Depression and How to Overcome It

Hi everyone! This is jvanity1 and this is my 2nd comeback blog for this month. Today, we will be talking about a subjective illness……
Hi everyone! This is jvanity1 and this is my 2nd comeback blog for this month. Today, we will be talking about a subjective illness……
In fact, each day seems to present a different challenge. On Monday, you’re looking for a jolt to start the week. On Wednesday,……
challenges to Pakistan textile industry 1. Compete with China, India, and Bangladesh: ……
Pequeños Gigantes ( Little Giants ) Image source: Introduction Pequeños Gigantes is a child multitalent TV……
Survivor If we write down the names of the best reality shows so far in Television history ,then we write some amazing awards winning……
Thoughts of Jen Trials and challenges are always on our way. It is how you gonna handle them as they come into your life and……
1. I'm Positive Forever. How do i know that? No, i haven't had a perfect life. Actually, thanks to my childhood, i know how hell is……
Thoughts of Jen Trials and challenges are always on our way. It is how you gonna handle them as they come into your life and grow……
"Life Without stumbling block Life And All That Is Not True"Confront what has passed,Do you regret something that has been separated……
Afghanistan is suffering thousand sorrows and pains but nothing has been done as far as the treatment of these pains.……
In the meanwhile I saw a post of one page for the Overseas Filipino worker (OFW) regarding or for anybody who wants to work……
Now that I'm happy with the pre-production phase, it's time to move on to the production phase, finally! In this post, I'll be detailing……
Economy plays pivotal role in the development and stability of any country .In case of Pakistan economy has suffered grievously a……
Beset with multiple external and internal challenges of diverse dimensions and serious repercussions,Pakistan,indeed ,is passing through……
Organization of Islamic countries,OIC is a symbol of Muslims desire for unity and solidarity was established in 1969 as a reaction……
Pakistan - a land with resources and talented people - people who can contribute to making society better - is going through difficult……
Today I will talk about the discipline in the society and the problem of person which do not follow the discipline. Throughout history,……
Is discipline is necessary for passing our life? Discipline is the name of there behavior, follow the rules and concentrate on there……
It was almost 11 in the morning when I got the confirmed news from a source while I was in office at Sarai Chai Faroushi, Mandai Kabul. ……
The present situation in Afghanistan problematic. The cuontry has very little in the way of existing infrastructure, and no real prospects……
I don't know what's changed, maybe it's the new year and New Years resolutions with the hope of making more of what I love to do,……
Network is about the tension and exploitation of the media network in order to get the highest rating possible. The story of network……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
كانت التحديات التي تواجه المسلمين وبقية العالم النامي من القرن ال 18 وال19……
Originally established in Afghanistan as UNIFEN in 2002, UN women were created in 2010 globally, with the Afghanistan country……
Every day, Afghans are sending millions of emails, checking social media profiles, commenting on weblogs, sharing news or stories,……
Whether talking with students at the university, clients at the studio or with Anderson West and Andy Salamocyzk I am often asked……
Literacy means the ability to read and write. In contrast, the inability to read and write is called illiteracy and analphabetism.……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
The modern Hindu community faces numerous challenges, some of which are rather exclusive to Hinduism in contrast to other religions.……
اذا كان يريد احد منا الاجابة علي كيفية سد الفجوة بين الممارسات السياسية……
They say that man cannot understand the meaning of true pain unless he’s gone through childbirth. Well, seeing as men……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
Corruption in Afghanistan has become widely recognized as a key challenges for governance and rules of law and as an obstacle for……
هذه رسالة الى كل حاكم يظن انه في مأمن على كرسي الحكم وان باستطاعته ان يسيطر……
Journalism is to write, to record and to broadcast the news or daily happens. Exchanges of information through mass media or social……
We all know that money flow (foreign Aids) in Afghanistan has started since the year 2002, but there are always complaints from the……
With the development of the internet, the short film, which for some time seemed under threat of irrelevance, is now experiencing……
The role of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT's), the policy of using military teams to deliver reconstruction projects, comes……
As long as human appeared in the earth, has needed to obviate its needs, which was possible only by struggle and working. People work……
Under the Taliban’s regime, women endured unspeakably harsh conditions and were deprived of basic……
Sport impacts on a person from different aspects. It increases the physical power and strength and cause to be healthy. People, who……
I love reading about the latest news in the world of robotics especially when it comes to the high stakes competitions and challenges……
However Kazakhstan is a country whose economy is growing fast, it is faced to some educational challenges.……
The American University of Afghanistan started its activities in Afghanistan a few years ago, and has been attracting many Afghan……
Provision of security and rehabilitation of security institution are considered as one of vital factors of nationalization process……
Afghan theater situation improves in Afghanistan daily. Such films are being produced in Afghanistan that are qualified……
Today Facebook is a good hobby for Afghan youth, and they use it when they are free during the day. Afghan people who use Facebook……
Since the last ten years Afghan youth the same as other youth of the world that have joined the Facebook, they……
The youth have faced to Facebook a lot in the recent years in Afghanistan. Most of Afghan youth who use Facebook accounts,……
Human robots have their own positive and negative impacts towards the current community.The main……
When we are children we all dream of what we'll become when we grow up. But some of us from very early on know that we are destined……
The importance of education is understood best by those who are denied the opportunities for the same. In a country struggling with……
I'm sure that one time or another we've all picked up a tabloid magazine to see what the latest diet or exercise regime……