Tom Hanks to Receive Big Award!

Tom Hanks star in two big Oscar contenders this year namely "Captain Phillips" and "Saving Mr. Banks" that's why it's fitting that……
Tom Hanks star in two big Oscar contenders this year namely "Captain Phillips" and "Saving Mr. Banks" that's why it's fitting that……
After the 2013 Summer of Cinema, what next? Why, of course, the 2013 Autumn of Cinema. 50 or so bloggers and yours truly were crammed……
由好莱坞知名导演,保罗葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所制作,和演员汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的动作惊悚大片《菲利普船长》(Captain……
各位电影制作人和影迷们,奥斯卡(Oscar)的季节已经悄悄开始喽! 除了即将举行的威尼斯电影节(Venice……
57 is a good number. It’s the number of varieties of Heinz products. It’s the number of Communists in the Democratic Party……
由好萊塢知名導演,保羅葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所製作,和演員湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的動作驚悚大片《菲利普船長》(Captain……
各位電影製作人和影迷們,奧斯卡(Oscar)的季節已經悄悄開始嘍! 除了即將舉行的威尼斯電影節(Venice……