C-blogging: Why Reading Blogs is so Beneficial?

Hello guys, Recently, I was checking blogs of other users here on bitLanders, and especially, the ones who are on the……
Hello guys, Recently, I was checking blogs of other users here on bitLanders, and especially, the ones who are on the……
Since I went back blogging here, I often come across new people who are asking how to earn in BitLanders. There are also those who,……
Hey guys! I hope you’re all having a great time! I would like to have this opportunity to continuously thank Bitlanders for……
Here are some bisaya words. Here are some bisaya greetings. Good Day! - Maayong adlaw! Maayong Buntag - Good Morning Maayong……
Liver is the most important organ of our body . We need to maintain our liver health . Now i am going to telling you about liver health……
Successful Blogs: The Guidelines Any blog featured here cannot have any of the following characteristics: Focus on blogging/marketing/social……
Living in Elliot Lake, Canada, Ontario, Hello my name is Shane St. Louis, A couple years ago I used to live in a quiet lonely town……
Hello everyone! How are you? My name is Joana Carvalho hence the username Joanac! And I'm 22 some people already know me I use Tuetego!……
Video credits: Blume via YouTube You all know that I love to travel within the Philippines, I have blogged almost all of my travel……
Hello, My name is Shane St Louis, I'm 28 years of age, I'm from Canada, Ontario. I'm an intermediate photographer. I started……
Once I have read somewhere that Mexican women are the best of all women, and I want to talk about best Mexican woman in this post. I……
I Am New To Bitlanders.com I am new to bitlanders.com. I was invited by one of my friend to join this website because……
Greetings Bitlanders! Hope you all are doing good! And if not then grab a cup of coffee because I am here with an amazing new blog……
This is really a great pie.
Hi bitlanders :) Welcome to my very first blog post on bitlanders. My name is "dignity" (no it's not my real name, but a nickname……
What is blogging? Initially, blogging involved a personal web log, in which a person would journal about their day. From "web log"……
My First 60 Days in Bitlanders Hello, Bitlander friends. I have joined the site on the third week of October 2017. By the time of……
Photo Credit: riona_craft_and_renovatio via Pixabay.com Hello guys, Finally, but not for the last time I hope,……
Trust me I am a Female~ Fe - Iron Male - Man Therefore I am Iron Man
So today has been an okay day. I am still learning here and trying to be very active. So far I am. The weather has been nice here……
Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty……
I make this text to practice my english I live in Colombia, Colombia is a amazing country, it has coasts in two oceans. in my country……
Today I want to tell you guys that this is how a free Blog 2017First, you create a new email on your Gmail. www.Blogger.com now and……
Awesome Single Tap Android Games You are probably one of the many smartphone users that plays RPG, MMORPG, MOBA and other types of……
A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog)[1] is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting……
Time fly super fast and before I knew it, it is just a day and few hours before hitting the year 2017, at least the time of writing……
Because there are so many blogs and web sites aboutblogs on the internet, it can be tough to distinguish yourblogging web site from……
Here is my friend's blog. Look at this and do comments please! http://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/quid-e-azam-muhammad-ali-jinnah/5432920……
Mensagens Padre Marcelo http://www.bitlanders.com/blogs/aceito-teu-chamado-bruna-karla-letra-e-vdeo/5440971 Chegaram a Chapecó,……
Most might love travel stories, I do. Specially with photos included in those blog entries, it looks more interesting to have graphical……
don't just post microblogs post galleries blogs and videos because it can raise your buzzscore and get you more subscribers if you……
adding adfly links to your blogs is a great way to make money with adfly a lot of people include adfly links their blogs and it does……
i really do enjoy writing blogs on bitlanders and i think that writing blogs is a awesome thing to do http://adf.ly/1cHjTM http://adf.ly/1cIhzw http://adf.ly/1cHmmG http://adf.ly/1cGfSw http://adf.ly/1cGh32 http://adf.ly/1cIIip http://adf.ly/1cIi1Z http://adf.ly/1egI0y http://adf.ly/1cGf8j ……
i would highly suggest that you post your adfly links in blogs if you do that you are able to make money with adfly i have done it……
How to increase my Buzz Score?Upload high quality content such as:Micro-blogs: Post short status updates, questions, thoughts, pictures,……
***Quality content writers list on bitlanders*** Mickey……
Film poster: Directed by : Chris Wedge.Produced by : Mary Parent and Denis L. Stewart.Screenplay by : Derek Connolly.Story by……
Film poster: Directed by : Ridley Scott.Produced by : Ridley Scott, David Giler, Walter Hill, Mark Huffam and Michael……
Film poster: Directed by: Remo D'Souza. Produced by: Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor, Sameer Nair & Aman Gill.Written……
Film poster: Directed by: Rahul Dholakia. Produced by: Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar & Gauri Khan.Written by: Rahul……
Benefits of Drinking Green Tea are given below: Fights cancer. Lowers cholesterol. Prevents cavities. Protects against heart disease.……
8 Benefits of mangoes are numbered below: Cancer prevention. Improves vision. High in copper. Improves sex life. Alkalizes the body.……
Benefits of apple are given below: Bone protection. Asthma help. Lung, Breast, Colon, Liver cancer prevention. Lower cholesterol.……
image source: www.bitlanders.com and edited by me Hello, guys! Here I am again, writing my next blog in this wonderful……
image source: www.bitlanders.com and edited by me Hello again, guys! ……
A Story Of A Person Asslam o Alikum.! Hello all! I hope you all are fine & good. Now I start a story of a person who is very hard……
Yesterday was a very disappointing day in term of earnings for me. Yesterday, the daily bonus chest gave only 136 BM, and the……
Check our my 5 star blogs. This is from the oldest to the latest blogs.Click directly and the blog would open in a new tab. ……
Please read carefully the update below on the rules about content on bitLanders. In order to make bitLanders a place where users can……
(Source : Google) On 09 april 2016, Bitlanders is conducting a survey on Global Chat, for those of you who want to get 10 bitMiles……
Our new double reward topic is here! Blog about the new Survey Chat and earn double rewards! We just launched today bitLanders Survey……
The VIP culture has pretty much been taken over by this new Culture. This new culture, as the name suggests, points towards burning……
The kids of modern age are very technical savvy. They all know the details about the computer, its uses and how to make money out……
You have written a blog post to some topic your readers will hopefully find interesting. At least they did in the past. But now you……
Click on the + icon choose you post types click it it will open a new page. Now write you things or post pics and publish it
BEST FREE BLOGGING SITES Tumblr (Web/iOS/Android/Windows Phone) Tumblr Logo Don’t let Yahoo’s $1.1-billion Tumblr acquisition……
What is Bitlanders ? Basically Bitlanders is a social website but where other social websites works for their pockets Bitlanders comes……
Illness or injury may often be the instigator, but frailty is what kills us, says Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon, author, and……
Hello dear friends. Today I want to tell you some useful tips for working with bitlanders. You can use these tips to earn more easily……
THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF INDONESIA Indonesia as known as emerald equator or zamrud khatulistiwa. indonesia is a country that is crossed……
Source: Click Me Bitcoin is a currency like no other. In short it's digital money that solves many of the problems our current……
Introduction: WWE 2k15 is considered as one of the best wrestling game ever made.It is a professional video game.This game was developed……
Hello, I am SSAhmed, and I have been using this website (bitlanders.com) for 3 months. Today, I am going to tell you……
Bitlanders Bitlanders is a social media site which is made for the people to deal with the needs if they have the talent in different……
What is a Web TV? Before we start the lists of Web TV’s here in Bitlanders, let’s define what is a Web TV first.……
I have been on this site for quite some time now. I think this is my second time to post a blog about the coming year. Well, I have……
Bitlanders (Being social is now Worth) Bitlanders a paying social media which totally change the shape of social media and first time……
Title coming soon...
Micky is an Administrator of BitLanders. Who is always monitoring the activities of users working here. He is responsible for guiding……
Before you learn how to make friends at work, you need to know why it’s important in the first place. Many employers think that……
Bitlanders: Bitlanders is a platform in which people are here to earn. Bitlanders is a place where people posts different variety……
(Image source: google.com) Although more than 500,000 people are using bitlanders very few of them have correct knowledge and grasp……
What is Cyber Bullying? Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices……
Hey Everyone as All of you know bitLanders is a Beautiful Social Platform Where you can Learn, Earn & Donate Charities. Many of……
Image courtesy of http://www.bitlanders.com/adgoggleko Gone were the days where everyone you know was been once you talk personally.……
My First Blog Post Coming soon....
(IMAGE SOURCE: www.google.com) Zindagi Gulzar Hai (Life is a Rose Garden) is a Pakistani TV Drama series that I like, the Drama……
PK-Bollywood Highest Earning Movie ……
It's been a long time I did not write a blog. This time I will write about how to become a top user without becoming a spammer in……
(Image source: google.com) We are living in an age where people are more social than ever before. Being social was started when human……
Guys today i am introducing some people who changed their life from dark to lightness...Please share this and read this so every person……
If you head over to Google+ today, you’ll see that things look a little different.Since we last posted, we’ve spent……
Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign and Event NYC 2015 - I Chose Life Vest Inside What is Givkwik? Givkwik is a software……
khelo tofano ki mojon se kinaro se nahi..... manzil himmat se milti hai saharon se nahi.....
lets share your comments that...."Count your age with friends but not with years".......share your opinions...???
In ex topic I talking about How Play GTA San Andreas Online In this topic i will explain how to play gta vice city online on……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content: Blog about Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign & Event Starting……
The Tools I Use For My Bitlanders Journey Introduction Since I joined Bitlanders, I have been searching……
Your sister, Samantha, has always been tenacious, but she might have just gotten herself in over her head! She’s gone missing……
Many of you Guys May know Many earning tricks and tips and websites and different forums to earn money with , But today i just want……
Spring has sprung, are you ready to tackle your spring cleaning? I thought I could skip it this year as I had just moved across……
A few months ago, a former co-worker sent me a message via Linkedin. When I read her message, my initial reaction was confusion. Here’s……
Living your life your way. Isn’t that what we all want? Yet how many of us can actually say we do? For many years……
In one respect it seems like ages ago, but in another it feels like it was just yesterday. There I was in my perfect little life,……
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail……
Today i make a text gifmaker Must see. 1, 2, 3, 4,
The Best of Bitlanders image source: bitlanders.com, google.com Hello everyone especially to beginners and to those who……
OUR COMMON HOME: September 1st, 2015 is the World Day of Prayer for the Environment, which acknowledges that everything in our world……
It’s 2 years since the Ports Of Auckland introduced a protocol to reduce ship collisions with the small resident population……
The winners of this year's IFAW Animal Action Awards are an incredible collection of heroes, including a woman who has dedicated her……
How to install vsftp
Education should be the first priority of every government in the world because education is the only way a nation can improve such……
On bitLanders, quality content always wins! That's why we decided to make it easier for you to submit content for review and earn……
On bitLanders, quality content always wins! That's why we decided to make it easier for you to submit content for review and earn……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content: Blog about TV Shows popular in your country! Starting today and……
I can’t think of a more pressingly painful feeling that cuts deeper than falling into the bottomless pit of acute loneliness.……
How can you gain buzz on your content and new subscribers? Showcase your videos, blogs and pictures to a larger audience!……
New Action On BitLanders about promote yours content,Blogs,Micro-blogs,Pictures,And movies, Gems magic is required to complete this……
The Existing Infrastructure used by Financial institutions like Banks is Archaic, Slow, and Costly, with hardly any innovation in……
Beginner's Overview of Blogging A blog site is essentially an online journal wherein you could electronically pen down your……
Beginner's Guide to Writing a blog A blog site is basically an on the internet journal where you could digitally pen……
watch this as a reminder of how heroes and villains do their things or at least............ahh screw it this is one heck of a badass……
How you can create perfect blogs So allows talk about how you can write perfect blogs for your web site or blog writer. So in the……
here's the honest gametrailer courtesy of smosh games about the most exhilarating sports game since racing, and if you like soccer……
here's the honest trailer review on m. night shyamalayan's most confusing thriller before the flop known as last airbender here's……
Blood pressure is also known as a silent killer which increases the risk of heart diseases and strokes, but do not take……
another infuriating low blow on my earnings once again from .3 now back to .2. My earnings have never been this painful to see but……
Struck out and gone batting that is what I have to say on what I have earned today. As my earnings go down I wonder what is happening……
Well I started going to a PTC site called grandbux this past year that although it may be slow gave me a good sum in earnings that……
It pains to see my score fall down like this I'm feeling I might go down to .2 again. I had so much to do this morning followed by……
here's another one of ylvis music videos its called the trucker's hitch see if you hear any difference to the other one
this is one of ylvis most recent videos and its all about the yoghurt
A VERY GOOD CHANGE ON BITLANDERS Today, whatever changes BitLanders made in blogs and micro blogs, they are amazing. The……
After quite an abrupt jolt to our bodies with the day’s spelunking, we headed back to the hotel for a nice shower. And when……
Blogging-- Why We Love It! Blogging is not a brand-new task, a minimum of for those that leapt on the blogger bandwagon a couple of……
ouch this is really getting to me my earnings are really dropping like flies. Added that my base counter is falling down by the day……
oh man this month was a killer but with every downs come many ups lets just see if it will come true. My score's been low since last……
So a couple months ago I made a blog called "A guide to Bitlanders Success." Well today I feel like I could give Bitlanders a guide……
I turn a blind eye to those around me, I turn a blind eye to what's happening around me I turn a blind eye to everything that knows……
Oh the winds that carry me, as light I fall through the window pane, I find a person that's right beside me, picks me up a breeze……
Tick tock the clock, here comes the grandfather clock, tick tock, tick tock, time has popped a lock, till morning cranks the clock
man, this is really pressuring my earnings really dropped. As said my earnings have dropped due to low buzz score today and of course……
My earnings for today still a solid 4 but some how its not going up. I must be consistent with buzzing If I want to do this but oh……
Well I guess I had my hope up that 5 was only a fluke for me. Today its back to the weekly 4 streak now makes me wonder if I was doing……
Ohh my god my buzz went back to 70 and with that it means my earnings have dropped down again. I really thought that I was out of……
okay my base has increased bigtime which means my earnings just went up by a whopper. I finally got out of the freaking .4 streak……
Ok so base increased today by one slowly crawling there but the earnings not too much. My earnings dropped by 200 yesterday but its……
So my buzz went down again luckily it wasn't the base. So my earnings fell down only a little which is really a good news than a bad……
right ,so my buzz increased again today and i'm starting to see a little movement in my earnings but why does it feel like a worm……
all right another day but no changes as of yet but really its going there. So my base buzz fell by one I just checked but yes my earnings……
All right I'm out of the .3 streak on to .4 mBtc this is really a good day for me.So my buzz score increased again today and frankly……
I am pro-gun, pro-constitution and anti-violence. I despise that innocent men, women, and children are losing their……
What is PaidVerts? What is PaidVerts? PaidVerts is an advertising platform that pays you to interact with advertisers. Advertisers……
It may seem like an impossible goal to be a millionaire at any stage of your life. However, that isn’t true. The earlier……
I see a lot of short blogs here in Bitlanders. I don't know what's the limit but most of the time a one liner blogs posts is also……
Ok base buzz incresed by 2 earnings still on a .3 . So anyway I still don't understand the charity logic but as long as I earn more……
Well the buzz went down by one again then again its still on the .3 mark so its okay. So apparently there's an issue with the videos……
Okay my earnings are starting to look good now everyday my buzz keeps getting higher hope it goes that way. Well anyway I'm out of……
So my earnings are still the same no changes from .2 for 2 weeks now. So I asked micky on why my earnings were like this. He said……
Well still my earnings are low that's a given it never reached the 3 mark since last week. You know that feeling when you do all that……
why oh why is this happening I'm buzzing plenty aren't I but why do I get this? not only did I get a -1 on my base well the earnings……
So yeah the buzz of mine increased, no change on the base though but the earnings well......... it increased a tiny wee bit. As you……
so yes no changes in buzz and yess no changes in earnings. Did I forget to buzz? no, I did not. Did I forget to read the rules again?……
So sure we got high buzz today, so why am I seeing this? Is there something wrong? Did I not buzz enough today? But oh I forgot one……
Okay so apparently bitlanders suffered a really down to a whole 'nother level kind of glitch that not only affected users but also……
Is our timer on the fritz? then I don't know the gitz why is the chest not appearing? cause our earnings and buzz are suffering ……
well you saw the trailer lets see what our resident youtubers think first up is dawko so I took the video from night 2 then there's……
for satoshi hunters out there who need a little experience in taking quizzes then this bitcoin site is the one for you. Introducing……
today is a very sad day for my earnings I just noticed this happened to me I just noticed this happened to my scores today imagine……
so my earnings are here again and evidently no changes at all. Well maybe because I don't buzz much but then again i always buzz.……
There are lots of people quitting in the site lately. Well, just like me referrals on the site. They stop working in the site. One……
So here's the buzz earnings blog again and let me tell you the buzz does not change anyway I tried to do increase my buzz and apparent……
so this may be one scary game I tell you guys with a release date of august 8 anyone will be terrified once they play here's the trailer……
So today starts up with low buzz as usual but I noticed that my earnings are increased. Kinda strange really you think there's something……
So our president here in the Philippines is really quite something he claims that he made the country a better place but in truth……
So here's the video with facts and trivia regarding the world's favorite game before pacman TETRIS. Here we find how the world's……
this video is only a part of the music video from KAERA which is also used as a joke on a recent gintama anime OVA episode for example……
Hi all,
so I'm still active here in bitlanders but i\ve noticed that my earnings have no changes since the last 2 days its still on the .5……
Hmmm I wonder why my earnings won't go up all of a sudden I mean its stuck still on the .5 mark is there anything happening in the……
well I've been pretty busy these last couple of days and of course my family is experiencing the bad days so we have to conserve electricity……
okey just keep on giving the coins really this is much better that those other sites whick sometimes steal your money when your just……
well this sucks my earnings are flat again thanks to the buzz beatdown but that won't matter as long as you earn it the right……
so I donated some satoshi to charity which is a good thing so here 's what hapened to my earnings just hope that this goes far till……
Well well well tjis again I hope it doesn't last long cause this is going to be longer than I thought. Well buzz wise this is what……
oh boy this sucks my buzz just went down which means my earnings are down as well. Well that's what I get for having too much stuff……
Fabio Ide shows us what it means to be #LessEffortMoreStyle in his first ever Pop Up Bar [MEN] This Is A Necessity If You’re……
so I lost a buzz because I forgot something but who cares as long as I keep making bitcoins it makes me happy. Well here's the earnings……
Too much laundry, too much food I forgot about making the earnings blog since tuesday. But today Alittle low but still At least I……
What is Bitcoin? In non-technical language, Bitcoin is a digital currency in which transactions can be performed without the need……
1 or 2 days more and its pay day baby although this heat is really killing me. I'm seriously gonna have a stroke at this rate. Well……
well this is to be expected again no changes. I just need to focus even if I have a bad wound over my head this will not stop me from……
well this is to be expected because the bit market is getting unstable lately. Also today my niece is sick thanks to this massive……
well there's always tomorrow right? ok here's the earnings
well this is what I get for not going here too much oh well there is still tomorrow. Well here's my earnings for today gootta make……
Well today is a mile high in increase before payout so the ru8mors were true there are no more bonus buzz from new subs. But anyway……
, On my previous blog "The Easiest Way to Earn Free Bitcoins," I mentioned the best faucet rotator where you can earn free satoshis.……
Effectively monetizing a website might be hard work, but despite the struggle, it is possible. Of course, the first step is understanding……
Well I did not finish the quests last time so I made sure to push them this time so in short I get this thing right here above. Next……
had to wrap it up due the electricity coming back needed to clean the whole house today oh the agony forgot to push all the……
all right no changes to buzz and earnings but that's okay a little more till pay day yeah. That aside our electricity is back……
all right just a little more and the payout for this may will be finished. 9 more days all my hard work buzzing will pay off again,……
Bad news our house has no electricity thanks to old wiring giving out but luckily our house has two fuse boxes so I'm at the other……
So my earnings are low again only slightly also my cold is not going anywhere anytime soon. A little more till payday about 15 days……
Well I lost a buzz point but none the less my earnings were saved. No changes in earnings still a solid .9 but whatever as long as……
Well today I have a cold, I cant stop sneezing since this morning. Now my head is getting whoozy but I still have time to do this……
okay so my buzz is high and also my earnings are on a niner so that's a good thing. Regarding the video player on bit i think there……
dang videos not loading properly now its affecting my earnings for the latter. At least it ain't worse than what my mom experienced……
Well the coins are up again this week so my earnings are at a good .8 On a side note my crazy aunt is trying to interfere with my……
well my earnings are back to .7 never need to ask why. But on a sad note my aunt died yesterday so we decided to hold her memorial……
Ahh my buzz is down to 41 now probably because of the videos cause its too hard to play now its getting hard to do the vid quest.……
man today is still a tough day, no subscribers no buzz going up. I wonder if the rules here have changed did we get locked up on subscribers?……
All right thank heavens my earnings went up now. I say just what is going on with bitcoin today sometimes its high sometimes its low……
I mean really again with the .6 well still not bad today considering the slow video today. So about my earnings I think its not moving……
The coins are going strong not much to say to my earnings for today but hey at least we can see the paypal earnings getting smaller……
Dude still no changes in buzz nor in earnings whatsoever. I feel down today must be the heat but oh well the market for bitcoin sure……
So guys guess what the reason my earnings have turned to this is mainly because of the bitcoin market.One could only wonder how much……
So the bitcoin market is really going strong today which explains the low exchange in earnings today hope this keeps up so I can get……
Well its another downer but my buzz isn't low today. Maybe its the bitcoin market that's being affected today oh well there are times……
All right the buzz increase so my earnings increased as well. I'm really happy case from .8 to .9 was my earnings for today. Hope……
A 2002 UCLA study found that consuming excessive amounts of sugar reduces the production of the brain chemical called brain-derived……
Yes another slight increase in earnings from .7 to .8 no change in buzz though. Is there something wrong with the weather today its……
When it rains it pours that's how payouts go today my earnings increased from the setback last time. From .5 to .7 this slight change……
well this is what I get for calling a monkey no subs no buzz. I've also suffered a low blow in earnings which have taken to a .5 low.……
Get 15 Extra Buzz Bonuses for 5 days when you submit 5-Star Content To encourage users to submit their content for review and reward……
Well my earnings are still at the .9's but sadly I got caught by the monkey again. But the monkey can be forgiving so he gave me a……
Yes my earnings are low today but at least not like the other times when I got a .5. So what do you think should I do with my coins……
Wow now that's what I call a boost now with this kind of earnings now were going somewhere. Still now my referral bonus buzz has expired……
well a little to earn, a little to gain but this is only the beginning of the month so hey its still may it will grow and it will……
So this is my earnings for today given its the beginning of the month so all of our buzz and earnings are affected but hey at……
No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having……
all right its payout time my buzz also increased by 2 today so the earnings are pretty high and tight sure its on the .7 but tomorrow……
So here I got my first referral which gave me a +5 to my buzz only problem is I don't know if they'll keep up. So my earnings are……
well this is my earnings before I cash out on saturday so See ya guys gonna watch gintama tonight
If you were a fan of the power rangers or a fan of the original super sentai series it was based from then here is a movie from 2011……
all right my earnings increased once again from .6 now at .7 maybe 3 to 5 days more and its pay out time baby so here are my earnings……
yes another slight rise in my earnings still no change in my base but its all good a little more till payout here we go here's my……
So I have many dogs in my house first we had 3 that was, spark, cross and dark then we gained another named cabbage sadly cross and……
well my earnings may be low but at least its not down again I hope my base buzz comes back to high time here's my earnings for today……
A noise is heard outside of Hanzo's hall and it seems four people has entered his village while a mysterious bird lurks outside. Jiraiya……
all right my buzz went up so my earnings may be around .58 oh well guess this isn't so bad I have hemorrhoids right now and man does……
Mary entered Hanzo's meeting hall hoping to find an explanation to what has transpired that night, meeting the three masters she said,……
Not much happened today except that I'm suffering from hemorrhoids since last week. Every day for me is an agony, its hard to release……
As Mary sees the body of the lifeless Joseph, Hanzo spoke to her and said " we are really sorry for your loss however it will be difficult……
the earnings have increased and stabled for the meantime but still my buzz is already too low and the market is going too low I just……
Blood splatters unto Mary's face when she sees not her child killed but the head of the guard flying off his body. She sees a man……
ahh my earnings my buzzz its all too low I better make use of the story I'm writing which is now chapter 4 to gain more but alas this……
As Joseph dies in a pool of his own blood 3 shadows watch on. "It seems we were too late " said the first one, "No ,there might be……
Another day and my earnings remain unchanged maybe something is wrong with me today that and also because of the heat that I've lost……
Guards storm out of the feudal lord's palace with orders from their king they searched every single newborn whether it be cities nor……
well not much going on with my earnings today still the same better start on making my story now so why not stop by to read it. All……
The 3 masters notice the night sky and like the flowing winds drew north so do they journey forth together. News of a falling star……
“Go back to the place where it all began, and learn to love the memories with out them. Wake up and stretch into all the empty……
I don't want to be offensive to one's faith I just thought of this story while sweeping the floor in our house and thought if Jesus……
oh no my earnings why did my buzz go down so low? when I'm frequently buzzing and making this is not a good day for earnings……
here's the smosh gang in their hilarious attempt at 5 nights at freddy's 3 they are so scaring themselves haha
here's a video you'd definitely scratch your heads with I mean Slowpoke has a celebration in JApan last year and here's the video……
oh no my earnings my buzz they have all gone down again better take this up a notch
ahhh I knew this would happen my earnings are low again but the only reason for this is that no people came to visit so my……
wow another .9 well it beats having .9 than having .6 it makes me think I have to do this , I have to make sure tomorrow is another……
yes! back to being at 1 gotta keep this up cause I'm too busy these days oh well here's what I got this time
well its high enough while I wasn't buzzing so this may be good enough for today
well my earnings are down because I just came back from our summer trip yeah it was fun till I got sleepy for 8 hours
oh boy this is what I hate about not buzzing you get low buzz score but then again that's just me
Argh! What a soul crushingly defeating week this was! Well, might as well start where it all began, this past Tuesday. ……
Beautifull flower!! picture 1 full hd picture> @amad-khan555 picture 2 @amad-khan555 picture 3 must watch my picture……
all right not much change in the base but real proud of my earnings for today hope I don't get lower ones like last time haha but……
well this is the last day for my easter equipment and everything will be back to normal tomorrow but I still have to conserve my bitcoin……
Always: I am not jealous of what came before me. Come with a man on your shoulders, come with a hundred men in……
if you're a fan of marvel movies then watch this honest trailer for the classic 2003 film that was dubbed a cheap imitation of batman……
for those who played the bioshock series here's the honest game trailer that showed just how badass a first person shooter can……
not too bad for today just 2 more days till the basket expires so I might be able to buy the ears by then
oh chest oh chest whatever shall I get from you today shall I get high Or shall I get low my buzz will tell it all
TodaY MY EARNINGS MADE IT TO THE 2.0 mark my buzz has gone to the roof thanks to the bonus buzz and its the second day 1 or two more……
Today is a really hot day for me the sun is shining bright and scorching, the plants need some watering, the dogs need a drinking……
All right thanks to the easter basket tomorrow will bring me lots of earnings hope this keeps up till I buy the easter rabbit ears……
I did'nt do much today so my earnings were affected as a result BRONSON you've got to do this you just got the basket you have got……
Today is an opportunity to earn because today I just bought the easter egg basket worth 15 buzz I'll just have to focus a little bit……
my earnings went up slightly oh well I guess this is better than .6 mbtc I just need to do more to earn more
Not another downer I swear my buzz is like a roller coaster ride either it goes up or it goes down its giving me a massive headache……
As if bad luck wasn't good enough my base buzz has gone down better pick up the pace gotta make more blogs micros and comments……
this week we're talking about the most ambitious movie since Christopher Nolan made the batman movies here is Interstellar
not much people subscribed to me so my earnings plummeted below the 1 mark now its .78 mBTC don't worry there's still tomorrow maybe……
Last day of march the beginning of summer tomorrow will be april fool's its such a hot day the heat is killing me given my size holy……
a little low today did nothing much but play hope my earnings don't falter anyway oh boy getting craycray
What is Hash Tag? We'll for me the word "HASH TAG (#)" indicates a trending topic or is being used to point a specific topic. This……
Well A little down on the buzz score but oh well at least the 1.20 mBtc is maintained for now really liking what they're doing now……
I spent the day at my older brother's condo today. We had a celebration dedicating my younger brother's graduation with all of his……
Yes My earnings have stabilized today my buzz also increased making sure this happens I'm thinking of buying gems for the chinese……
It seems to me that bitlanders wants users to make more here because I really notice that instead of 1 featured article they are giving……
all right my buzz has gone up again and my earnings are almost at 1 no more no less but need to think more carefully on the……
So my earnings have fallen again not much people subscribed today but when the page loaded what I found was 10 and I mean 10 not 1……
What happens when two guys fight shoots someone then gets stopped by a electrical pole support cable just watch and laugh it off resbak……
From .8 to .9 I'm surely going to maintain my 1.0 average earnings here at bitlanders and nobody's gonna stop me unless of course……
If you've played all the mario party games since the N64 there watch and laugh at this honest game trailer for mario party 10
Well if you've watched the 1st and 2nd honest trailer for this then here's the third and final part of honest trailer the hobbit saga……
its too hard to wake up in the morning especially if its 2:30 in the morning you still feel groggy in the least. That's what I experienced……
When you're writing don't do thisssssssssssss cause you don't know what you're writing anyway you are getting sleepy so that's a big……
A few hours ago Paramount Pictures just released the teaser trailer and title for the next movie of Mission: Impossible, now called……
not much people today so my earnings and buzz kinda dropped maybe because its a sunday at the other side of the world today……
Blogging is perfect platform to share your interest. It is the best way not only to share your ideas but also you can earn handsome……
All right a little down on the bonus buzz but I'm sure gonna make this higher as I go back to square one in earnings and go……
what is with this weather? its so hot yet its raining its really a pain to see this weather makes you think that its a good way to……
So here comes my earnings without the effect of the heart ballon it expired today hope I get another shot at a buzz increaser……
Well today I just noticed this today they now show how many buzz you have and the exact amount it is its a cool new implementation……
all right time to cash in my earnings but oh no no no my base buzz has plummeted oh how the high has fallen but nonetheless better……
Take a look at the trailer for Barely Lethal, starring Samuel L. Jackson, Hailee Stainfeld Jessica Alba Sophie Turner and Jamie King.In……
Today I've just woke up its 2 in the morning. I need to clean the whole house before I wake my parents at 3 because my dad has a medical……
I was supposed to get my pay out today but it came up just a 1000 short ahhhhhhh guess I'll have to wait just for tomorrow my buzz……
Today Focus Features released online the trailer for the anticipated sequel film Insidious: Chapter 3, which now tells the story of……
not much people today my buzz is down low so is my earnings but it won't be that long I'll get it back once I get my payout……
Eleven more days and my blog, Cebu's Plaza Independencia which was submitted on February 27, 2015 will celebrate it's first……
Didn't go up or down this time the earnings are stable maybe needed to press a few more buzz to go a little higher but today……
Today is karaoke day in our house and I was forced to sing after I've just went to buy some groceries, I ate some chicken washed a……
The hype of Jared Leto´s new Joker in the upcoming film Suicide Squad, is growing more and more and everyone´s is avid……
all right back to +7 of daily login buzz bonus it may be lower on buzz but my earnings will stay strong all the way just 4……
this is so unlucky I've lost my +1's and my buzz score is going down still its on the 1.2 line so gotta make some more just……
How come I get to experience weird curses in my life? That is about last year I won 1000 pesos in a scratch card, we had no rice and……
so today's earnings were a little low but nevertheless still high my scores are still in tip top shape but bad news is my +1's from……
When we initial talked to every differentI knew we might continuously be friends.Our friendship has unbroken on growingAnd i will……
Last night was a nightmare for me it was a hard time to breathe mainly because I have a cloggy nose. Every minute is death flashing……
yeah high earnings for today almost at the 2.0 mark for earnings for the first time..................well there was that one time……
Who is that guy who keeps popping up in movies? Has he ever played the lead? Haven't I been watching him for decades? ……
Did the days just skip or what skipped to day 3 without even knowing but still high on buzz so no worries maybe its just a blessing……
I thought that the chest won't appear again yesterday but to my surprise this happened at about 10:15 in the evening geez that was……
Hey what happened to the chest? Is it just me or is it not the best? Oh, our earnings they drop and they flop Just because the chest……
I was at home all alone when all of a sudden the phone rang, It was my second brother calling me he said that I have to go to silver……
Here it is my earnings for today the monkey gave mercy to me thank you bitlanders
THE MAGICAL WORLD [Must see] A new Disney classic tune is here! Show Your Disney Side Hong Kong Disneyland is the best place where……
Great news for those who are getting a little bored of their stickers today bitlanders added 2 new free stickers to their repertoire……
If you got scared by the first and second one then be very scared for this one courtesy of markiplier I give you 5 nights @ freddy's……
What is the easiest and fastest way to reach a high BuzzScore? Submit your content for review! On bitLanders, we value quality content!……
So the internet has been buzzing over what is the color of the dress seen in the picture above. Is it white gold or is it blue and……
Ever wonder how high you are with the world of bit then look no further cause last week we are introduced to the new leaderboards……
It started with a few stickers which were given for free and who doesn't love them? We at bitLanders are thankful for these little……
In our daily lives accidents are always bound to happen. Some have good effects on society while others you wish you could forget……
February 25, 2015 was the last day my aunt was clinging to her last bits of sanity. Her name was Pilar Limarez Cacao, she was stricken……
I'm really proud of my fellow countrymen to be on the top list of Bitlanders. Imagine! we became active……
I request again to bitlanders team.Please give us a hard buzzscore and a good revenue.Becuse bitcoin rate not going up and we wait……
When you are waiting for someone to return from another country or from their work abroad, there is absolutely one thing you must……
11:00 in the evening, my mom decided to help my uncle Manny in washing their clothes when this drunk guy decided to just waltz in……
Today I encountered a problem sure its not much of a worry but I don't know if its just the timing here at bitlanders. I noticed when……
To allow its users to build their Bitcoin estate and learn more about the digital currency, bitLanders is introducing the satoshi……
This is no common platform anymore - it is called BitLanders - a platform where people from all around the work come, contribute or……
The Quests are finally here on bitLanders! You already know how to log in every day to collect your Buzz Bonus. Now, we're introducing……
Co-education means to educate boys and girls together in an educational institute at a time. It was first introduced in a European……
Today i am very happy beacuse when i share video on facebook i earn 1 buzz score for one day Some time after i share blogs and then……
God's Pocket 2014, Slattery Mars Attacks! 1996, Burton Pompeii 2014, Anderson Mr.Peabody & Sherman ……
Writing blogs and articles is a challenging thing specially if you are not into that kind of line, what I am saying is that there……
Table of Contents Superstar Bloggers Making Fortunes Online 30 Blog’s That Make A Lot Of Money Online How They Make Money From……
Last night, 30 minutes after I received my Treasure Box, Ms. Hillary suddenly……
Sure it is always fun to receive a blog review feedback. Miss Hillary was really working hard yesterday that she had reviewed……
et me share with you a simple secret in succeeding in life. Don’t ever try to please everyone. I’ve been……
Receiving Free & Transfer Very Low Charges at all Create Free Account https://blockchain.info/wallet/malikanwarzia GOOD LUCK
So, I find out that there are these ribbon with stars that means they are reviewing our blogs? I feel kinda nervous. Why are our blogs……
HeyBroker! a Forum Community which help you to discuss about Games, Website, SEO, Advertisement , Software, and many other……
Get a Higher BuzzScore: Submit your content for review To promote, encourage and reward high quality content and help its contributors……
Tips24h.net là blog chia sẻ thủ thuật windows, internet, thủ thuật máy tính...cho tất cả mọi……
Divergent 2014, Burger The Hunger 2008, McQueen Killer of Sheep 1977, Burnett Dracula Untold 2014, Shore……
Film director Steve McQueen became a lot more well known when his last film "12 Years A Slave" took home the……
You just registered on bitLanders? Congratulations! To get you started on the platform, here are a few tips on how to use bitLanders……
Guys this post is just to discuss about gaining Bitcoins fast and easy. 1. Write your own Blog ..you will earn more if the blog appears……
I am regular user of bitlander. This is a good earning website. And this is in best all of website. Many people works on this website.……
Do Not Spam Repeatedly post (SPAM) - Do not tag friends on your microblogs. - Do not chat in the microblogs you can use private……
Hi guys, although we know that blogs has higher earns rather than those microblogs here. I suggest that you should maximize your score……
I think I need to share some blogs for now, because it has lots and higher points and it is really better than microblogs, I hope……
| Language: Tagalog | GENIUS: uy bobo, kada tanong ko na di mo masagot, bigyan mo ko ng 5 piso, pero kada tanong mo na di ko……
Red Beard 1965, Kurosawa World War Z 2013, Forster The Kid With A Bike 2011, Dardenne Brothers……
Source: Yahoo Movies Earlier today was released the new trailer for the thriller, Before I Go to Sleep, starring Nicole Kidman as……
Check out this 4 new and funny character posters released today for the film Mortdecai, starring Johnny Depp as another eccentric……
Chọn cách từ bỏ là bạn đã chấp nhận với sự thật, chọn cách lãng quên……
Fritz Lang continued his theme of a harsh society and mass mentality with "You Only Live Once"……
A new poster was released online for Disney´s Into the Woods, featuring Meryl Streep as The Witch. What do you think of this……
Check out Jennifer Lawrence starring as Katniss Everdeen in this new character poster for the upcoming film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay……
In case you're searching for an approach to get your site presentation to emerge and truly charm your crowd, look to the feature.……
Source: Entertainment Weekly Dwayne Johnson finally revealed via twitter that after having a hard time choosing between Shazam or……
Galaxy Quest 1999, Parisot Inside Llewyn Davis 2013, Coen Bros. The Stranger 1946,……
Since I'm the platform, from the Filmmanex time until now; there's many advances, changes and discussions about almost everything……
Earlier today we were given the surprise that Henry Cavill and Amy Adams did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in their Batman V Superman:……
I joined FilmAnnex (now BitLanders) because my referral told me that they pay in bitcoin and pay well. I was excited to work on this……
Take a look at the new trailer released today by Universal Pictures for the upcoming horror film Ouija.In the film, a girl dies mysteriously……
Orson Welles, consolidata celebrità radiofonica, fece la sua comparsa sul grande schermo – a soli……
It´s called "the rear window of the 21st century", the new movie starring Elijah Wood: Open Windows. Now there´s is the……
Check out this new character posters for Dumb and Dumber To, featuring Harry and Lloyd mocking up the poster of the film LUCY, revealing……
While i was making my new video about "Subscribers in Pinterest" , that was yesterday August 14, 2014 at about later……
Orson Welles, already a radio legend, burst onto the film scene by making "Citizen Kane" at age 25 in 1941 (The……
Along with the news that the zombie film Maggie, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin, will close the Toronto International……
The first thing I thought when I read the official title Terminator: Genisys was: WHAT? I read it again and assured that it wasn´t……
Siamo fieri di annunciare la nascita di BitLanders, una nuova piattaforma social dove gli utenti sono pagati per i loro contenuti.……
Today, we are proud to launch BitLanders, a new social platform where you get paid for your content. We decided to launch BitLanders……
The Dead Zone 1983, Cronenberg Berberian Sound Studio 2012, Strickland Sudden Impact 1983,……
Its more than a month since i registered and became an active member of Film Annex. Now i want to know how my buzz scores and its……
Yesterday Lionsgate films revealed at Comic Con the first teaser trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 and now they have……
George Miller´s reboot of his own creation, Mad Max: Fury Road, now has its first trailer online. The film is co-written and……
On posting articles i believe we have to consider policies and Film Annex had provided guidelines to follow and you can find……
At last Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. revealed the Wonder Woman costume for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in the San Diego Comic……
Some tips to write a good Blog on Film annex. 1. It is accurate using appropriate and correct words. ……
Source: IGN Take a look at this cool poster revealed earlier today for the film Horns, starring Daniel Radcliffe and directed by Alexander……
Eager to see more of Guardians of the Galaxy just a week away from its official opening? Check out this new clip released today, called……
Take a look at the first poster revealed for the upcoming film Jurassic World at Comic Con in San Diego. If you love this poster and……
To help unemployed and looking for a way so why not make a living through blogs. This way, you do not have to face the difficult climate,……
Marvel´s Guardians of the Galaxy is around the corner, and today we are given two new character posters, featuring The Collector……
Here is part to of my work in progress. Still need to start on the SLR lens, and add the flash box here's some images to show you……
Microsoft finally realized that we are not all millionaires and decided not to force customers to buy the Xbox One with kinect, which……
Source: Entertainment Weekly Definitely today started official promotion for Avengers: Age of Ultron, after we saw the reveal of Ultron……
Source: Entertainment Weekly Entertainment Weekly has surprised us with their magazine cover featuring not only Marvel´s The……
Source: RADiUS-TWC, comingsoon.net After so long of not having any news from the supernatural thriller Horns, in which stars Daniel……
So I decided to model my Samsung NX1000 from my list of 'everyday items' list of models to do over the summer. Here's how it's looking……
Richard Burton was an actor known for his immense talent with many, many roles thought to be beneath his talent……
Check out this new TV Spot for The Expendables 3, denominated new recruits and put online earlier today by Lionsgate Films. Fans of……
I love Super Smash Bros. and I´m so happy with one of the announcements made today from Nintendo in their new reveal game trailer,……
Check out this new gameplay trailer showing off the amazing graphics and exciting gameplay of the upcoming Ubisoft game Assassin´s……
Source: IGN The God of Thunder, Raiden, comes back in Mortal Kombat X. Check the reveal video in which we can see that Raiden……
Source: Machinima ……
Films annex is an outstanding social media from where you can earn money by becoming its member.I have joined Film annex on March……
Great news for Alien……
Dopo aver riprogettato la pagina degli introiti, il sistema di upload dei video upload e le gallerie immagini, Film Annex sta inaugurando……
Stepping this time for real in Next-Gen consoles, the Call of Duty franchise has updated on every asset, and in this behind the scenes……
Check out this art posters for the upcoming epic from Ridley Scott, Exodus: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale as Moses and Joel……
After the redesign of the revenue page, the video upload system, and the photo galleries, Film Annex is now launching its new blog……
Meninadanca is an organization in Brazil that helps girls to stay away from the risks of being sexually exploited and also to teach……
12 Years A Slave 2013, McQueen Fear and Desire 1953, Kubrick The Bat 1959, Crane Evil Dead……
Mostly asked question by the members of Film Annex Community, “How to make our buzz score high”??? Film Annex, a social……
In the past, I have written about "MY JOURNEY AT FILMANNEX OF SEVEN MONTHS - WHAT DID I GAIN?", and the way I got response from you……
Through the official facebook page of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Warner Bros. released the first official look at Superman……
Do you remember at the cinema having fun with your family while watching the naive Giselle living in the real world and then suddenly……
Film annex is a social media that provides online job for its users. The president and also the founder of this media is Sir Francesco……
Behold the back of Denzel Washington in the new poster for Columbia Pictures´ The Equalizer. This might not be the most exiting……
Earlier today, Paramount Pictures released 4 character posters featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles giving us a first detailed……
When approaching a film like "Atom Age Vampire," we know we're most likely not about to uncover some hidden gem……
I have discussed two of the seven signings Tottenham made in the last summer transfer window, Paulinho and Nacer Chadli turned out……
All of us like to post new blogs every now and then thinking that we will get more and more BUZZ for our blogs which will increase……
Football word cup will start today at 24:00 (Erevan time).And in first game will play team of Brasilia and it s rival will be Croatia(stadion……
Crane Wilbur's "The Bat" (1959), the 4th film based on the novel "The Circular Staircase"……
I have been working with filmannex for the last seven months but my buzz score never dropped like this before.I don't know why it……
Film Annex is a great social media which is helping millions of people financially. It is a very good site where people earn money……
Every new movie by Christopher Nolan is now a motive for great expectations among his fans and cinephiles and now Warner Bros. starts……
Closer to the release in May of Godzilla, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures give to us another cool poster to promote the film on……
The Equalizer is an action thriller produced by Columbia Pictures and the first images have come online featuring Denzel Washington……
From Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow, is coming the new science fiction film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt,……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
Check out the poster for the film adaptation of the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Broadway musical adaptation of Jersey Boys,……
Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard star in this film adaptation of the Shakespeare´s tragic play Macbeth. The Weinstein……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
Copyright can arise automatically through the mere ac of setting words to paper. You do not have specifically to apply for copyright……
The King of Monsters might become the king of posters, as lately Warner Bros. has opted for the release of many kinds of artistic……
Check out this new poster released today for Godzilla, a black and white art piece with a nostalgic feel. Definitely for hardcore……
Film Annex è una comunità di 300,000 utenti, filmmakers e blogger provenienti da 245 paesi, isole e torritori. Come……
Film Annex is a community of 300,000 users, filmmakers and bloggers from 245 countries, islands and territories. As part of the launch……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
The Ukrainian crisis has been on prime time news for the past few weeks. Even those who don't care about politics - or any country……
A very cool promotional poster for Godzilla came online today and the best thing it's that it has an invitation for all fans. As you……
The Film Annex user profiles get a new look! As part of the new features and design of the beta version, we are launching the new……
Summer is coming soon and Paramount Pictures released today a nice clean poster for one of the most expected blockbusters of this……
Source: Empire20th Century Fox, released these images today from the filming of the upcoming blockbuster Dawn of The Planet of the……
Earlier today, two cool posters featuring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis were released for promotion of the next Wachowski's film Jupiter……
When you visit Film Annex without being logged in, a registration box appears at the top right of the main page so non-users can join……
Dear Reader, If you are not logged in on Film Annex, you will see on the right side of the screen this box: If you decide to……
Filmannex, that all people are using that is with more capabilities, facilities and options that made a simple graphic and clear environment……
Source: comingsoon.netNew posters for the anticipated Marvel film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, have come online, take a look!……
In past posts we've discussed about size of characters in posters, the cool thing in this IMAX one from Transformers: Age of Extinction……
Film Annex is allowing filmmakers a place to get exposure for their content with an opportunity to get paid. I am trying to……
Hay muchas realidades en nuestro mundo que no debamos ignorar. Hay muchas clases de males que trabajan siempre y puede parecer imposible……
Today was released a new movie poster for Johnny Depp's Transcendence, which is directed by Wally Pfister, commonly known as a DP……
WomensAnnex.com 是一個專門為女性設計的線上平台,世界各地的女性可以在平台上透過影片,部落格和社交媒體的方式以傳達和分享她們的想法。……
WomensAnnex.com è una piattaforma online creata per permettere a donne provenienti da ogni parte del mondo di esprimere i loro……
WomensAnnex.com is an internet platform created for women all over the world to express their thoughts and ideas through films, blogs,……
The anticipated adaptation from the classic Broadway musical Annie, produced by Will Smith, has released its teaser poster today,……
Just yesterday we saw a new poster for Transformers: Age of Extinction featuring Mark Wahlberg as its new star and new we get two……
Paramount Pictures has just released this new teaser poster for their upcoming sequel Transformers: Age of Extinction, featuring its……
I am working in filmannex from previous 6 months. I have learnt many things and gain a very good knowledge from filmannex by reading……
Having taken a long hiatus from this blog series, I felt the strong urge to return to it (This time on a Thursday instead of a Friday!).……
Internet is a world of its kind, having extraordinary amount of things present all around, from libraries to stock exchanges and from……
Marvel Studios has released this poster today for their upcoming action-adventure film Guardians of the Galaxy, which takes place……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
For more than 50 years the Cuban population has been denied affordable access to an extensive range of products and services,……
Sometimes I can't believe I get paid to write blogs. I've been blogging on Film Annex's digital platform for 2 years, but……
A new film from Tyler Perry is coming this year, The Single Moms Club, check out the poster and the trailer by clicking on the poster!……
Every person has its own role in society. Similarly that person has its own effects on society due to which people get the effect……
Desde que comencé a usar Film Annex como una plataforma digital para poner mis pensamientos en palabras escritas,……
Lasciate che vi racconti una storia di cui leggo e sento parlare un po' troppo spesso nelle notizie di questi giorni. C'era una volta……
Guatemala and Cambodia are two nations that couldn't be more distant, geographically as well as culturally. They are……
This post has been removed by the author.
Buenas noticias en favor de los niños más desprotegidos! Las autoridades europeas han desarrollado una manera de atrapar……
La "Terra dei Sorrisi" al momento non sorride affatto. Un paese rinomato per la sua bellezza, per la sua storia e per l'ospitalità……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
"Film Annex sta rivoluzionando il modo in cui i filmmaker distribuiscono e promuovono il loro lavoro. Durante i miei 15 anni di carriera……
"Film Annex is revolutionizing how filmmakers distribute and promote their work. During my 15 year filmmaking career, there has……
The BuzzScore represents the mantra for most Film Annex's users. Since their revenue depends on its value and fluctuations, everything……
I have been a Senior Editor for the Annex Press at Film Annex for the past 6 months. After all this time,……
I've been working on social media for a couple of years, but in no way I have the presumption to know it all. On the contrary, I still……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
Mia moglie è una donna particolarmente socievole. Si fa nuovi amici molto facilmente. Le persone gravitano intorno a lei e……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
My wife is an unusually sociable woman. She makes friends easily. People gravitate toward her, and she can strike up a……
Everyone should know the ways of online success. Internet is a marketing medium. And it is the best way for people to solve their……
When the youth of Tahrir Square overthrew Hosni Mubarak in February of 2011, the entire world celebrated with them. It was a……
Nelle scorse due settimane ho preso il mio primo smartphone e mi sono riaffacciato su Facebook dopo quasi tre anni (l'avevo usato……
In the past two weeks I’ve gotten my first smart phone, have resurfaced on Facebook after nearly three years, (I had only used……
Scrivere è un'abilità acquisita. Certo, alcune persone nascono con una predisposizione congenita, ma nessun talento……
您已经试过我们的测试版了吗?只要点击在我们的主页右上角的连结(“Try the new测试版”)即可以开始使用了。请阅读以下的文章连结以了解更多测试版的新功能:FILM……
Writing is an acquired skill. True, some people are born with a congenital predisposition, but no talent will mature unless it's appropriately……
Film Annex 推出了其新的社交媒体平台(social media platform),用户们可以很容易地看到他们所关注的用户动态,撰写博客文章,上传电影和图片也变得更加容易了!……
您已經試過我們的測試版了嗎?只要點擊在我們的主頁右上角的連結(“Try the new beta 測試版”)即可以開始使用了。請閱讀以下的文章連結以了解更多測試版的新功能:FILM……
To celebrate the end of 2013 and get ready for 2014, let's have a look at Film Annex today and the exciting projects ahead of us for……
Film Annex 推出了其新的社交媒體平台(social media platform),用戶們可以很容易地看到他們所關注的用戶動態,撰寫部落格文章,上傳電影和圖片也變得更加容易了!……
Ever since I started using Film Annex as a digital platform to put my thoughts into written words, sharing on……
Dear Students, We all know that “Every Morning in the world, a child wakes up."It’s time that Afghan children wake up and know……
Avete già provato la nostra nuova beta? Se non l'avete fatto, date un'occhiata a questo blog per scoprire tutte le novità.……
Have you tested our new beta yet? If not, check this blog to see all the new features. Today, we are presenting to you our new registration……
Over the past year, we have done much work on two concepts: #DigitalLiteracy, and #DigitalCitizenship. The concept was to give……
Film Annex ist eine Filmdistribution und Blog-Plattform. Das heißt, dass Filmemacher, neben dem Hochladen vom Videos, auch bloggen……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
Il 1 gennaio 1863, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Abraham Lincoln ha firmato il Proclama di Emancipazione, che ha posto……
On January 1st 1863 US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the United……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
The Film Annex distribution network prides itself on its ability to accommodate the technological and social needs of its valued content……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
Se potessi controllare segretamente quello che i tuoi figli scrivono sui loro social network, lo faresti? Anche se le tue intenzioni……
If you could secretly monitor what your children write on their social media, would you do it? Even though your intention would be……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
In 2008 Fidel Castro transferred his power as President of Cuba to his younger brother Raul Castro, making people wonder whether or……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
HI, this is Mauricio Vargas writing, director and writer of The Awakening short film. The Awakening is a very simple exercise I made……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
Fin dagli albori della civiltà umana, agli uomini è stato affidato culturalmente il procacciamento del cibo per i membri……
Since the onset of human civilization, men have been culturally assigned to find food for their family members and protect the household,……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
Dear Students, Happy Eid-al-Adha to all of you! As you all know, we had the Eid-al-Adha’s festival (our big Eid) last week and……
If there's one person in the world who's most responsible for my love for traveling, that would be my mother. Ever since she sent……
When I visited Cambodia in 2007, I didn't know that it would become one of the most emotional trips I had ever made. The genocide……
Film Annex est une plate-forme de distribution de films et blogs. Les realisateurs peuvent ecrire des blogs en plus de presenter leurs……
Freedom of speech and freedom of press represent two of the most important pillars of every democracy. If people are not allowed to……
Le BuzzScore continue d'evoluer pour recompenser les membres les plus actifs sur Film Annex. Les 10 utilisateurs avec le plus……
El Despertar es un cortometraje que nació de una idea que vino a mi mente precisamente acabando de despertarme un sábado……
Today we live in a "cyber society" filled with cool cyber cafes where we can surf the cyberspace in search for……
A few days ago a court in Saudi Arabia convicted four young men for "violating public morals". One of them was dancing naked on top……
Film Annex is a film distribution and blogging platform. It means that filmmakers can blog in addition to uploading videos, and also……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
In my life I've been fortunate to visit 45 countries. Whether I was there for 2 months or just a couple of days, they all have left……
This week on Film Annex's radar: The BuzzScore evolves to reward high quality blogs! We also welcome a new member, TalentHouse, who……
I love trekking, and for a mountain-lover like me the Himalayas represent the top of the top. During the summer of 2012 I spent a……
Film Annex 不只是专属于电影制作人的一个平台,对于任何 Film Annex 的用户,博主(部落客;blogger)可获得的奖励都是基于他们的Buzz……
El PrecioHabía encontrado el siguiente cortometraje a producir: El Precio.Era una idea ambiciosa pero factible, laboriosa,……
في موقع فيلم انكس بامكاننا العثور على بعض المخرجين هولاء يكتبون المدونات……
Всем привет.Сегодня я расскажу о 3 правилах успешного блогера. Правило номер……
On Film Annex, you can find a very active core of filmmakers who upload videos and blog regularly. The first advantage is that they……
Ever since I "discovered" social media blogging, my life has changed, and for the better. Although I don't have excellent writing……
Wrestling is back. Oh yeah. After months of dispute with the International Olympic Committee and a vibrant social media campaign,……
With this article, I would like to start immersing myself into the blogging industry. Since Instagram has launched the possibility……
اگر آپ بلگینگ سے پیسے کمانے کی شوقین ہے تو سیکھے اور یہ مشکل نہیں خصوصاً……
Dear Syrians, It has been a long time since I spent 10 fantastic days in your country, but I remember them like it was……
Dear Egyptians,I've been eager to visit your country and its treasures since I first looked at pictures of the Pyramids of Giza as……
Where to SELL Your ‘60 seconds’ How to SELL in 60 Seconds – Part 2 How to advertise online, with stop-motion adverts.……
Después de tanto sufrir con Alegría es Vida y soñar con hacer muchos vídeos, cortometrajes, cine no hice……
اس لیۓ میں Buzz Score کے بارے میں سوچھتاہوں اگرچہ بظاہر ڈیزائن فلم سازوں کے حوصلہ……
Film Annex 不只是專屬於電影製作人的一個平台,對於任何 Film Annex 的用戶,部落客(博主;blogger)可獲得的獎勵都是基於他們的 Buzz分數(BuzzScore)。Buzz分數是一個獎勵和計分系統,它可量化用戶的領導能力,用戶在社交媒體(social……
Film Annex isn't only a platform for filmmakers. As any other Film Annex's users, bloggers are rewarded based on their BuzzScore,……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
ایک سال سے کم عرصہ سےمیں نے Annex Press کے لئےبلاگز لکھنا شروع کیاہےجوفلم میکرزاپنا……
Last June was very special in the life of a young judoka from Siena, Italy. Chiara Carminucci won the bronze medal at the European……
Fronting the new face of fashion, ego in entertainment and soul within spirituality, Olivia jade Covette stands for a brand of the……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
Based on the article that Francesco Rulli, the founder and the president of Film Annex, have recently posted, those who are more prolific……
جب میں ہائی سکول میں پڑھتا تھا مجھے یاد ہے ہماری مہینے میں دو بار کمپیوٹر……
سوشل میڈیا ہمارے معاشرے کے ہر پہلوں میں پیھل چکی ہیں ـ مختلف شماریات کے مطابق……
When I was in high school I remember having twice a month a "computer class" that was part of our Physics laboratory curriculum. I……
Social media is permeating every aspect of our society. Social networking statistics show a steady increase in the number of people……
A 78 year old man decides to fulfil his lifelong dream of travelling by tying hundreds of balloons to his house. Up is an animation……
التفكير في شروط محرجة , قوة ابتكار الهندين و الافغانين و البنغلاديش و اسيا……
I often wonder how the world would look like if there were no conflicts. I wonder how it would feel like to human beings to live without……
A mysterious and talented driver gets into trouble when he tries to help out his new neighbour. Drive is one of those films that can……
Hi there! My little project is coming soon to Film Annex and Maumau Web TV. Stay tuned! ……
هل ضاع البريد الاكتروني ؟ على مدى الاسابيع القليلة الماضية ، خطر على بالي……
Mout Everest has been on the news quite a lot during the past few weeks, triggering debate after debate about the ethical dilemma……
Making money blogging is a reality. It has been for quite some time. It's one of the easiest and quickest ways to make money online……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Rape is not just a normal felony. It's a crime of its own kind that should be assessed and judged separately from any other offense.……
In case you are curious about how to earn with blogging, learn that it is not difficult, especially if you like to write. You should……
Social media is actually a more developed phase of relations among individuals. Social networking is defined as a commonly agreed……
Every day, huge opportunities related to the internet appear in the tumultuous world of business. Besides your regular activities,……
As a teacher of young children, I often hear comments such as these: "Can I tell you about what I did this weekend?" "Let……
Writing is a great ability and talent which has given for few numbers of people by God. Being a good writer is a very hard……
Today I was looking to my photo galleries and came to the four months film making course pictures and also student’s……
Democracy is a beautiful thing. It allows all citizens to take part to the political life of a nation, theoretically giving them equal……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
Less than a year ago I started writing blogs for the Annex Press, the media platform of Film Annex, a company that offers its website……
Good afternoon Film Annex-ers. I've got my 7/11 coffee (hey 7/11 you should sponsor me) and fresh donuts on one side of……
A photo shoot for the U.S. Women’s Wrestling Team has now commenced and the first official project for Chick Wrestler is now……
In case you are curious about how to earn with blogging, learn that it is not difficult, especially if you like to write. You should……
Hi everyone! We recently made some changes to the BuzzScore, the Film Annex tool that measures your content's reach and influence……
We had a fun filled week of adventure and all the boys were trying to learn basic skills and promote the training team of themselves……
Hello, everyone! Today I would like to say special THANKS to my brother Fred Kurzh (FAMusicTV) and Thomas Courtney (Models Web TV)……
The social media campaigns have taken the business world by storm, regardless of the dimensions of the company that uses this publicity……
Today I want to start with breaking news: Woman gives birth during flight from South Africa to New York.17 years old Fatawmatt Kaba……
Over the past two weeks I had a very enlightening look into the corporate world, and the lack of innovation it creates by having a……
For this week’s film friday I figured I would analyze one of my favourite films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window.……
A writer is "a person who is able to write and has written something". The definition doesn't specify whether or not this happens……
Film Annex and Afghan Citadel Company opened a filmmaker and Blogger Center in Herat in November 2012. This Center will go a long……
First of all I would like to introduce you to a new blog series I will be doing entitled 'Film Friday'. This will feature a……
The war in Afghanistan has been going on for 11 1/2 years. Before the US entered the country looking for Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan……
by Jasmine DavisOne of my favorite Film Annex writers, Franceso Rulli (who also happens to be the president of the company!), recently……
Last Thursday we passed yet another Valentine's Day. Couples from all over the world celebrated their love in honor and memory of……
FAMUSICTV made its step forward. New blogger joined our team. Let us bring Ivan K to your attention. The quantity of FAMUSICTV representatives……
В современном мире, написание статей и создание видео-блогов является необходимым……
Filmmakers today don't have an easy job. Unless you're already recognized by Hollywood or institutions like Sundance, finding distribution……
Я живу в городе, где небо сменяют тучи, облака сменяют туман. Где после солнечного……
For anybody involved in the sport of American Football, winning the Super Bowl means achieving a lifetime dream. More than a week……
If you are a regular on Film Annex, you've heard of the Buzz Score which measures the reach and influence of your content on the web.……
Sharing on social media is no longer just a trend; it has become a lifestyle that creates communities of thousands or millions of……
Spending your Friday night just like you spent it the week before, and the week before that isn’t having any positive change……
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… What I am about to introduce to you is an opportunity to witness a group of talented……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
Привет мальчики, девочки, дяди и тети. Неважно, где вы родились и где живете..……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
This week I worked on several blogs. First for the Filmmakers on Social Media blog series. I interviewed Sorcha Anglim, a female filmmaker……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
As a famous Afghan Proverb says, “Maahee-ra har waqt az aab biggeree, taaza ast.” In English this translates as……
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. Here are 6 new FAMusicTV artists with their independent videos. Let’s see what we have. ***……
Hi everyone. I just came from LA, full of emotions and full of energy. Want to explain everything to you, my young readers J First……
FAMusicTV – has turned one month. The end of the world is over, the organization of first FAMusicTV live show is in full swing……
The main task of the video is to display an image of a model by highlighting the natural beauty of emotions through detailed close……
December 19th, 2012, 5:00 PM... This is 1st FK BAND and JERRRA BLUES Rehearsal: The bands should be fully prepared. They will perform……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
Всем привет! Еще один блог на русском языке. Сегодня героем и объектом для……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……
December 13, 2012… 8:24 PM… What’s going on?!! The new FAMusicTV video from Midnight Spin Band is hilarious! ……
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Do you want to find something fresh? Original? Independent? Spectacular? To watch??? The right……
Hi there and Welcome to the Film Annex Music TV (FAMusicTV). Hope the time you spent the last week was amazing. Today, as a……
The past week has been fully dedicated to the web promotion of the "Dolphin" band, a multifaceted team with quite an impressive history……
I don't know why, but out of nowhere, while listening the pianist Alexander Mahnev, I caught myself on thinking about "lost" people.……
Last week, Film Annex announced that LinkedIn had now the most influence in the BuzzScore, meaning that sharing content on LinkedIn……
Hi Film Annex users, I am not a professional filmmaker but I have a passion for films. I'm here thinking of what type of film I……
Do you recognize me on the covers of your magazines and newspapers? Do you identify me, while watching TV or listening to the music?……
Today, I had one of the most interesting meetings of my life. 5 motivated individuals (which I thought would be a good fit for the……
This week has been pretty chaotic and will be remembered by most New Yorkers more as "Sandy Week" than "Halloween Week". That's right,……
Developed countries are growing at a slow pace. Asian developing countries are growing at a much higher pace. Afghanistan,……
That was a really nice busy week at Film Annex.At the beginning of the week I did corporate style interview for Jennifer Powers. She……
by: Eileen Doñiego de France Sometimes I catch myself watching a behind the scenes video before the actual fashion film. Not……
Someone told me that when you get older, times goes faster. Yes, I think it's true, and sometimes you can't even remember what……
Social media is an explosion that has taken the world by storm. As a species, human beings love to talk. And technology has widened……
Hi everyone, The end of Summer is dangerously close, so we thought we'd cheer you up with some new movies! ECU, the European Independent……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using Tumblr to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
NEW YORK, NY, August 13, 2012 - Film Annex, online film promotion and distribution company, announced that it has opened its blogging……
Building blogs with high quality and level depends on your performance of writing and style of selecting the most updated current……
In treatment of ethnic/religious minorities and political prisoners still held, UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur on the human……
Auditions can be a tricky process. Seeing how an actor can really make or break the film, the auditions are also one of the……
Hey guys! As a filmmaker I'm always interested in how other people have made their films, whether looking for tips, ideas, inspiration……
Hi everyone, On June 26th, Film Annex, in collaboration with the Afghan Citadel Company, opened their third Internet classroom at……
Writers and bloggers! Film Annex invites you to join its blogging platform, The Annex Press, where you can show your writing skills,……
Still from First Day Anderson West joined the Film Annex platform less than 2 years ago with First Day, a very promising short film……
Hi everyone, We kick off the month of July with Toni Williams' creative bubble and introduce you to a brand new filmmaker on our platform.……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
“Social Media” is a very popular term today. On Google Adwords, it's claimed to have 2.7 million searches a month. The term “Social……
I got my first digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera long time ago, when I was a kid. And I was thinking all the time - How great……
The name Joseph Kony is a name that probably doesn't sound familiar to many people. The earth has 7 billion people and recently Joseph……
Housing prices, perhaps to some unexpectedly, continued stumble since the 2008 recession. For this year according to S&P/Case-Schiller……
Maumau Web TV thank Film Annex for their Web TV initiative, which is perfect for independent filmmakers to promote……