52 Films by Women Vol 5. 26. Take Me Somewhere Nice (Director: Ena Sendijarevic)

Pictured: 'It's snow time, folks.' Alma (Sara Luna Zoric) experiences an indoor change of weather in the Balkan road movie,……
Pictured: 'It's snow time, folks.' Alma (Sara Luna Zoric) experiences an indoor change of weather in the Balkan road movie,……
Terrorism in its real concept means creating fears by using violent means. It involves the use of horrible techniques and ways destructive……
My aunt always wanted to take me to the Council on Foreign Relations daughters and sons meeting, but my parents would say that I was……
The GMRF is not just an organization, it’s a global family. The bonds that are formed at the “Dare to Dream House”……
Elissa Montanti saves children. More than 15 years ago she created the Global Medical Relief Fund and has been saving the world……
Serbia President Tomislav Nikolic’s offer of direct negotiations with Kosovo’s leadership but oath not to recognize its……
In the video above, we hear Dr. Lara J. Nettelfield’s views on various relevant issues. Dr. Lara Nettelfield has……
Bosnia & Herzegovina is above “default” but it’s debt carries one of the lowest “credit ratings”……
It is not about Radovan Karadzic but those who legitimized his role then and now. The evidence against Karadzic also condemns……
“May grievance become hope; may revenge become justice; may mothers' tears become prayers, that Bosnia and Herzegovina, and……
“In some cases, this is part of a deliberate state policy of instilling fear and intimidating its population. In too many countries,……
Peace mediators must not remain aloof from the crimes being committed while mediating a conflict, and this particularly applies to……
Justice Blocking Tanks? - International Criminal Court as force for justice and to temper human rights abuses needs to be empowered.……
UN’s WMO forecast current cold spell in Europe will start “easing slowly from next week.” However, climate change may be the……
From Bosnia to Afghanistan - same cure where fear and hate now may rule – free market place of ideas. Fighting warlords and their……
Transmitting the memory of the Holocaust is a vital part of the struggle to combat ignorance and prejudice through education in humanist……
U nedelju 6 aprila 1941 posao sam s ocem u njegov ured.Bio je lijep suncan dan.Isli smo desnom stranom Aleksandrove ulice iduci prema……
As students learn more about the Holocaust and the significance of this history today, they will soon discover its connection to their……
NAIDA SEKIC, DIPLOMATICALLY INCORRECT’S guest writer sends her concluding installment of “A PLACE TO CALL HOME.” Her inspiration……