My Travel Blog 101

Video credits: WPMU DEV via YouTube It is no secret that I love to post blogs about travel, may it be about our recent place of stay,……
Video credits: WPMU DEV via YouTube It is no secret that I love to post blogs about travel, may it be about our recent place of stay,……
Image edited in Canva credits: Jean Beltran via bitLanders Hello, bitLanders community! It is no secret that the best way to earn……
This is my first blog post. I don't know what to put here... because it is my first blog post. Thank you for reading my first blog……
Hurray!!! I finally made it to the #1 spot here on Bitlanders! Woooh! All that hard work was worth it! Booyeah! (ArtGirl's edited……
HELLO FRIENDS ...............where i will find followers please help me im waiting for your suggestion
Bitlanders is one of the best social media sites on the web. Not only does it offer the social media features……
(Photo captured from bitlanders website and edited for this blog) Hi Guys! This is the Third and last Part of “Working with……
(Photo captured from bitlanders website and edited for this blog) Hi Guys! This is the Second Part of “Working with Bitlanders……
HI! I am a new member of the Bitlanders' site, and i wanted to just take a moment to make a walk-thru for future new members. ……
My First 60 Days in Bitlanders Hello, Bitlander friends. I have joined the site on the third week of October 2017. By the time of……
Setting up Bitlanders account & some useful tips Hello friends Image Credits: Youtube I’m here after 9 months to tell you……
how to writing blog on bitlanders
Hello friends, I’m here with my second part of blogging in bitlanders and would try telling you some useful tips and tricks.……
Hello friends As I was a little busy and due to lack of time I was not able to complete my blog which was about FAQ of bitlanders.……
Hello, dear friends & Athens! How are you all? I’m here today with you all and feel very well because last night……
3 Newbie Mistakes in bitLanders to Avoid Hello guys~ LookUp again here :3 In this blog, I will write about special topic which……
Love Me Like You Do
Photo Credit: and edited via Hello, guys! It's a hot summer day here in my country.……
How to earn with Bitlanders? Hello dear friends, I’m going to write a blog on bitlanders, which will be beneficial for those……
Photo screenshot and edited via Using bitLanders for the first time would be overwhelming and there's a……
First Step After Signing Up here; "How to Complete the Introductory Quests?" Complete Tutorial Hello, Friends! After……
A Compendium About BitLanders for Beginners What is BitLanders? from BitLanders is a……
The PS4 is Sony's most attractively designed piece of hardware. It's a beautiful system, with a sharp, slightly angled profile accented……
HOW TO TRACK YOUR BUZZERS Image Source : Edited by User Images Taken from Bitlanders & Google Image Serach Hello, my dear friends,……
Hello Newbie. Welcome to bitLanders! Do you know now what to do? BitLanders.... Photo Source: Asif Haider Haider (……
It's All About BITLANDERS Image courtesy of is one of the best social media sites that I've……
Hy Friends... Here Are Some Tips To Earn Fast On Bitlanders.. 1.Subscribe 200 Peoples Daily 2.Post 40 Microblog Daily... 3.Add 4 Movies……
Bitlanders referral system is best way to earn extra bitmiles Today a new user join bitlanders with my referral link it is best method……
Currently was writing on my husband and I's Siquijor Adventure when I thought I should stop with all the travel stories just for now……
Maayung adlaw sa tanan!(Good day to everyone!) I am Jean Beltran-Figues, a bitLanders user for more than two years. I started using……
Edited by me HEY IT’S ME IRFAN! Before getting into today's Blog about "BitLanders Learning and Earning"……
Image Source Hi Friends! I am a student of 1st year (Pre Medical), now a days I am free from my exams and soon will start……
Hey guys! want to write about bitlanders as i find this website quite adorable and fantastic it is the best website to earn while……
(Image source: Personal - created and edited by jikZ) Each member has their own reasons why they joined bitLanders. However, earnings……
GET RID OF THE SPAMMERS THAT MAKE BITLANDERS.COM SUCKS! Image courtesy of Before I planned to write this up, I promised……
Hello, I know and It might be possible that you believe that bitlanders can change our life. It's possible to make $500 per day here……
Hi Buzzers Ii am so happy that i got this platform and I love it & you all my friends you also gonna do the same.. This is very……
Earn Bitcoin By Chating Commenting & Sharing. Earn Bitcoin By SocialNetwork You will Get free Bitcoins by doing what you do everyday……
Image source: personal My Avatar :) Before start to discuss about my topic “Lets Learn……
How to increase earning on Bitlanders So many of you who have joined Bitlanders would be thinking how to increase earning on bitlanders.……
Game Of Thrones: Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama.This drama was created by show runners David Benioff and D.B……
We all know that there are a lot of tips out there but so far base on my experience these are the best ways and take note, THIS DOES……
Introduction: WWE 2k15 is considered as one of the best wrestling game ever made.It is a professional video game.This game was developed……
Bitlanders (Being social is now Worth) Bitlanders a paying social media which totally change the shape of social media and first time……
(IMAGE SOURCE: Recently there has been quite a few reports of spamming on bitlanders. And also a few fellow members……
While being with bitLanders for a year had been a wonderful one with lots of improvements and innovations now and then, I had even……
While we have known bitLanders as a social media that pays Bitcoin, it is far more than that to me. I have……
Source: Self Created Bitlanders: The Best Platform for Earning Through Learning: BitLanders is a social……
Today's blog is about my personal experience with this site - bitLanders. It all started when my brother, jjeeppeerrxx-beltran invited……
The Tools I Use For My Bitlanders Journey Introduction Since I joined Bitlanders, I have been searching……
How to Start journey at lets have some introduction about is a social platform that works……
YES! i think it is better for #bitlanders to make some obligations under gem. why their need of this? logical answer: ……
MY BITLANDERS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Helo Bitlanders i was created a few video on youtube. HOW TO CREATE MICROLOG ON BITLANDERS ……
simply i dont say more but say something worthy and respectful yes u have alot of ways to find out what actually u can evaluate the……
HOW TO CAPTURE, RECORDING UR SCREEN TO UPLOAD MOVIE ON BITLANDERS Its my simple tutorial how to capture, recording……
The Best of Bitlanders image source:, Hello everyone especially to beginners and to those who……
For galleries: - Submitted galleries should follow a theme - Submitted galleries must contain more than 5 images - Submitted galleries……
A girl first went on air. After you have chosen a good place to be able to admire underneath, she suddenly heard a man from the back……
START YOUR JOURNEY NOW SOCIALIZING WHILE EARNING BITCOIN Follow the steps that were stated below for guidance on your Registration……
Saya baru saja daftar di website ini. dan bagi saya sangat banyak yang masih membingungkan. seperti bagaimana cara withdraw di web……
Hi everyone hope all of you fine and good. Today I am teaching you that “How You Can Make Bit coin Wallet & Redeem Your……
What is Moon Litecoin? Moon Litecoin is a litecoin faucet with a difference...YOU decide how often to claim! Whereas most faucets……
Update your bitLanders app for IOS bitLanders v. 2.0 It's time to update your bitLanders app if you are using an iPhone.……
Bitlanders adalah suatu platform yang cukup baru dan unik , adapun dasar dari jejaring sosial adalah pengguna , semakin penggunanya……
Tak terasa sudah 5 bulan aku memakai jejaring sosial ini, jejaring sosial ini cukup hebat , sepanjang aku mengikuti jejaring sosial……
La principal función de Bitlanders es dar a conocer publicaciones públicas a tus ``suscriptores´´……
Hello my all buzzer friends, are you all busy with your blogs and videos etc. I am here to tell you that, there……
just kidding
Consistent! I have been receiving this kind of amount for the past three days and I am grateful about it! I know that in a week time……
Another huge amount from bitLanders was received last night. I can't really wait for me to share this to you all. I just hope that……
Thank you bitlanders for having this 4th payment to me, it was very helpful to us. And this 3rd and 4rth payment, as I……
Throughout my stay here in bitLanders, I had also learned ways on earning buzzes. I am sure most of you are already aware of but let……
I am just thankful to the new items available in the shop with additional buzzes that I was able to increase my buzz score yesterday.……
Ouch! A lower score received last night and I can't figure out what had caused it. I checked my buzz scores, ironically, it shows……
My score has been maintained now for the past two days, I am glad it didn't go down as I had not really gained more buzz scores. Although……
Setelah beraktivitas di Bitlanders ternyata aku mengalami kenaikan atau pun mengalami penurunan dalam hal buzzscore,karena fungsi……
Even my buzzscore decreasing , but my earning is not decrease thanks Bitlanders
How i make #maney with #bitlanders #bitcoins #business #blog……
This is by so far the biggest amount earned here in bitlanders. Second was the one I had earned few weeks back which was around 28mB,……
Got a better score last night and I am back on the 22 number this time. I am hoping that the number would increase in the next days……
Buat para pengguna Cryptocoin pasti tidak asing lagi mendengar kata bitcoin , suatu alat pembayaran digital. ……
Bagi pemburu bitcoin seantero nusantara ada baiknya kalian mencoba Bitlanders, ternyata banyak keuntungan yang didapat, website ini……
Yehey! I am glad that my revenue had increased from 19 to 22 this time. I have also noticed that my base buzz score had increased……
Jejaring sosial adalah suatu yang menarik adalah suatu wadah yang didalamnya terbentuk beberapa jenis komunitas manusia secara digital,……
Sebetulnya banyak yang belum aku fahami cara kerjanya, dan juga ternyata banyak juga orang yang bertanya pada ku mengenai jejaring……
Are you ready to redeem your hard earned money here in Bitlanders? I say that it is a hard earned because being here in Bitlanders……
Tidak terasa waktu berjalan dengan singkat dan sudah tidak terasa sudah sebulan aku beraktivitas Bitlanders, Bitlanders adalah……
I am very happy for my 7th payment
Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa Facebook merupakan jejaring sosial terbesar pada saat ini dengan pengguna lebih dari 1,2 milyar……
Joining bitLanders was a good decision I had made and I have here certain list of reasons as to why I love hanging out here.……
Bitladers is the most trusted site i work . The site site give you more success in your life . just per day some work :……
wah senang sekali aku disini, bisa menulis status yang panjang panjang, dan aku bisa nyampah disini ,sepertinya aku belum lihat jejaring……
Aku suka hampir semua jenis jejaring sosial , jangankan yang dibayar, yang gratisan juga aku suka,pada prinsipnya semua jejaring sosial……
Dhaka: BNP on Saturday formed a high-powered seven-member committee to investigate the oil tanker capsize in the Shela River……
ternyata memang asyik juga ya main disini, sebelumnya aku cuma menggunakan facebook saja temanku lumayan banyak disana……