Guide for building your own custom Gaming Pc:

How to start building you own custom Gaming computer ? A Gaming Computer, is basically a personal computer that can……
How to start building you own custom Gaming computer ? A Gaming Computer, is basically a personal computer that can……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
History Zaheer ud din Muhammad Babur is known as founder of the Mughal dynasty which ruled Indian Empire for almost one hundred and……
Căn hộ Vinhomes Central Park - mở bán biệt thự Căn hộ Vinhomes Central Park vẫn đang nóng sốt……
Session Road in Bloom Session Road is one of the major roads of Baguio City. This is also the central business district of the……
Dear All, Have you Ever Been To Central Jail, Dhaka? If Yes, Then You Know What's There. If No, Then You'll Find This Topic At Least……
Can ho Vinhomes Central Park Saigon toạ lạc ở vị trí vô cùng đắc địa ngay trung tâm thành……
Conservation Central Network (CCN) is a Global Green Community operating through a digital village concept. CCN recognizes the seriousness……
made 100 years ago
CafeF - Vinhomes Central Park Đây là khu đô thị phức hợp đầu tiên của tập đoàn Vingroup……
Different types of banks are present in Pakistan. These are following: Central Bank: The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank……
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) In……
Central processing unit of microcontroller Central processing unit is CPU and is known as brain of computer. it performs and……
A computer is a device that is used to make program to solve the mathematical problems.Computer has four main parts. Monitor……
Next week will commemorate 20 years since the Rwandan Genocide. Afterwards there was a universal declaration of "never again". Never……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
Old Times and That Life : Time is the movement from the old to the new , and this is all things , even humans time to change.About……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
In the previous topics you read that doing all good deeds in the way Allah told you to do them to please Allah, is Ibadah. But,……
I have recently hit the road and taken PATHS' mission abroad - I am currently networking in the UAE promoting The Exceptional Children's……
When you mention the name Amr Shabana to a squash player, the immediately know who he is. Shabana, better known as “Shabs”……
most of us like to get more like, comment or Followers on social networks today i want to intrudiuse a very common site that help……
The 20th edition of the world famous Tournament of Champions begun on noon last Friday, and with that comes some great matches. All……
The world famous Tournament of Champions is back in town. Highly regarded as one of the most iconic squash events around the world,……
The local government of Ghor province distributed approximately 2000 Visit Cards along phone numbers from different governmental officials……
The Haripur is the main and most important city of Khyber pakhtunkhwa and it is situated near the Islamabad (the capital of Pakistan).……
It has been some time since my last update and for this I apologize; I have been trying my best to remain ‘off the grid’……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
وسطی ایشائی ممالک وہ جغرافیائی علاقہ ہے جوکہ سویت یونین سے آزاد ہوئے اور……
First of all I want to share my feelings with the Afghan students: Dear Students, It has been a pleasure working with you this……
The monetary banknote of a country is a symbol of its national prides, specially, when it is involved with the history and culture……
Vinícius Dônola is the former correspondent at Record TV, senior reporter at Record TV, Rio. Below is an interview of……
What is bank? Bank is an intermediary financial institution that gets loans from people by a certain rate of interest, and gives them……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
Over the years there have been some amazing treasure findings worth millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars in gold,……
Picture me this; a monster snake with a length of 50 feet weighing approximately 2,500 pounds. Sounds like something out of……
Film Annex 于2006年成立后就一直提供给许多电影制作人赞助。在去年Film Annex 网络电视(Web TV)的拥有者共赚取了$298,070.73……
Private sector had the most important role to obviate the people’s necessitates during the whole period of history of Afghanistan.……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
Listening to music in a music hall, or theatre is one thing, bu staying out on an open grass, park……
فلم اینیکس 300000 استعمال کرنے والوں کیساتھ ایک آن لائن پلیٹ فارم ہے۔ جن میں……
Women’s Annex, an interactive platform that promotes and supports women’s empowerment, started as a project of Film Annex,……
Sport impacts on a person from different aspects. It increases the physical power and strength and cause to be healthy. People, who……
AFC چیلنج کپ AFC Challenge Cup "Asian Football Confederation" ممبرممالک کیلۓ ایک بین الاقوامی فٹ……
Today was a great day for Afghanistan. You feel wonderful when you see people so much united, contributing and supporting with each……
Film Annex 於2006年成立後就一直提供給許多電影製作人贊助。在去年 Film Annex 網絡電視(Web TV)的擁有者共賺取了 $298,070.73 美金。而自從 Film……
The ladybugs have come to save the day for thousands of flowers in Central Park. I was reading the morning Wall Street Journal newspaper……
Last June was very special in the life of a young judoka from Siena, Italy. Chiara Carminucci won the bronze medal at the European……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
It is almost ten years Afghan people use internet. Since 2004 they have been using Face book. In addition, they use other social media……
تخلیق زندگی کی ایک لازمی حصہ ہے۔ جیسا کہ ویکیپیڈیا اس کی تعریف کرتا ہے: تخلیق……
Film Annex platform is not only interesting for me, but it must be interesting for everybody who surfs it across the world. When one……
The most interesting interview that attracted me was that when Fereshteh Frough was speaking with a thought leader whose name is Peter……
After agriculture, textile industry is second in generating employment for both skilled and unskilled labors in India. Right now,……
Afghan Citadel Software Company کے ملکان خواتین ہےـ یہ کمپنی سافٹ ویئربنانے، آئی……
The development of a country depends on its economy. Turkmenistan has got huge underground resources such……
The future of any country depends on its level of education. Thus, the public education level of Kazakhstan……
However Kazakhstan is a country whose economy is growing fast, it is faced to some educational challenges.……
Examer کاروبار کی دنیا میں طالب علموں کو جوڑتا ہے جو پیشہ ورانہ اور تعلیم کے……
یہ 2006 میں قائم کیا گیا تھا کے بعد سے فلمی انکس فلم سازوں کو سپانسر کیا……
Christiane Amanpour is an example of female empowerment. Most people are familiar with her features and journalistic skills, which……
A few weeks ago, Mike Sweeney, who graduated from Cornell University's Johnson School, and I had a productive meeting with Ms. Nsombi……
The chance of filming and being a professional film maker in a country like Afghanistan is so limitted. The lack of video production……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
Creativity is an essential part of life. As Wikipedia defines it: there is a relationship between creativity and general intelligence,……
The Examer is a vocational and education software which connects students to the world of business. The Examer improves the education……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
Tens of Afghan boys and girls graduate from the Journalism faculties of Afghan Universities every year. Among these, there are some……
To make money online with internet is today changed into a profession to the people of the world. Today, there are lots news agencies……
Tajikistan is a pretty poor country located in Asia. When it declared independence, Tajikistan’s economy situation deteriorated.……
The Afghan Citadel Software Company is a women-owned company which works mostly in software development, networking, IT services and……
Uzbekistan is a landlocked country located in central Asia. This is one of the 3rd world, and developing countries. The low quality……
Afghan people enjoy many jobs the same as other people of the world. They feed their families through different jobs they are involved……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Introduction: Scott Jackson is the newly appointed President and CEO of Global Impact, one of the world’s top nonprofits……
Introduction: Leena Alam لينا علم ……
There are different ways to become a film maker. For example, by reading different handbooks on movie making, referring to Internet……
The end of 2012 has revealed, for the first time in modern history, that Asia has become the richest region of the world, according……
Soccer is probably the most popular game in the world, considering the huge number of fans and all the rituals that are connected……
When the internet started in 1960 by defense department of the United States of America, maybe no one thought that one day it would……
The more I see the more I am convinced that the best environment within which to educate children with disabilities is a combination……
Based on my latest article on our visit to USAID from last week called "USAID Target Thinking, Economy Development, Humanitarian Assistance……
Film Annex Website is activating towards the growth of developing countries, such as Afghanistan, and other Central Asian Countries.……
The concept of central Asia is used to define, as a geographical region, the republics from the former Soviet Union and the eastern……
Last Friday was March 8, which was International Women's Day. This week's 60 Minutes program was about one the most powerful women……
March 8th is International Women's Day, a celebration all over the world in support to women and their role in society. For thousands……
The AFC Challenge Cup is an international football competition for Asian Football Confederation (AFC) member countries that are categorized……
Film Annex is an online film platform with over 300,000 users, of which 40,000 are professionals from the film industry. Each one……
I keep hearing this same commercial on the radio. The commercial isn't advertising a product, a brand, or even a service. It……
Alessandro Califano is the Senior Curator & Head at CRDAV, Communication Manager at ROSCCA2013 (Tajikistan), FreeLance Cultural……
We got some great news on the past week: Film Annex now translated in Russian. You can find button at the bottom of the site. Now……
We live in Social Media world and there is no way to escape for not being involve in it. Everyday millions of interactions is……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
Fareedoone Aryan is the Director of Program at Afghan Media Productions (AMP). Below is an interview of him about Social and Digital……
Afghanistan is a state located in central-south Asia; other south Asia countries are: Pakistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Iran or Bangladesh.……
Transparency is the key to developed countries' success, in particular in the world of Internet, Social Media and Online Advertising.……
If you read my online interview posted recently on Film Annex, you know my most difficult challenge in trying to provide disabled……
A number of residents and moneyexchangers have expressed their concerns about the rising circulation of counterfeit money in the market.……
Women empowerment in Afghanistan is synonymous of cultural evolution and revolution. It's the first step towards economic prosperity,……
It is another Friday of my life in NYC with all the incredible moments and memories it brings. On Tuesday night, I saw the Afghanistan……
"There are no short cuts. Look people in the eye. Stay positive, don't take criticism personally, and always treat people the way……
"Women working in film and animation are intelligent, technically precise, capable and hard working. Furthermore, I've had the privilege……
Said Dib has worked in Fashion, Textile and Garment manufacturing for many years. Below is an interview of him about Fashion in Afghanistan,……
Wrestling is the very first sport of the Olympiad. It goes back to 708 B.C. In the recent years, Olympic Wrestling opened its doors……
Thinking about terrorist attacks in any part of the world is painful and heartbreaking. Beside the physical destruction and anarchy……
Today at the NYAC Saturday morning Judo program we had special guest Ali Moghadas. Mr. Moghadas has been in NYC directing a……
There was a time when successful companies held lavish parties. Executives flew in first class, wore Gold Rolex and drove European……
Japan is synonym of discipline, and discipline is synonym of martial arts. The toughness of a martial art master - more precisely……
"Wadjda is the first film that was entirely filmed within Saudi Arabia, by that country’s first female director." Haifaa al-Mansour……
Adliana Bahrin is interested in apparel & textile research and development. She has specialties in Trend Forecasting, Design Direction,……
"With the right vision for the future and the right emphasis on improving the quality of education and getting 100 % of school age……
Interview by Fereshteh Forough "I feel that the difference with working with women is that there is a sensitivity and power projection……
"I think filmmaking and social media can break down a lot of barriers and clear up a lot of misconceptions quite quickly." Lisa Stock……
Alison Wistner is a Director at Mercato Partners, a growth capital fund investing in high growth technology and branded consumer companies. ……
Omid Mehdavi is the Chief Editor and Publisher in Afghan Examiner, it is the first Afghan American English newspaper in the United……
"If you are good at your job, it doesn't matter what gender you are. I believe that the best person, whether they are female or male,……
This week was busy with writing and promoting our filmmakers. I wrote different articles, first the Film Annex Industry Newsletter……
Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development. She is the spokesperson, entrepreneur, philanthropist,……
Joseph Cattaneo is the Principal at Packaging & Recycling Communications Consulting. Below is an interview of him About Educational……
Francesco Rulli is the Founder and President of Film Annex, an online film distribution platform. He has been doing Judo for about……
Reading news about women and their activities give you a pleasant feeling and it makes you more hopeful when it is about women in……
Trey Titone is the Manager of Publisher Development in Beachfront Media that offers video solutions for publishers, advertisers, enterprises,……
"I feel that the difference with working with women is that there is a sensitivity and power projection that involves doing things……
First of all want to congratulate Film Annex team with launching their new online platform "Women's Annex". Women's Annex promotes……
Happy Friday to everyone! At the beginning of this week, I was working on GMRF's(Global Medical Relief Fund) videos: "I'll stand……
Sorcha Anglim is a female short film maker who started out at Staffordshire University. She is currently working as a freelance Production……
YuMe is a digital video advertising solution provider that drives brand results and digital media revenue. Below is the interview……
Introduction: It’s always both thrilling and humbling to be face to face with a rock star. That feeling never goes……
Andy Parker, an independent filmmaker based in West London, has a passion for visuals and loves to tell stories through imagery. His……
Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years. Many of them are now making their way around……
Yesterday, Mike Sweeney sat down with me at a local restaurant and pulled a small piece of paper reminding me of the 5 topics for……
Just got done reading an exciting article, from the Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty website. It talks about Roya Mahboob and explains……
Kabul Museum Kabul Museum was once considered the most comprehensive. Record of central Asia history. Also known as Afghanistan National……
Central Asia is also known as Middle Asia or Turkestan. The accepted component countries of the region are the following: Mongolia,……
Film Annex has been sponsoring filmmakers since it was established in 2006. A total of $298,070.73 were earned by Film Annex Web TV……
I am excited to say the first members of the SUNY New Paltz and Central and South Asia collaboration are officially signed……
Today, I had one of the most interesting meetings of my life. 5 motivated individuals (which I thought would be a good fit for the……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
From where I come from (France), soccer (called "football" if you are outside the US) is the most popular sports. International competitions……
This upcoming Monday, I have a meeting about the Afghan Development Project. I am extremely excited because I can finally see a strong……
An advantage to live in a big international city is the opportunity to try food from all over the world. I've already tried Middle……
The evolution of education and social media goes hand in hand. The number of students entering a school corresponds to the……
Cultural diffusion is no longer confined within the melting pot known as America, and hasn't been for a while. This really……
In Afghanistan, writers and scholars can be paid as low as $100 per month, while here at Film Annex we pay a blogger up to $100 for……
Developed countries are growing at a slow pace. Asian developing countries are growing at a much higher pace. Afghanistan, Central……
This week, I was a keynote speaker at the Marketing American Association at SUNY New Paltz. There, I got in touch with a few hundred……
As most parents, I often live vicariously through my son Emanuel "Manny" Sado. He's such a passionate young man. His passion……
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German policy……
Austerity as Morality Lesson? Problem is not that there are now too few Eurozone programs in support of credit stressed member……
Recently, we had the opportunity to interview with Travis Beard, the director of Sound Central Film Festival in Afghanistan. F.A.……
For more than 15 years, Jacquie Greaves Monda and her husband Antonio Monda, have entertained international stars in their……
Central Asia is on the cusp of greater chaos or immense prosperity depending on the perception of the past, present and future.……
Central and South Asia include the incredible diversity of cultures, languages, and regions from countries like: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan,……
Last week Chief Mario Draghi promised that the ECB would do whatever it takes to save the Euro. The capital markets reacted most ebulliently……
An initiative targeting the forests of Africa’s Congo Basin, which consist of some 200 million hectares and are one of……
US court has refused freedom of information requests made by the United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary……