Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
گزشتہ ہفتہ رویا محبوب پر New Year منانے کے لئے دبیی میں تھی ـ اسی وقت میں……
Film Annex 的愿景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”没有政治,只有互联网“-将个体用户放置于宇宙的中心,并且使他们可以实现最大限度的自由言论和财务独立性。这就是为什么我们设计了Buzz分数仪表板的原因,我们想让来自世界各地的人们可以自主学习和实现他们的全球梦想(Global……
Film Annex 的願景-"No Politics, Just Internet" - ”沒有政治,只有網際網路“-將個體用戶放置於宇宙的中心,並且使他們可以實現最大限度的自由言論和財務獨立性。這就是為什麼我們設計了Buzz分數儀表板的原因,我們想讓來自世界各地的人們可以自主學習和實現他們的全球夢想(Global……
میں نے اتنا انجیلا شاہ کی طرف سے اس تصویر کو پسند کیوں کیا تم جانتے ہو؟ بس……
زیادہ ترامریکن کے لیے ان کے مالی ٹرنزیکشن مینج کرنا ایک نارمل بات ہےـ تاہم……
I live about six miles from where the devastating tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma, last week. You've seen pictures, I'm……
For most Americans, the ability to manage finances electronically is often taken for granted. Afghans, however, are just getting their……
Do you know why I like this picture by Angela Shah* so much? Just read below. In 2006. I started Film Annex with the intent to……
Last week, Roya Mahboob was in Dubai celebrating the Persian New Year. At the same time, I was travelling to D.C. with Fereshteh……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Opium is a drug obtained from the poppy plant Pavaper Somniferum. Since it contains about 12% morphine, it's used in medicine……
Due to decades of war, Afghanistan's economy fell apart. And the basic economy of the country was faced with many problems.……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
The Council of Ministers gives preliminary approval to the delayed mining laws of Afghanistan. According to the presidential palace……
Kunduz businesswomen association said women’s handicrafts have gained popularity overseas. The handicrafts include traditional……
A number of residents and moneyexchangers have expressed their concerns about the rising circulation of counterfeit money in the market.……
Three international companies have expressed interest to launch a satellite into Afghanistan’s space, the Ministry of……
I had a research about social media marketing, specifically in Afghanistan. I have found an interesting and important subject that……
According to a report by the UN office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) and Afghanistan’s anti-corruption unit, the total cost of corruption……
Julian White is the Managing Director at AdMetrics Media, a Digital Media Company with a global reach. It enables Advertisers and……
"I think filmmaking and social media can break down a lot of barriers and clear up a lot of misconceptions quite quickly." Lisa Stock……
Alison Wistner is a Director at Mercato Partners, a growth capital fund investing in high growth technology and branded consumer companies. ……
Omid Mehdavi is the Chief Editor and Publisher in Afghan Examiner, it is the first Afghan American English newspaper in the United……