My First Blog

Lets clear this from below points. Is bitcoin currency? - Yes,its is a new digital currency. which country's currency? - It's not……
bock yeck Tocame Tocame
DOGECOIN: How A Thing That Started As A Joke Became The Hottest Digital Currency In The World This is the most 2013 thing of the year.……
What is bitcoin? Once exclusively the domain of tech-savvy libertarians, virtual currency bitcoin has shot to prominence after a massive……
Is Earning Money on Empowr For Real? Earning money on Empowr is something that seems surprisingly simple to do, but since it……
How Much Can You Really Earn with PTC sites? If you are an active user of PTC sites, this question has surely come to your……
How Much Can You Really Earn with PTC sites? If you are an active user of PTC sites, this question has surely come to your……
1st of all Open TroidVPN >> Select Any Available Free Server and >> SetTCP Port asRport- 443Lport- 0Now Go to Advance…… all the people the most detested before Allah are two persons Among1 all the people the most detested before…… post 14This also is in condemnation of the people of Basrah Your wits have become light and your minds are full…… 13 You are a woman's army postCondemning the people of Basrah [after the battle of Jamal]1You were the…… 12: Does your brother love us? .When 1 Allah gave him (Amir al-mu’minin) victory over the enemy…… 10: Satan has collected his groupRegarding the incitement of Satan: alluding to a particular group……
Vision (eyesight) Cabbage: Drinking juice of cabbage helps in weak eyesight. Anoola: If you feel darkness around eyen then drink anoola……
Miraculous benefits of Yogurt (curd) for health Yogurt is one of the most healthiest foods when it comes to human health. It is full……
Step 1 - Get your Bitcoin Wallet address if you don't have Step 2 - SIGNUp Click and creat account Step - 3 CLAIM YOUER……
Bitcoin value history (comparison to US$)Date……
First Make Account on Bitmiles Once you have created your account Whenever you open any post you will see this Click on any……
hello friends its my first blog on bitlanders hope you will like me
Earn money by liking Facebook Pages - Our advertisers need fans for their ... Thousands of SEO and Social Media microjob gigs from……
The definition of romance, according to Merriam-Webster, is a medieval tale based on legend or love; something that lacks……
Bitcoin: What is in to keep for 2016 At the same time as the hype may have dwindled a bit, 2015 becomes still a busy year for bitcoin.……
i use internet in pakistan but i dont know where you live and use help me if you want to help one in your life internet this the common……
Many of you Guys May know Many earning tricks and tips and websites and different forums to earn money with , But today i just want……
Today i'm going to tell you some easy ways to earn bitcoins for free. There are many sites which provide you bitcoins after every……
Archeologist Dr Ahmad Hasan Dani, in one of my frequent meetings with him, remarked that Potohar is an open-air museum of history.……
Success is a subjective notion, if there ever was one. But for simplicity's sake, let's assume the higher you are on Maslow's……
There is my first blog post!
Most of the time there's no mystery to success--it comes down to simply putting in the hours and the sweat. But as we all……
we love bit coin
What i think theh are making us fool. Because we are here to write the blog for just microcents of bit coin and may be they are selling……
What i think theh are making us fool. Because we are here to write the blog for just microcents of bit coin and may be they are selling……
Well I just wanted to say hello my name is Casey. I am very new to all this Bitcoin stuff to start off. Ever since I heard about it……
Today, in the world, there are an estimated 7.3 billion people and growing. More than a third of the world's population lives with……
Bitlanders History Rulli founded Film Annex, a Web TV Network that allows filmmakers to create free Web TVs to present their work……
Bloomberg TV's Question : "Are you a Bitcoin believer?" Vikram Pandit's Answer: "I am a believer in the fact that whether……
Previously called Film Annex, Bitlanders has given a chance to the internet users to share blogs and earn money easily. Bitlanders……
Want to rank # 1 on bitLanders Leaderboard? Buy 1500 gems or Donate $100 to bitCharities from your OWN pocket (Bitcoin or Paypal).……
First of all Hello to all of you i am Ammar from Pakistan. This is my first in which i tell you that i am a webdeveloper at……
The mad man is silence among sane words
Cascading Style Sheet CSS is a style sheet language used to determine the style or formatting of an HTML document.Before……
Making friends is not easy for a lot of people, and for some the thought of speaking to others is terrifying. This can be debilitating……
Nerves on edge, frightened at the thought of shedding comfortable layers, I courageously jumped into a new reality where nakedness……
Hi! I am a new member! :D
This blog presents my personal knowledge and extensive research on the various ways to earn bitcoins. I assume you have some……
It's the start of the April fools and although people tend to fool others with this day, I on the other hand decided to share what…… Mining bitcoins, great!!
Bit-Card Colombia en su Plan Bitcoin Para Todos (B.P.T) brinda la siguiente informacion a todo el publico que busca orientacion relacionada……
Alhamdulillah saya mulai mengenal media sosial yang satu ini dari teman terbaikku di dunia maya, dia adalah dhelia dari bandung. Dia……
Hi Friends! Here are many questions people ask,like why my buzz score goes down?i did a lot of buzz even than my buzz score goes……
kumpulan photo photo dithailand cewek cewek thailland lumayan cantik cantik, cuma yang lebih cantik ya tetap saja istriku, jauh lebih……
Son muchos los beneficios de usar el Bitcoin como moneda de pago incluida la publicidad; no hay mínimos de cobros, no hay comisiones……
Best One is "Trading" trade your btc at bter with other coins and earn free profits i have tripled my money :)
I must admit and no resistance in our life that we cannot leave the money today, how to live ours wanting ideal free life……
There is a very miserly person; his big fortune was the result of many years to stint himself in everything. Unexpectedly one day,……
O Christmas Bit, O Christmas Bit Your miners keep on working! O Christmas Bit, O Christmas Bit! Transactions keep on moving! Not only……
Treo máy kiếm tiền - Vừa vui vừa có tiền Không giới thiệu gì nhiều , mình sẽ giới……
Hi Friends. i am going to share some important tips with you.I watched people asking for buzz on the Bitlanders,Its illegal……
ipag pray natin ang pilipinas #philippines
Sign Up HERE for a Xapo Account!!Claim your debit Card!!
I want to show a simple trick to members who are working already here and don't know how to earn money on bitlanders.……
Do Not Spam Repeatedly post (SPAM) - Do not tag friends on your microblogs. - Do not chat in the microblogs you can use private……
There have been privacy and security concerns around Xiaomi phones in the past but now Indian Air Force (IAF) is reportedly……
This whole webpage is dedicated and focused on ClixSense, a part-time online job. ClixSense is the best site and most reliable……
San Juanico Bridge, Western Samar/Northern Leyte, PHILIPPINES #frifotos #Asia #travel With a total length of 2.16 kilometers……
Earn from #bitlanders bonus Simple and easy trick. If you want this type bonus so subscribe 100 members and give post 10 only……
BITCOIN Now you’ve realized bitcoin is the money of the future, the next step is to get some bitcoins. But how?……
Bitcoin is a relatively new form of currency that is just beginning to hit the mainstream, but many people still don’t……
Bitcoin is a relatively new form of currency that is just beginning to hit the mainstream, but many people still don’t……
Why use bitcoin? Here are 10 good reasons why it’s worth taking the time to get involved in this virtual currency. 2. It’s……
Here are 10 good reasons why it’s worth taking the time to get involved in this virtual currency. 1. It’s fast ……
I just received my reward for the third day. It's growing every day. I don't know tho how does it work. I mean how much of reward……
Bitlanders! Case closed! lolIt's been awhile since I have wrote an article, like 10 days ago. Guess where I put it up. You're right!For……
Bitcoins what is it & how it works ? I'm quite sure Till now all of us must have heard about bitcoins from one way……
moon bitcoin:- Join this site and earn money daily new bitcoin system. 144000 Sat……
Bit coin is new currency relate in life. Bit coin new in the world from 2013. 1 bit coin is equal to 4 or 5 hundred dollar.
are you enjoying lazy sunday
Taiwanese electronics manufacturer ASUS, recently rolled out premium smartwatch called ASUS ZenWatch, today officially introduced……
Hey guys I am here with you at the platform of bitlanders. As I am a student of computer sciences i would like to share some of the……
Objectives: To program and use the PWM feature of ATmega16 To generate a square wave of 20% duty cycle using PWM feature of……
Objectives: To program and use the ADC feature of ATmega16 Show the lower byte of ADC digital value on Port D and higher byte……
A BTC wallet is like a real wallet filled with cash. You should never keep all your eggs in one basket and the BTC wallet is no different……
day 3
C++ code for 2digit Seven Segment Displayon AVR of AT-MEGA 16 Bit: #include<AVR/io.h>#include<util/delay.h> // PORTA.0……
There's significantly less incentive for someone to speculate on Bitcoin today. To see a return comparable to what we've been seeing……
BitPay executive chairman Tony Gallippi announced today thаt hiѕ company paid fоr itѕ upcoming college football bowl game sponsorship……
Decoders are used to select any one bi for the given combinations of 2^n variables . These are of order 1x2,2x4, 3x8,4x16,32x5 etc.……
BTCJam is a well established Peer2peer Bitcoin lending scheme which was founded on the basis to lend Bitcoins to those in need……
Main Module: module counter_16bit (q_out,co,count,clk,clr,value,load); output co; output [16:0] q_out; input clk,clr,count,load; input……
HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM:- Nervous system is the main part of the human life where sensation and many other operations take place. Main……
Firstly, I’ll introduce myself, as I have introduced in previous blog “My first salary of Film Annex” and now sir……
In previous blog (complaints to film annex), I had mentioned my some complaints to film annex, (The bit coin system and still unchecked……
Film Annex is a great social media which is helping millions of people financially. It is a very good site where people earn money……
Every person has its own role in society. Similarly that person has its own effects on society due to which people get the effect……