of Cinema, what next? Why, of course, the 2013 Autumn of Cinema. 50 or so bloggers and yours truly were crammed……
The Emmy’s were on last night, or the night before I don’t know because I called in sick yesterday and now all my days……
Two out of two, seven wins this season and a success centered on the occasion of his 500th presence in NASCAR Sprint Cup Series :……
俄羅斯電影週(Russian Film Week)將於2013年10月9日到13日在紐約盛大舉行。 這個活動第一次舉辦時是在西元2000年的紐約,當時由俄羅斯專業電影攝影師聯盟支持和贊助,並稱這個活動為俄羅斯電影節(Festival……
لم اشك في رجوع رياضة المصارعة الى الاولمبياد . هذه الضجة كانت من أجل المصارعة……
By Sem Maltsev The Russian Film Week will be held in NYC from 9-13, October 2013. The first time such an event was held in New York……
Everyone could hear my heartbeats, not only mine’s but everyone else is in the room. Our hearts were beating very fast, the breathes……
We all look forward to Superbowl advertisements each year as the games draw closer and closer, which had me wondering, what……
Quality win for Matt Kenseth in the first leg of the Chase For The Cup 2013 at Chicagoland Speedway. The driver of the No. 20 Toyota……
I never had any doubt that the International Olympic Committee would reinstate wrestling. The commotion simply gave wrestling a……
Steve McQueen's "12 Years A Slave" walked one step closer to Oscar glory by winning the Toronto International Film Festival's People's……
I was thrilled to see an advertisement on one of the MTA subways for an exciting Edward Hopper exhibition going on right now……
So last night Apple announced their next iPhone (the 5S) plus a cheaper model (the 5C) ... no surprise there. iPhone 5C is a plain……
So Jason Bateman, making his first full feature film directorial debut (and he stars in this one too!) premiered his raunchy spelling……
I've been doing interviews with Afghan celebrities and thought leaders for a few months now. Everybody seems to have a……
57 is a good number. It’s the number of varieties of Heinz products. It’s the number of Communists in the Democratic Party……
By Howard Altman | Tribune Staff Published in The Tampa Tribune, August 19, 2013 For Edward Zellem, a Navy captain working at U.S.……
Thursday 1 August 2013 The man and his youthful ward stand at the top of Hampstead Heath. It is three o’clock in the afternoon.……
When it comes to buying a motor vehicle, we all look for a multitude of characteristics that appeal to our very diverse needs……
Let’s talk VMAs. Now I’m sure we have seen or read at least one reference to Miley Cyrus’ performance as she……
Will Power is back to success after almost a year and a half of abstinence imposing on Sonoma Raceway. The Australian took advantage……
2pm, Sunday, August 26th, 2013 at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York. Film Annex's very own FK of FDRMX and FAMUSICTV arrived……
Всем привет! Отличный понедельник = отличная неделя! Надеюсь, что ваш день……
Всем доброго утра и отличной недели! Сходу, хотел бы провести небольшой……
Today I want to write about one talented and successful musician on Film Annex. His name is Spencer Polanco (Spencer Beatbox), an……
That's right folks, with September just around the corner, we're officially entering the Oscar season. It's time to get serious……
FIDA, "Festival Internacional de Animación de Valparaíso" opens its call for animation short films and starts……
تعارف:- تاریخ میں افغان میڈیا کے مشہور شخصیات کے سب سے بڑا مجلِس عام طور……
Introduction: In Part I of our exclusive interview with Afghan pro football……
‘Heigh-ho, where’s the silver?’ the producers of THE LONE RANGER must have thought when it opened to a dismal $29……
Introduction: Few people would expect to find an Afghan professional football * star becoming world-famous on……
Today I found out that my film A Creative Interpretation has been selected to feature in The Advance Guard/Art and Experimental……
Kasey Kahne has beaten his teammate Jeff Gordon in a 6-laps long sprint, after which he won the GoBowling.com 400, twenty-first race……
The Commerce World’s Strongest Man competition is definitely the competition to watch if you crave to see human beings……
So it was a fluke after all. When the first "Smurfs" opened in July 29, 2011, it made $35.6 million and went on to reach……
The best thing about THE WOLVERINE is the minimalist teaser poster, with the outline of the titular mutant rendered in black ink.……
This year, as in the previous three, Ryan Newman has centered his victory. But this time was even more special because it came in……
"The Wolverine" clawed its way to the top of the box-office heap but fell below expectations. The Hugh Jackman superhero flick……
This week I also went to The Public in West Bromwich for the gallery and to see what the building has to offer. I found the building……
First victory in Mercedes for Lewis Hamilton. The British driver has finally been able to use his pole advantage in a circuit where……
The critical and commercial flop "The Lone Ranger" has a new problem! Besides possibly costing Disney $150 million in losses,……
Yes, the geeks won! The 2013 Comic-Con was brimming with excitment, specially the last two days, where DC and Marvel surprised……
BY: Nicole Tan Lilith, фильм, снятый режиссером Эриком Чангом, был номинирован……
Printers are one of the most used peripherals on computers and are commonly used to print text, images, and photos. There are……
Emmy Awards announces nominees for 2013 edition 'Game of thrones' leads in 16 categories; Brazilian is on the race for the 1st time. ……
The Beatles Led Zeppelin Miles Davis Nat King Cole & the Red Hot Chili Peppers all started from the bottom and skyrocketed……
Introduction: Afghan artist Meena Saifi مینه سیفی is a rising star in the world of international art.……
یکم مئی 2013 کوبیچلرزآف ارٹ فیشنBachelor of Arts Fashion Design ڈیزاین سٹوڈنٹش نےFashion……
Tragedy struck in San Francisco when the Asiana Flight 214 Boeing 777 jet crashed while trying to land after receiving a……
Introduction: What does the largest gathering of Afghan media celebrities in history have in common with the world’s……
Saturday 1 June Why are there some many people wandering round North London wearing AMERICAN IDIOT t-shirts? Because Green Day is……
THIS IS THE END plays to a fantasy of celebrity life. Famous dudes hang out with other famous dudes. They consume drugs and alcohol……
"Mother, I Love You" and "Code Black" were the big winners at the 2013 Los Angeles Film Festival awards. "Mother, I Love You" won……
If one wants to see film posters up close and personal in a setting outside a cinema, you are usually on the London Underground waiting……
The Indy 500 this year has been momentous for the number of records broken which endured for many years. Win, in its 12th participation……
There is something about waves on film that is a crashing bore. When a movie opens with a shot of the tide coming in, my eyes start……
This is me at 2:45am on Monday 20 May inside the Grand Palais having just watched the World Premiere screening of Johnnie……
Literary adaptations have no obligation to be slavishly faithful to their source. Rather, they simply need to work on their own terms.……
It’s dazzling, it’s roaring, “The Great Gatsby” is finally here. It’s a story of man with an extraordinary……
On May 1st, 2013 the Fashion Institute of Technology presented the Future of Fashion runway show. Semyon, Elaha and myself walked……
Monday 1 April This cold weather is no joke. Global warming? Global freezing more like! Stroud Green must be the twin town of……
Sequels, superheroes, big blockbusters, gosh, it must be summer at the movies! From "Fast and Furious 6" to "The Hangover 3" all the……
I know recently there have been a lot of horror based Film Fridays, but I couldn't wait to see this film in the cinema. I promise……
EMANUEL AND THE TRUTH ABOUT FISHES sounds like it could about something religious. It is actually a bold, emotionally involving and……
I had high hopes for TOUCHY FEELY, Lynn Shelton’s follow-up to YOUR SISTER’S SISTER, which premiered at Sundance London……
Takuma Sato is the first japanese in history to win a Grand Prix in the category Indycar, including previous championships IRL and……
The Jackie Robinson movie, "42," scored at the box-office with $27.3 million debut. The film stars Harrison Ford as pioneering Brooklyn……
This enjoyable adventure ended with a fifth place. We have always been at the top, trying to improve the feeling with the car. In……
It has been a very busy day, with very competitive opponents, testing beautiful and very fast, we are in fifth place. We tried to……
The Great Gatsby follows Fitzgerald-like, would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City……
Dear friends. This year the Dakar has been 'stored, and it has been a particularly challenging year for……
And it officially started the adventure of Miki Biasion and Fabrizia Pons towards New Zealand. On……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
One-two by Red Bull in Malaysian GP, which appeared without history for most of the time. Once again, the Red Bull has done a perfect……
IZOD Indycar has also turned on the engines in season 2013. The start of the Championship has been as usual from St. Petersburg, where……
Past week Citadel Team was busy with filmmaking. In this week we are trying to make good videos and broadcast our initiatives in Afghanistan……
Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" is set to open this year's Cannes Film Festival, in glorious 3-D! Starring Leonardo DiCaprio in……
Today I would like to talk about difference between developing countries like Afghanistan and developed countries like USA from film……
Now that the Academy Awards are but a distant past, it's time for the crazy, silly MTV Movie Awards! I love the categories such as……
Awwww.....Channing Tatum and Charlize Theron rocked it!Daniel Radcliffe and Joseph Gordon-Levitt! What a handsome pair!Okay, this……
Does the new year bring a new look? Not really; it is more a new interpretation of items from the last seasons. 2013 is a wonderful……
Still wrapped One of the statues that adorn the ceremony tonight, right in Hollywood. Still wrapped One of the statues that……
It should've been a beginning with a bang, and so it has been. The first NASCAR race of 2013 ended with the victory of Tony Stewart,……
Predicting the Oscars? Whew! It’s a tough one this year! Besides, honestly, Anne Hathaway and Daniel Day-Lewis, there’s……
BY: Keely-Shea Smith The tents at Bryant Park represented strength and accomplishment for countless designers since 1993, when CFDA's……
A year after making her Sprint Cup Series debut in the same race, Danica Patrick will lead the field to the green flag for the Daytona……
Вчера, Майк Суини сел со мной в местном ресторане и вытащил маленький кусочек……
One of the most attractive things about this new Generation 6 car is that we are finally going back to having manufacturer identity.That……
На дворе 2013 год и этот расказ адресован Post-2014, выводу войск NATO, и будущему……
It has been the turn of the debut as Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton. Alongside Nico Rosberg, confirmed as driver of the silver arrow.……
In the presence of the two drivers Vergne and Ricciardo, Toro Rosso presented the STR8. More or less the discharge system has remained……
In Milton Keynes, the base of operations for Red Bull Racing, the veils have been removed to the world champion car, which has been……
At the headquarters of Team Sauber at Hilwil, in Switzerland, has been unveiled the new C32, the car that will race in the next season……
Force India has revaeled the car that will participate in the World Championship of Formula 1. It was Paul Di Resta with Robert Fernley……
In Maranello was presented the F138, the car with which Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa will try to win the World Championship, both……
At Woking the Team McLaren Mercedes has unveiled the new car, the MP4-28, that eill participate the World Championship Formula 1 2013.……
It has been presented the new Lotus E21. The technical highlight ideas conceived by various rival teams. In particular, the general……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
The latest film version of the classic novel The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald is about to hit screen. Many film and Fitzgerald……
The Alliance of Women Film Journalists have announced the winners of their awards and Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" took the……
Move over Bilbo Baggins, here comes Leatherface! Lionsgate's "Texas Chainsaw 3D" slashed away competition and surprised everyone by……
Yesterday, Mike Sweeney sat down with me at a local restaurant and pulled a small piece of paper reminding me of the 5 topics for……
The first school in Afghanistan One hundred and five years ago, in the reign of Habibullah, the first modern school was build.……
2012 was definitely a busy year here at Meditating Bunny Studio Inc. We had two independent productions on the go this year. The……
FAMusicTV – has turned one month. The end of the world is over, the organization of first FAMusicTV live show is in full swing……
Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln" scored a record-breaking 13 nominations for the Broadcast Film Critics Association's Critics' Choice……
Sauber has announced one of its drivers for 2013: Nico Hulkenberg. They haven't announced the second driver yet, making Kamui Kobayashi's……
This Romanian Festival, founded in 2005 by the “Artis Foundation” film production, it is the only international film……
Founded by Saint Petersburg Filmmaker’s Union festival, The Open St. Petersburg Student Film Festival “Beginning” is……
ÉCU SPOTLIGHT: CATHERINE DENEUVE – THE QUEEN OF FRENCH CINEMA Catherine Deneuve: The queen of French cinema that winks……
Sigh…. It is the time of the la rentrée, or the return from vacation for most Parisians and we all know what……
This week ÉCU is spotlighting Isabella Ferrari, an Italian actress and Jury member of the International Jury Prize “Luigi……
He was born in August 1912. At twelve years-old, he became a paper boy, at seventeen, a criminal reporter for The New York Graphic,……