Kunduz: Attacked by Taliban

Taliban fighters attacked Kinduz cuty of Afghanistan this morning, seizing provincial headquarters of the city. They attacked the……
Taliban fighters attacked Kinduz cuty of Afghanistan this morning, seizing provincial headquarters of the city. They attacked the……
Happy women’s day to us……………….To our Smiles which add beauty to the world To……
“With freedom comes responsibility.” ……
It is supposed after the fall of the Taliban in 2001 women in Afghanistan have achieved significant human right gains. But hardly……
Hi my Film Annex and Women's Annex fellows, It has been quiet lately and I haven't updated you about our activities. However, I am……
WA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? BF: I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Amish country, so at……
Since from 1978, black day for Afghan Women has been started. Thousand hundreds become widows. Thousand hundreds became for away from……
I am Fatima, a girl which has 18 years old, that reach to her legal age new.And she can up her expressive of her voice, that voice……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……
Nel corso della mia prima visita negli Stati Uniti, la mia società ospitante era PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). Di ricente ho……
During my first visit to The United States, my host company was PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). I recently found a very informative……
Peggy Kelsey, una fotografa professionista, ha avuto il privilegio di incontrarsi con una delegazione di 14 donne afgane che sono……
Peggy Kelsey, a professional photographer, was privileged to meet with a delegation of 14 Afghan women who passed through Austin,……
Afghan Girls are affected in every aspect of their lives since from the invasion of Russia in 1979. The purpose of their lives was……
Albert Einstein famously said, “Information is not knowledge.” Knowledge is the practical application of information from……
Women like men of other human rights , indigenous , Islamic , political, legal , and have been entitled to an extent and can be made……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
Women have significant role in different social and political parts. Afghan women can join the elections and vote for their candidates……
Unemployment and poverty are the major problem in the country. Experts also believe that the unemployment caused that people……
Heather Barr è la ricercatrice per l'Afghanistan della divisione asiatica di Human Rights Watch. Prima di unirsi ad Human Rights……
Heather Barr is the Afghanistan researcher in the Asia division of Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, she managed……
数位素养(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培训的一种最实惠的形式。对于全球性平等教育,资讯取得和永续商业的唯一障碍是网际网路的存取。例如在阿富汗这样的国家,网际网路是可用的,但并不总是可以连接到万维网。这就是为什么在……
Cari studenti; aiutare le donne afgane a rafforzare la propria conoscenza attraverso l'alfabetizzazione digitale, l'utilizzo……
Dear Students, Helping Afghan women enhance their knowledge through digital literacy, social media and financial help are Women’s……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
傳統線上廣告業(Online Advertising Industry)的工作原理是排阻。擁有數百萬觀眾的平台根據流量品質以過濾他們的用戶,並專注於表現最佳的用戶群。排阻系統到現在為止一直被採用,我們相信我們必須要積極主動地往前跨一步。……
10月24号的晚上,我拜访了一些住在布鲁克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。 Nicolas 是一位科学家,音乐家和魔术师。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚,我们谈谈生活里发生的事,看他玩卡片展现魔术技巧。在我们谈到有关智慧时,我提及了我所遵循的规则:“当您是房间里最聪明的人的时候,那么您就走错了房间!(If……
From battle field to the Stadium of Olympics, a tremendous and explosive change came in Afghanistan. The war affected country started……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
In our society Afghan women enjoying being told precisely what to do and how to do it, or would you rather work things out by yourself,……
10月24號的晚上,我拜訪了一些住在布魯克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。Nicolas 是一位科學家,音樂家和魔術師。我們度過了一個美好的夜晚,我們談談生活裡發生的事,看他玩卡片展現魔術技巧。在我們談到有關智慧時,我提及了我所遵循的規則:……
It is not a long time passing from Afghanistan Development Project, but still we see it is impressive achievement toward education……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
They say that man cannot understand the meaning of true pain unless he’s gone through childbirth. Well, seeing as men……
We have heard and read many stories regarding the abuse of women in Afghanistan with unfortunate endings but that’s not……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美国领事馆遭受恐怖袭击,这个事件夺去了两名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警卫和七名自杀式炸弹袭击者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
Women that make a half of Afghanistan population have passed a dark period in the Taliban regime. Women and girls lost their right……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
Fin dagli albori della civiltà umana, agli uomini è stato affidato culturalmente il procacciamento del cibo per i membri……
Since the onset of human civilization, men have been culturally assigned to find food for their family members and protect the household,……
Violence in every country based on human rights. In developed countries even animals have legal rights against violence, however……
كمعلم و مدرب , اول و أهم اهدافي هي تدريب و تعليم الطلاب بشكل سهل في……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
Stop looking at women in Afghanistan as victims rather view them as the leaders that they truly are. The women in Afghanistan……
We really live in information age, the age that communication changed the world into a small village. One of the important tools……
Afghanistan is a country that changes every day in all fields. For example, education, decrease of mother mortality, opium cultivation,……
Since I have become familiar with the Internet, I found on many occasions amazing videos related to different topics on TED's website.……
What would you do if you had your human rights revoked or worse, if you’ve never had them in the first place? ……
Afghan women no longer suffer that cruelty they were suffering in Taliban era. They were not allowed to attend schools, having jobs,……
Although I'm not a terrorist, three days ago I felt like one, when I was denied access to The Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd Street……
Afghanistan is going to experience a nation-wide election on 16-1-1392. Dozens of eligible men and women have registered themselves……
Afghan Women try to change their life. One of the interesting changes which I know is Afghan women are interested in sports. Esteqlal……
Brita Fernandez Schmidt is the UK Executive Director of Women for Women International. Brita has a strong record of work on women’s……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
Let this fact resonate in your mind for a bit. According to the Huffington Post, 87% of Afghan women have experienced violence……
A few days ago a court in Saudi Arabia convicted four young men for "violating public morals". One of them was dancing naked on top……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美國領事館遭受恐怖襲擊,這個事件奪去了兩名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警衛和七名自殺式炸彈襲擊者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Film Annex is not only a site for uploading professional movies and advertisements, but it is a place that hundreds of articles are……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
Women in Afghanistan increasingly worry the withdrawal of international combat forces will deteriorate the progress of women’s……
I'm a teacher, and as an educator the first and foremost goal in my profession is facilitating learning for my students in a safe……
數位素養(Digital literacy)是全球教育和培訓的一種最實惠的形式。對於全球性平等教育,資訊取得和永續商業的唯一障礙是網際網路的存取。例如在阿富汗這樣的國家,網際網路是可用的,但並不總是可以連接到萬維網。這就是為什麼在 Film……
Afghan women are no longer limited as much as they were at least ten years ago. They no longer suffer illiteracy and not being in……
PAPUA NEW GUINEA ایک نیا ملک ہے جو NEW GUINEA کا نصف حصہ بنتا ہے جو دنیا میں دوسری……
For more than 10 years I am running a blog in Dari also I have some short stories in Dari but, I like to have more audiences than……
International communities are trying to help the Afghan women in different ways and now women have right to vote and participate in……
Film Annex 的愿景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”没有政治,只有互联网“-将个体用户放置于宇宙的中心,并且使他们可以实现最大限度的自由言论和财务独立性。这就是为什么我们设计了Buzz分数仪表板的原因,我们想让来自世界各地的人们可以自主学习和实现他们的全球梦想(Global……
Fereshteh Forough of Women's Annex, Michael Sweeney of Target Marketing Annex, and Francesco Rulli of Film Annex On Tuesday night,……
One of the most important problems of afghan women is illiteracy that this problem causes many other problems as we all know it. What……
At first we have to explain the developing for women improvement. Improvement for Afghan women what mean? The first and biggest question……
اسم ماکارانی که میشود همه کودکان و با شوق و اشتیاق هر دقیقه به آشپز خانه……
Afghanistan at the moment suffers hugely from the absence of an honest, dedicated political movement that can open a constructive……
تخم مرغ یکی از غذاهای مورد علاقه مردم دنیا می باشد و مورد علاقه تمام کودکان……
Roya Mahboob with Secretary of State John Kerry - Kabul, Afghanistan March 2013 On March 26th, 2013, Secretary of State John……
Lina Rozbih-Haidari is the main News Anchor for the Voice of America (VOA) Dari Ashna Television. Rozbih is an acclaimed and award-winning……
Film Annex 于2006年成立后就一直提供给许多电影制作人赞助。在去年Film Annex 网络电视(Web TV)的拥有者共赚取了$298,070.73……
Film Annex 的願景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”沒有政治,只有網際網路“-將個體用戶放置於宇宙的中心,並且使他們可以實現最大限度的自由言論和財務獨立性。這就是為什麼我們設計了Buzz分數儀表板的原因,我們想讓來自世界各地的人們可以自主學習和實現他們的全球夢想(Global……
One of my favorite films on Film Annex, and especially inspiring after the Boston Marathon. Zarlasht is a director in Afghanistan……
Arriving in Washington following a month-long tour of Afghanistan, Women for Women International’s Afghanistan Country Director……
Perhaps the most concerning outcome of the forces departing Afghanistan is the fate of Afghan women and girls and their future. There……
Time Magazine recently released its annual list of "The 100 Most Influential People in the World". The list includes……
The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (“AGFAF”) was established in 2008 to aid young Afghan women who seek a college……
Less than half of all girls attend school in a country where conditions for women have been slow to change since the fall of the Taliban.For……
Afghan women have lost lives, family members, basic human rights, human dignity and the right to be respected. Soon they might lose……
As the 2014 deadline for withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan nears, concern is increasing that the fragile, hard-fought……
Education is another invaluable form of empowerment, and the progress made in women's education, even in far flung areas, is commendable.……
As the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was marked in Afghanistan on November 25, a number of ceremonies……
Afghan women face inordinate challenges. But finding durable solutions to longstanding problems is no easy task in the face of the……
The United States has recently declared its continued vows to securing the future for Afghan women. When it announced Promote at an……
The battle for women's rights in Afghanistan could suffer a setback if the international community withdraws its support for the cause……
Last week was another great week for Film Annex and Women's Annex here in New York and in Herat, Afghanistan. We opened the 10th school……
A recent online video at Film Annex updates the Afghan Development Project's mission and accomplishments, and the people……
بولانی گوشتی این یک غذای معروف افغانی است که علاقه مندان زیادی دارد چندین……
مگی با گوشت مرغ یه نوع غذایی که همه باهاش آشنایی دارید حتما و یک غذای……
نشایسته یک ماده پروتینی است که می تواند در صحت ما نقش مهمی را داشته باشد……
Millions of Afghan women and girls have seen progress in their lives since 2001. Two and a half million girls are registered in school;……
Through the joint venture company Citadel of New York LLC, film distribution company Film Annex and IT development……
Peter Bordes, Fereshteh Forough, Amy Vernon, Michael Sweeney, Robert Moore, and Roya Mahboob Citadel of New York, a company owned……
As the year turns to a new school year here in New York City, and also in Afghanistan, it is a great time to reflect on the past year.……
ما انسانها همیشه یا گاهی وقت نمی توانیم که دردهای که در بدن یا دست پاهایمان……
ناخن ها از جمله بخش مهم زیبایی انگشت ها و دست هایمان را تشکیل می دهد واساس……
فرنی با طعم توت فر نگی دوست دارید ؟ فرنی یک دسر بسیار خو ش مزه است که هم……
There's a first time for everything in life, and that first time will be remembered forever. Every pioneer exploring a terra incognita……
یک نوع کباب دیگی ساده افغانی این کباب دیگی آسان و در ظرف 15 دقیقه می توانیم……
طرز تهیه شکلات فندوقی: ما انواع و اقسام شکلات ها را داریم شکلات یا……
سعودی عرب کا شمار دنیا کے آمرترین ممالک میں ہوتا ہےـ تیل ان کی 95% فیصد……
لوگ فیشن کے بارے میں مختلف خیالات اور تصور رکھتے ھیں۔ان میں سے کچھ لوگ کچھ……
وقت بدلتا ہے اور یہ صرف ایک کہاوت ہے۔ آج کل میں ایک سکول میں پڑھا رہی ہوں۔……
Film Annex 於2006年成立後就一直提供給許多電影製作人贊助。在去年 Film Annex 網絡電視(Web TV)的擁有者共賺取了 $298,070.73 美金。而自從 Film……
I saw her about 8 years ago in the Herat computer science faculty for the first time. In that time she was a senior. Fereshteh Forough and……
Most of people live like they are alive for hundreds of years and they can live forever but they forget that we don’t know how……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
Pioneer وہ شخص کہلاتاہے جوسب سےپہلے کسی علاقے یا علم کے حدود کی تصخیر کرے اوربعد……
انٹرنیٹ نےلوگوں کےزندگی میں بہت بڑے پیمانے پرتبدیلی لائی ـ آپ بغیرجغرافیائی……
Now a days information plays a significant role in people’s life. If we look closer, we are delivering and transmitting a huge……
این نوع غذا هم در بین مردم افغانستان شهرت خودش را دارد این غذا از خمیر . و……
طالبان شدت پسند کے ہاتھوں گولی لگنےکےبعد ملالہ یوسفزئی نے لڑکیوں کےتعلیم……
There is not a country in the world to be out of education system. The same way, Afghanistan has a got an……
این غذا یکی از غذاهای معروف افغانی است که بیشر مردم افغانستان از آن استفاده……
گزشتہ اتوار کوCBS کے last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS پروگرام کی آخری قسط دیکھی اور ارب……
Women in Afghanistan are not those who were more than a decade ago. They are not utter still any more. They……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
Thinking of how companies like Film Annex is improving rapidly makes me believe more on my……
Education is the most essential phenomenon in a society which has a big impact in everyone’s life, but unfortunately mankind……
Afghan women are now not those who have been 12 or 30 years ago. On that time even they had no right of speaking at home. Freedom……
Three decades of war, migration, and destitute caused Afghan women stay back from the caravan of education.……
Since the last one and half decades ago, Afghan people's knowledge capacity has unbelievably grown. Those schools that were collapsed……
Different eras of Afghanistan are along with different people who are pioneers in a special field. In Afghanistan also we had had……
Philanthropy is a word that was lost since long ago in Afghanistan. Afghan current generation has grown with wars, destitute, and……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
انڈونیشیاء Indonesia دنیا کاچوتھا بڑاگنجان آباد ملک ہےـ 238 لوگ Archipelago مجمع……
Afghan women are now educated more than any other time in the past. Today, not only Afghan government builds schools for the girls,……
Since women are in the back of a laptop or computer in an office where men are visible, it means Afghan women……
في الاسبوع المقبل تم اعلان في موقع فيلم انكس Film Annex Capital استثمار Partners website……
Time is money, there for; people do not waste their time, for example, on staying home and watching television……
جب میں ہائی سکول میں پڑھتا تھا مجھے یاد ہے ہماری مہینے میں دو بار کمپیوٹر……
Politics had been existed in Afghanistan since far ages ago. Different kings and presidents with different……
The development of the technology has changed the society and the world as a……
Last week on the Film Annex Capital Partners website, it was announced that Citadel of New York, the partnership company held with……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background?OM: My name is Omar Nasir Mojaddidi, I was born in December 10th,……
Examer کاروبار کی دنیا میں طالب علموں کو جوڑتا ہے جو پیشہ ورانہ اور تعلیم کے……
Kabul City Center Mall رویامحبوب افغان سٹیڈل سافٹ وئیراجیکٹ کے مالک نے پـچلھے ہفتے……
Education provides people with the bricks necessary to built homes of knowledge, confidence and competency. It's the ultimate investment……
یہ 2006 میں قائم کیا گیا تھا کے بعد سے فلمی انکس فلم سازوں کو سپانسر کیا……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Introduction: Afghan media superstar Khatera Yusufi is a force for change in Central and South Asia, and is what……
Today’s Afghan youths comparing to the youths of a decade ago are absolutely different. Today they have got access to……
The Examer is a vocational and education software which connects students to the world of business. The Examer improves the education……
In a recent video, Fereshteh Forough from Women’s Annex discusses the use of Internet, blogs, social media, and mobile phones……
Kabul City Center Mall Roya Mahboob, CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Project, gave a speech last week in Kabul, Afghanistan to TEDx.……
The word fashion is something new to Afghan people. in the mean time, a terrible word not only for Afghan women but for men when Taliban……
To make money online with internet is today changed into a profession to the people of the world. Today, there are lots news agencies……
Tajikistan is a pretty poor country located in Asia. When it declared independence, Tajikistan’s economy situation deteriorated.……
In 5 years of Taliban ruling was with 0% school building in Afghanistan. As the International Community and NATO troops poured to……
As a traditional country, women in Afghanistan always have faced with challenges and problems on their way towards being more active……
Fashion is something that has absorbed Afghan youths since the fall of the Taliban regime. New clothing styles, such as western styles……
Afghan people enjoy many jobs the same as other people of the world. They feed their families through different jobs they are involved……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Afghanistan is one of the countries that always suffer different internals wars and couldn’t develop such other countries. Now……
Last Sunday I watched the last episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, and was inspired by the story of billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a former……
It is very surprising that even after the ouster of Taliban a decade ago, women in Afghanistan still continue to battle archaic mindsets……
Afghanistan was a big prison for Afghan women when Taliban was on power. They had no right of speech, they had no right of being amongst……
There are tens of foreign companies activating in Afghanistan. Among those foreign companies there are American Companies, such as……
There are tens of jobs Afghan people are engaged in. One is working at a store, one works at a bank, one works at a ministry, and……
Roya Mahboob the chief executive officer (CEO) of Afghan Citadel in Afghanistan now is in list of TIME 100 most influential people……
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 238 souls live in this archipelago of over 17,000 islands, which……
Even as UN statistics show that civilian casualties have reduced for the first time in the period of six years. This is heartening……
Sports is not only the physical movement. It is a an inspirational and motivational source for people to compete, move on, respect……
As the number of Social Media increases in Afghanistan, the business situation gets better and better,……
Since the last ten years lots of job opportunities paved for Afghan women. Tens of manufacturing companies, tens of NGOs, and even……
Afghanistan women social development is new, but vast. About a decade ago they had no right to go out of their homes. Today,……
It is sad but true, Afghan women are committing suicide to escape marriages that they don’t wish to enter into. A staggering……
The great changes Roya Mahboob could bring among Afghan women made Times Magazine incorporate her on the list 100 most influential……
Roya Mahboob is an Afghan woman who has never thought about being in the list of most influential people in Time’s 100……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Oil - which accounts for more than 95% of all exports and……
"God brought me to the bottom literally and figuratively. And picked me back up and said, 'You're gonna do it different.'" Robert……
The 3 decades of war and misery, not allowing the girls to go to schools, and poppy cultivation are all signs of lack of education……
Afghan women consist a big part of Afghan population, so they activate in different parts of Afghanistan. Besides, their education……
Afghan women consist the huge part of Afghanistan. Thus, they have huge participation in various parts, such as political, social,……
Afghanistan Fashion Design Handcrafts such as leather making, decoration furniture, felt, carpet weaving, etc., have a long……
Papua New Guinea is a country that occupies half of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. One of the last territories……
People have different ideas and image about fashion. Some of them would like to wear something special and some of them do not care……
After she survived being shot in the face by a Taliban militant on October 9th, Malala Yousafzai - the Pakistani activist school girl……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
Since the last ten years, Afghan women have been empowered in different fields, such as education, attending in social media and tens……
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said Afghan women should have an active role in the upcoming elections……
Times change, and it's not just a saying. I am currently teaching in a school, but I remember very well when I used to sit on the……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
Fashion called to the things which have a different and new shapes and styles. New fashion and design is one of the important key……
Education provide comfort and elegance life for humans. Education is very important for having a good world. We need educated……
Since Afghan people have received democracy and freedom of speech by the International Community, women participation have increased……
Around 12 years pass from the presence of the International Community and the troops of the United States of America in Afghanistan.……
Hairdressing is a solid career for Afghan women because minimal training is needed and there is a consistent demand. All of the women……
The world of filmmaking is about inspiration and creativity. Well-known directors like Tim Burton or Quentin Tarantino may have inspired……
Afghan women have suffered three decades of war and misery. First, the Mujaheddin era had Afghan women migrate……
Since the last ten years Afghan Journalism schools have produced many professional journalists. Tens of journalists……
Afghan women have developed in different fields in Afghanistan. Since the fall of the Taliban, women have developed in political fields,……
Women are important parts of the society. Women had a lot of problems in past such as compulsive marriage, education prevention etc.……
Before the Taliban era in Afghanistan, only there was a TV channel broadcasting the activities of the government.……
Opium is a drug obtained from the poppy plant Pavaper Somniferum. Since it contains about 12% morphine, it's used in medicine……
Afghan women have developed in all social aspects. For example, now women can work the same as men at the stores……
Before the Taliban era in Afghanistan, only there was a TV channel broadcasting the activities of the government.……
Susan is about 23 years old, and she is graduated from Journalism faculty of Herat University. Now, she works……
Now that Sundance and the Oscars have passed, it is now time for SXSW to kick off, followed soon by the Tribeca Film Festival. SXSW……
Afghan women have developed in different fields. For example, to exercise in different majors. They have had good……
My name is Ezzar, a name one cannot guess if it is for boys or girls, and I want to write a few lines of my life story. I was born……
"I would advise Afghan teenage girls to follow their dreams, no matter what obstacles may be in their way. Having a career in film……
Every place in the world, every people, every culture imaginable has, is and always will produce music. Humans have always felt the……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
I play guitar. I'm not a great musician, to any stretch of the imagination, but I've been actively involved in music all my life.……
Today at the NYAC Saturday morning Judo program we had special guest Ali Moghadas. Mr. Moghadas has been in NYC directing a……
I never thought that Afghanistan situation would change one day, especially for women. I am happy to see that Afghan women go to schools,……
A Women’s Resource Center was inaugurated in Balkh on Tuesday to help Afghan women seek education in English language and internet……
Japan is synonym of discipline, and discipline is synonym of martial arts. The toughness of a martial art master - more precisely……
Afghan women have developed and are growing in all kinds of sports since the last 10 years in the country. When Taliban was on power,……
"With the right vision for the future and the right emphasis on improving the quality of education and getting 100 % of school age……
Malala Yousafzai's recovery is moving forward. After the Pakistani schoolgirl was shot by the Talibans last October,……
I provide this topic about Afghan women and their developments in last twelve years and different sections. One decade ago, when……
Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development. She is the spokesperson, entrepreneur, philanthropist,……
Debbie Smith is the Executive Director at Parents and Teachers Helping Students PATHS , below is an interview of her about ……
Mari Lyn Henry, the VP of Programming at League of Professional Theater Women, talks about women's empowerment especially in countries……
First of all want to congratulate Film Annex team with launching their new online platform "Women's Annex". Women's Annex promotes……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Gender discrimination is a reality across the globe. The western world prides itself that equal rights and opportunities are being……
The future of Afghanistan could very well be seen in Connie Duckworth’s Afghanistan-based company, Arzu Rugs. Duckworth, who……
Women in Afghanistan are subject to many forms of violence and prejudice. In this country in which women’s rights are given……
One of my very favorite parts of Women’s Annex is the Michelle Obama WebTV channel. It features dozens of videos of my favorite……
Afghanistan has a tumultuous past. Throughout history, Afghans have endured multiple invasions coming from the most diverse backgrounds.……
Afghan women started from abysmally low school enrollment for girls with very few women venturing out of their homes and being employed.……
People ask me why I chose to work with Afghanistan, a country synonymous of war, struggle and cultural tensions. I wrote several articles……
You never really understand the precariousness of life until you have a child. You invest so much in this little creature that all……
Education represents the basis upon which society is built. It’s the foundation of most skills and thought processes that need……
Well, a few days ago a read a very interesting article titled “Interesting People With Interesting Opinion Make Interesting……
According to Wikipedia, Time Magazine's Person of the Year is an "annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that……
Many kids living in "developed" countries keep education for granted these days. They consider it as something they have to do, and……
Divorce ain't easy in Afghanistan.In a culture in which many men still choose women and arrange for their forced weddings, once a……
Film Annex is like the Hulk, an ever growing beast, with millions of monthly viewers, hundreds of thousands of registered users, and……
I was recently watching an episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS, when one of the pieces on the show caught my attention. Scott Pelley was……
Digital media is a term that defines many forms of communication and information. For me, it all starts with blogs and articles just……
According to the dictionary, courage is "what makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating.……
"Roya Mahboob is a rarity - an Afghan woman in a position of power and influence." This is how Frud Bezhan introduced his last article……
The Afghan American Chamber of Commerce Matchmaking conference hosted by USAid and the State Department in Washington DC this week……
Last night CNN broadcasted "2012 CNN Hero of the Year", a television event set to give awards and monetary rewards to 10 people from……
Can you imagine a world in which, if you happen to be a woman, you are forced to have a "male guardian" - a father, brother or husband……
Film Annex has been sponsoring filmmakers since it was established in 2006. A total of $298,070.73 were earned by Film Annex Web TV……
Jeremy Ostermiller is the CEO of Altitude Digital in Colorado, USA. Fereshteh Forough is the Founding Partner of the Afghan Citadel……
Situation of working out for Employed women in afghanistan is really difficult. Because some of the men believes that Afghan……
Anusha was a young woman from a remote village in the southern district of Kotli, in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region. Anusha……
Education has become a very important matter in Afghanistan these days. People take their future prosperity in consideration and believe……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
Discussing with different people about the Afghan Development Project, and as Mr. Rulli elegantly states above in his meeting with……
The evolution of education and social media goes hand in hand. The number of students entering a school corresponds to the number……
I just got done reading the article Roya Mahboob, an Afghan Woman Entrepreneur at TEDxKabul, and it was extremely interesting! I strongly……
In Afghanistan, writers and scholars can be paid as low as $100 per month, while here at Film Annex we pay a blogger up to $100 for……
Different countries mean different cultures. Different cultures mean different lifestyles. And different lifestyles mean that……
There is a belief I carry that states anyone can obtain a classroom education. Educating……
"My people need me." Malala Yousufzai, the schoolgirl who was shot by the Talibans on October 9th just because she was trying to get……
Having invested so much of my time not only in the Middle East, but the learning of the culture……
As part of Film Annex's relationships with organizations related to Afghanistan, USAid recently created a Web TV on Film Annex with……
Last week, Roya Mahboob, CEO of Citadel Software and our partner in the Afghan Development Project, was once again featured in an……
"I have the right of education. I have the right to play. I have the right to sing. I have the right to talk. I have the right to……
I have been writing about Edward Zellem's book Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari proverbs, a collection of global wisdom and a……
"I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the military……
Life in New York moves at a fast pace. For some, this was a short week as Monday was Columbus Day. In spite of spending it with my……
I'm a teacher, and it makes me angry when I see kids here in the US taking education for granted. When I see them not paying attention……
I've always been fascinated by how different people around the world - and throughout history - take care of their loved ones when……
In the times of soviet war and the nearly following civil war, education in……
Some people kill for greed. Some people do it for power. Some kill because triggered by uncontrollable passion. Others do it just……
On March 5th this year, the infamous 'Kony 2012' video went live on YouTube. Within 24 hours the video had already made……
Film Annex means: فیلم پیوست The "Annex" means addition or extension. Film Annex has two mottos. One is Connect Through Film,……
Thanks to the Afghan Development Project, today in Herat, Afghanistan, in 5 schools, over 20,000 students are able to register on……
Film Annex means: فیلم پیوست The "Annex" means addition or extension. Film Annex has two mottos. One is Connect Through Film,……
Since 2007 CNN has been honoring individuals who make extraordinary contributions to humanitarian aid. These "heroes" come from……
Every country, starting from Afghanistan, has 4 major sectors in which both men and women must co-exist and share responsibilities.……
How would you feel if you couldn't go to school because of the fear of being thrown acid on your face? How would you feel if attending……
Here are two more proverbs from the book Zarbul Masalha: Good language is the comfort of life, bad language is the enemy of life.……
Even though Afghanistan is recovering from the aftershocks of the horrible war that tore apart the nation, there still are instances……
In this video, Francesco Rulli, Founder of Film Annex talks about Afghan women. An entrepreneur who has traveled and lived around……
Today, The New York Times' writer Graham Bowley opened his article, Potential for a Mining Boom Splits Factions in Afghanistan, with……
“Police Taking Action to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls in Afghanistan” is a new initiative launched this week……
Last week 17 people were slaughtered in Afghanistan just because they were attending a party. They were caught while engaging themselves……
Fahim Rahimi is the only Afghanistan representative to the Paralympics 2012 that kicked-off today in London. He represents more than……
In the Recently concluded Summer Olympics in London, Women from Islamic Country made a first step towards participation in sports……
This week, a conversation about security in Afghanistan was reccurent in the media. It was also the topic of meetings in our office……
Women/girls cannot be saddled with another guilt for rape forced upon them as US Congressman Todd Akin’s comments would appear……
The headlines are not particularly encouraging. The Taliban appear to have adopted a new tactic that is intended to discourage the……
Social media may be only hope in Afghanistan. As I watch the video of Elaha Mahboob below, I am again struck by the large social……
Since 2001, I have been taking very close portraits of my friends, family and acquaintances. They are available on my Instagram and……
Just as American women marched for women's suffrage in the 1910s, the women of Afghanistan continue to fight for their equal rights……
Today, my 6-year old son asked me: “Why do you watch the Olympics all the time?”. This is a very good question. To me,……
Today, I celebrate the Judo Olympic victory of Kayla Harrison and her coach Jimmy Pedro. I started Judo in 1985. I was 15 years old.……
Watching the London Olympics in the last few days inspired me to a very simple thought: not all people are equal! Yes, women are not……
Afghanistan was once a progressive independent country where women were treated equally. And this was just about 100 years ago. Sadly……
Castiglioncello, Italy. My parents met there in the 1950's. This month I am spending one more summer with my family on the coast of……
In this Film Annex interview of Fereshteh Forough, we are able to catch a glimpse of an internal perspective of the changes occurring……
Hanifa Safi, Head of the Department of the United NationsWomen's Affairs in Afghanistan's Laghman Province. Ms Hanifa was killed……
Roya Mahboob's visit to New York was very inspirational for me. Her role in Film Annex's endeavors in Afghanistan, both……
Obscenity is in the mind of the observer. Some religious leaders in Saudi Arabia had decreed that it was obscene/immoral to……
Most people across the world will all agree that knowledge is power. Although, in a country like Afghanistan many of the citizens……
If the War in Afghanistan, constant suicide bombings, and militant attacks wasn't enough for Afghan people to worry about, now they……
In today's world, traditional currencies are relatively valuable. But sometimes, they don't fit the need. Today, valuing a company……
Established in 1938, Hatifi High School is one of the largest school in Herat, Afghanistan and has 8,300 students. The students attend……
Fashion is one of the ways of life through which we enter the society and its activities and comply……
For most children across the world going to school means gathering knowledge in preparation for a bright future. And it generally……
I was raised in Florence, Italy. My grandmother, Stamura Giannoni, had a major influence in my life. She was born in 1916 during the……
Daniel Yomtobian, CEO and founder of Advertise.com committed to a collaboration with Film Annex in the promotion of the Afghan Development……
As Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Sofware Company celebrate the opening of the new Internet classroom in Kouz-E-Karbas High School -……
It is not about the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan and Iran share more than just a long border. The populations……
This past Wednesday, Roya Mahboob and her team from Herat celebrated the official opening of the second Film Annex INTERNET classroom……
In the last few days I was asked a recurring questions by some of my co-workers, partners, friends, and even journalists interviewing……
Schooling in Afghanistan extends far beyond just the traditional educational rewards that the majority of Americans……
Sometimes I still can’t believe my mother went to Iraq during the war. She was there in 2010 with an association of volunteers……
The video that you see details the story of this young, courageous Afghani woman who is also the Co-founder of ACSC (Afghan Citadel……
Film Annex's vision of "No Politics, Just Internet" places the individual user in the center of the universe and empowers her/him……
Women’s/Girl’s rights groups and Afghan civil society have stressed that gains made in the past decade for millions of……
Attacks upon schools by Taliban linked insurgents have spiked over the last few weeks. Insurgents targeted education officials traveling……
Last Tuesday, Mike Sweeney and I had the pleasure to travel to Washington to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett,……
Today, Mike Sweeney and I traveled to Washington DC to meet with two USAid officials, Mr. Clinton L. Doggett, USAid Project Development……
While most people believe that education is a very important key to Afghanistan’s progress, not many schools are available to……
Fereshteh Forough, a founding partner of the Afghan Citadel Software Company, visited New York City last week as part of her……
Filmannex and the Afghan Citadel Software Company are joining forces to improve the education system in Afghanistan. Filmannex is……
Last week, we opened the first Internet Classroom in Baghnazargah School, Herat, Afghanistan, and we are already working on the……
AdON Network President Bhaskar Ballapragada partnered with Film Annex for a 30-day online promotion of the Afghan Development Project.……
On May 1st, 2012, we sent a new wire transfer to our partners in Afghanistan, the Afghan Citadel Software Company. The funds were……
A new age is about to begin in Afghanistan. Its future looks bright now that the United Nations and President Karzai have agreed on……
Film Annex did it: they bult the first internet classroom in Baghnazargah School in Herat, Afghanistan. You can see the different……
Film Annex and Citadel have officially opened up the first INTERNET classroom in Baghnazargah School, Herat to its students.……
The US kills the bad guys, UN helps run elections and money is tossed at economic ventures; however, the effort to transform……
A true sportsman in his heart, Zahir Aghbar, believes in leading from the front. The 49-year-old coach of the Afghan national squad……
An amazing factor of life I have been constantly encountering since my return from Afghanistan is no matter what you……
This was a very special week aswe opened the first Film Annex INTERNET classroom in Afghanistan with Citadel and connected 4,000 children……
Thinking back to when I was a student in elementary school and what my classroom looked like. It didn't look like this. But……
Today, our partner in Afghanistan, Roya Mahboob e-mailed us the pictures of the INTERNET Classroom we built in Baghnazargah School,……
This week, we started the construction of the INTERNET classrooms at Baghnazargah High School in Herat, Afghanistan. Film Annex's……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
Film Annex joined forces with Citadel Software Company and created the Afghan Development Project in order to build Internet classrooms……
Watching the first steps in Filmannexs' help with the educational system in Afghanistan was a proud experience for me. ……
There are two companies that are undoubtedly world's "thought leaders;" one is Cisco and the other is Goldman Sachs. From two……
Film Annex's Afghan Development Project is in the process of building Internet Classrooms in Schools in Afghanistan. The first step……
Film Annex's Afghan Development Project is in the process of building Internet Classrooms in Schools in Afghanistan. The first……
What you see here is three Internet Cables that will be used for the Afghan Internet network Film Annex is creating in Herat's schools.……
Roya Mahboob is an inspiration for women, especially in Afghanistan. In a land that has been savaged by war and civil injustices,……
Film Annex has taken the decision to establish Film Annex Afghanistan with the cooperation of Citadel's Roya Mahboob - Software and……
Here is a brief update on the Afghan Development project. We are working with Roya Mahboob to identify where to start building schools……
One of the greatest weapon we can bring to the table to defeat any form of terrorism and religious fanaticism in countries like Afghanistan……