Feelings, Emotions and Desires Of an Afghan

When I am sit alone, my heart’s beat starts and my inner self (feelings and emotions) wake up, then my heart keeps beating constantly……
When I am sit alone, my heart’s beat starts and my inner self (feelings and emotions) wake up, then my heart keeps beating constantly……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Leela Corman ha studiato pittura, incisione e illustrazione al Massachusetts College of Art. A seguire trovate una sua intervista……
Leela Corman studied painting, printmaking and illustration at Massachusetts College of Art. Below is an interview of her on the concept……
Men, women, and children – all addicted. A significantly large and vastly rising number of men, children and women in……
Today, cell phones are used as laptops in Afghanistan. They not only use them as phones for communication, but they use social media……
Takht-e-Safar, Bagh-e-Melat, and Mirdawood are all the names of entertaining parks located in different parts of Herat. Takht-e-Safar……
Waslat Hasrat-Nazimi is a journalist and editor at Deutsche Welle, the foreign broadcasting service in Germany, which engages in bringing……
Lina Rozbih-Haidari is the main News Anchor for the Voice of America (VOA) Dari Ashna Television. Rozbih is an acclaimed and award-winning……
The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (“AGFAF”) was established in 2008 to aid young Afghan women who seek a college……
چند نکته کوچک درمورد خشکی پوست درفصل سرما در فصل سرما هوای سرد ما باید……
Since the last 12 or 13 years, Afghanistan has improved in different fields. For example, technology and……
Proverbs are phrases or sentences or even compound nouns that help people communicate in a better way. Afghan……
Social culture is something which is considered in Afghanistan well. They respect their parents, family members,……
Philanthropy is a word that was lost since long ago in Afghanistan. Afghan current generation has grown with wars, destitute, and……
The astonishing growth and acceptance of social media such as Film Annex, Face book and Twitter has provided……
Politics had been existed in Afghanistan since far ages ago. Different kings and presidents with different……
The countries that compose South Asia are poor and from the third world. They are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background?OM: My name is Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, I was born in December 10th,……
Afghan people make money in different ways since the last 12 years. Some through working at governmental & non-governmental organizations,……
The media situation and freedom of expression in Afghanistan is better today than at any other time in the past. In the past, there……
In this century, the most important factor for developing is technology. Most of developed countries are enrich with the new systems……
The word fashion is something new to Afghan people. in the mean time, a terrible word not only for Afghan women but for men when Taliban……
Fashion is a word that Afghan people have recently recognized it. When Taliban was on power, no Afghan individual had the right……
There are tens of jobs Afghan people are engaged in. One is working at a store, one works at a bank, one works at a ministry, and……
Afghanistan women social development is new, but vast. About a decade ago they had no right to go out of their homes. Today,……
Afghan people have already passed three decades war in Afghanistan. War has caused Afghanistan have no great development in social……
The 3 decades of war and misery, not allowing the girls to go to schools, and poppy cultivation are all signs of lack of education……
Afghan people have experienced three years of war; the wars that caused Afghan people feel huge setbacks in their lives. ……
Afghan women consist a big part of Afghan population, so they activate in different parts of Afghanistan. Besides, their education……
Afghan people have experienced 30 years of Civil wars in Afghanistan. Therefor, lack of education is a great challenge for people……
Since the last ten years, from more than 40 countries led by the United States of America have entered into Afghanistan. They rebuilt……
Since the last few years Afghan people are acquainted with Internet. Despite this few years of of acquaintance with Internet, Afghan……
One of the huge challenges Afghan people tackle with is lack of education. Now, more than 60 percent of Afghan people are illiterated.……
As other countries of the world have national sports, Afghanistan has as well. For example, once soccer was only belong to England……
Afghan people have a rich and valuable culture. The Afghan culture turns to 5000 years ago. In Afghan 5000-year-old culture, there……
Afghanistan is one of coldness countries which surrounded by mainland and about 80 percent of Afghanistan's land is wilderness and……
There are 34 provinces in Afghanistan with several kinds of foods they fix. For example, the traditional food Maimana dwellers eat……
It’s more than ten years that NATO troops led by the United States of America have entered Afghanistan. They have eliminated……
After withdrawing of the NATO troops from Afghanistan, Afghan situation will not face to serious challenges. Now, Afghan forces……
After the fall of Taliban, Afghanistan had neither Police nor Army. When International Community came to Afghanistan, they helped……
Around 12 years pass from the presence of the International Community and the troops of the United States of America in Afghanistan.……
Internet is a new phenomenon to Afghan people, but now this is not a new phenomenon for Afghan people anymore. The people who use……
Afghanistan is a country with a long history of more than 5000 years. Thus, it has many different cultures that……
Democracy is a new phenomenon which is well accepted by Afghan people within a short time. Democracy is a fair……
Herat manufacturing companies are located right in a location where there was only a dry desert about ten years……
Today Facebook is a good hobby for Afghan youth, and they use it when they are free during the day. Afghan people who use Facebook……
The people of Herat city are optimistic about Afghan army and they believe in their professional troops……
Kabul’s Kocheh Gul Foroshi, “Flower Street”, was packed with a huge crowd of young people who were there to buy……
Economies play a major role in the world today and determine the position of the countries in the world. The countries that have the……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……
One of the pillars of a country and people is their culture and civilization; this is the culture; that the people of two countries……
Afghan people have suffered three decades of war and misery in the country amongst which about a decade……
Money is some things of value. In this topic I want to write something about Afghanistan’s money changes in historical……
A true sportsman in his heart, Zahir Aghbar, believes in leading from the front. The 49-year-old coach of the Afghan national squad……