Bitlanders C-Blogging: artificial intelligence and entertainment

Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat If you want to participate in BitLanders C-Blogging, read the guidelines here and create your……
Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat If you want to participate in BitLanders C-Blogging, read the guidelines here and create your……
The Benefits Of Content Marketing - Photo credit:, Edition by Amber255 via Content marketing……
Content Marketing Principles In Social Networks And Its Myths - Photo credit:, Edition by Amber255 via……
Content Marketing - What Is It And Why It Is Important? - Photo credit: via I am……
Full content is state of mindset of an individual according to me. Yes, even a rich guy does not seem happy if his mind is not happy……
Hello to each and everyone! Have a nice day! I would like to introduce myself as a newbie in this interesting world of bloggers club,……
Now a days many of students are trying to cheat with teacher to copy the paper, but I will susggest them not to write as the process……
~How to Successfully Maintain a Youtube Channel~ POST CONSISTENTLY- I know, everyone tells you the same thing OVER and OVER,……
Image Credits: Video Credits: Jay Baer via In these days, blogging……
Video Credits: Brian Tracy via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders The year 2017 is now in its final part. ……
After 2 year bitlanders is trying to get improve more and more and more and get lots of security to his work out who's trying to make……
***Quality content writers list on bitlanders*** Mickey……
How to Buzz Correctly to Content of The User Who Has Buzzed You The Purpose of this blog is to Guide All The Users How to Buzz Correctly to……
Source: Self Created On 13th May 2016 at 5:13 pm when I opened my treasure box for getting my earning and checking my rank but suddenly,……
Check our my 3 star blogs. This is from the oldest to the latest blogs.Click directly and the blog would open in a new tab. The……
Please read carefully the update below on the rules about content on bitLanders. In order to make bitLanders a place where users can……
You’ve seen the “STOP” and “SLOW DOWN” signs on your local highways, right? Even if you’re driving……
I am an active available content writer. i can write content for your website or blog. I have experience of 2+ years in this……
Now most of the brands performs download of content directly to the social network, without using the features of YouTube. The corresponding……
Bitlanders Quality Content In the Bitlanders you post only personal and quality content Blog (diary) which give different ……
As we already know about bitlanders and that it compensates its users for posting and submitting original and quality content. They……
Reach The Top Without Being A Spammer on BitLanders Part. 2 Takes a long time for me to start blogging back. If you have read my previous……
Bitlanders (Being social is now Worth) Bitlanders a paying social media which totally change the shape of social media and first time……
Bitlanders: Bitlanders is a platform in which people are here to earn. Bitlanders is a place where people posts different variety……
What is Bitlanders? Bitlanders is a digital website a kind of treat for the online users which is used for social interaction not……
(Image source: Although more than 500,000 people are using bitlanders very few of them have correct knowledge and grasp……
Do you have a passion of writing, and interacting with people? If you want to become a successful blogger, this article is for you.……
Introducing Bit-miles New Method of Online Making Payment: image source( Hi friends today we will discuss about newly……
Bitlanders Interview with founder of this amazing social rewarding platform. Registeration I join that amazing social media site on……
what is Bitlanders? Bitlanders is a Social Media website that pays and it is a place where you can see and write the catchy content……
It's been a long time I did not write a blog. This time I will write about how to become a top user without becoming a spammer in……
(Image source: We are living in an age where people are more social than ever before. Being social was started when human……
BUZZ First we have to know what buzz actually is ?.Buzz is actually a substitute of like we all do others social media sites.When……
Discover the ultimate immersive experience with the new curved design and lifelike 4K UHD picture quality of the Samsung Smart HU9000……
The Tools I Use For My Bitlanders Journey Introduction Since I joined Bitlanders, I have been searching……
What are the Browser Wars? Simply put, the Browser Wars are the struggle for dominance in browser market share. The more users your……
My 8th blog about Filipino Street Foods got 4/5 stars. Thank you for the good review Hillary. =) Next time I'll keep on mind about……
I went to global chat and every one is going mad. buuuzzzz buzzzz and subbb subbb whats that.If you really like to earn then please……
On bitLanders, quality content always wins! That's why we decided to make it easier for you to submit content for review and earn……
On bitLanders, quality content always wins! That's why we decided to make it easier for you to submit content for review and earn……
Today i am very happy because today my blog review by Hillary and she give to my blog 4 stars Out of 5 Thats very good for me That's……
New Action On BitLanders about promote yours content,Blogs,Micro-blogs,Pictures,And movies, Gems magic is required to complete this……
I want to share what I've experienced in some social networks. Here we go :) Quality vs Spam One of the things that scares……
, On my previous blog "The Easiest Way to Earn Free Bitcoins," I mentioned the best faucet rotator where you can earn free satoshis.……
are you contstantly for great engaging content for business facebook page? my secret revealed moniter and compitition and you tag……
After almost a week, my latest content submission has been reviewed. I have not posted my recent review results but I am sharing it……
Get 15 Extra Buzz Bonuses for 5 days when you submit 5-Star Content To encourage users to submit their content for review and reward……
This morning when I logged into Bitlanders I was very pleased to see a satisfying BUZZ score increase had been deposited into my Bitlanders……
This is your chance to earn double rewards for your content! Blog about Bitcoin and Digital Assets Starting May 1st, we give our users……
Patience is a virtue.I had waited half a month to lower down the amount for my content review to ten gems. I should say patience had……
I have not submitted any new blog of gallery for the past weeks, the last one that I had submitted had been reviewed……
Winning isn't a "sometime" issue. you do not win, once in an habit for a while, you do not do hings right once in for a while, you……
What is the easiest and fastest way to reach a high BuzzScore? Submit your content for review! On bitLanders, we value quality content!……
After two weeks or so, I finally received a new review for the blog, "Skywalk Experience" and got a score of 4 out of 5 stars. The……
Based on B2B survery report from NerProspex and Ascend2. Here are content creation that rate most effective inbound tactic and most……
Last Sunday, I have purchased 50 handful of gems but before that, I made sure that I already have a blog which I could readily submit……
I finally received a review from those old blogs which I had submitted after a long time. I believe the team had overlooked it……
Based on Regalix report, this following content assets proved to be effective for accomplishment of marketing goals in 2014. 70% Website……
Due to the delayed review contents that I had been experiencing, I didn't help myself but send an email to bitlanders' customer service.……
hi friends . thanks for always reading my blog post.................. i love #bitlanders and all of my bitlanders friends……
For as long as I can remember I have always loved to write articles online. I know that there are a lot of people out there who do……
Bitcoin is a crypto-currency that you acquire in different ways: by buying on a marketplace, receiving them in exchange for goods……
The Film Annex was started in 2006 by Italian entrepreneur Francesco Rulli with the aims of providing film makers a site to promote……
Lots of people insist that even though they have written several articles, they didn't generate any……
Have you wondered what is the + next to your Avatar and Buzz Score? It is "Buzz Bonus"! What are the "base Buzz Score" and……
"Qısa formada video kinematoqrafçıları bitlanders-in ürəyi və canı". Eyni Qısa Formada Video İnqilab Wochit üçün……
"Short form video filmmakers are the heart and soul of bitLanders". Same goes for Wochit - the Revolution in Short Form Video……
Affan Khan: "Now a days many internet users did not do anything without google services , and slowly slowly google services is going……
Earn 5 free bitcoins when signing up for latium account and earn more for inviting your friends. Please carefully follow the instructions……
Well, I knew this was going to happen the moment I started posting videos here. But unfortunately, I don't have any new videos to……
WHAT PILL WILL YOU TAKE? So you've got two choices here- you get to choose what pill will you take:If you take the red……
Bu gün biz BitLanders, sizin content üçün ödənilmiş almaq bir yeni sosial platforma başlamaq üçün……
Siamo fieri di annunciare la nascita di BitLanders, una nuova piattaforma social dove gli utenti sono pagati per i loro contenuti.……
Today, we are proud to launch BitLanders, a new social platform where you get paid for your content. We decided to launch BitLanders……
An excellent way of expressing what one feels about a movie is to write a review ob it which is popularly known as a movie review.……
When sit down to write I think about what I want to write about. I just don't start guns a blazing just typing random things, I sit……
Number of newly registered users is growing day by day on Film Annex. After joining Film Annex first question that comes to their……
In the past, I have written about "MY JOURNEY AT FILMANNEX OF SEVEN MONTHS - WHAT DID I GAIN?", and the way I got response from you……
Film annex is a social media that provides online job for its users. The president and also the founder of this media is Sir Francesco……
Today I am going to share with you all some tips on how to increase your buzz score, the tips which I am going to give you today is……
What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization (Optimisation)?You are a writer, or you are a business owner, you have a website you want……
Quality Content Film Annex is the first website in the world to pay users in Bitcoin for content they create and share. Other social……
After the redesign of the photo galleries, this is the video upload feature that got a brand new look. Faster and clearer, the upload……
Il BuzzScore è al centro del modello di Film Annex. Nella nostra piattaforma, il BuzzScore è calcolato per ogni utente……
The BuzzScore is the core of Film Annex's model. On the platform, a BuzzScore is calculated for each user and determines his/her revenues.……
MULTIMEDIA Multimedia applications have made the world of graphics more beautiful, creative and interesting. Multimedia has……
Upon reading the article “Why Companies Should Invest in the Caribbean Workforce” written by Kimberly Frank, I cannot……
Film Annex es la plataforma para tus videos y blogs, pero sabias que tu también puedes subir fotos y organizaras en galerías?……
Film Annex è la piattaforma per i tuoi video e i tuoi blog, ma sapevi che ti permette anche di caricare immagini e di organizzarle……
Film Annex is the platform for your videos and blogs, but did you know you can also upload pictures and organize them into galleries?……
Embed the Buzz Button on your website or blog: When a non Film Annex user clicks on it, he/she will be invited to join the platform……
Farmers Market is a universal market; for any country and community around the globe there is always a date and time where many local……
Per notizie sui BitCoin in genere vado immediatamente in tre posti - il Blog di Mike Sweeney qui su Film Annex, il……
For news pertaining to BitCoin I usually go to three places immediately - Mike Sweeney's Blog here at Film Annex, the Reddit BitCoin……
Hi there! This is Hafsa from Wah Cantt (Pakistan). I am a simple girl who has a keen interest in book reading, internet surfing……
Examer Company Ltd and its sponsor Film Annex Corp have good news to share. Film Annex effort around the world is getting recognition……
Today we learn about the Microsoft word work. The document window can we change considerably as you work, but the basic controller……
Here at Film Annex we want to make sure our users know that every time they submit photos, videos, or blogs they have the ability……
RAM is stands for random access memory. It is temporary and read and write memory . Random access memory are used in the computer……
Torrents are very useful now a days .many of us use torrent to download our required stuff like software’s ,movies……
Film Annex,全球唯一“为内容付费的社交媒体”(Social Media That Pays) 平台,提供奖励给平台上的电影制作人,作家和博主/部落客们。……
Hi there! This is me Sharafat Sheikh from Pakistan. This is my first time entry in Filmannex. You must be thinking how and why I joined……
Film Annex,全球唯一“為內容付費的社交媒體”(Social Media That Pays) 平台,提供獎勵給平台上的電影製作人,作家和部落客們。……
美国国务卿(US Secretary of State)和前总统候选人-约翰·凯瑞(John Kerry)决定写一篇关于“Roya……
Hi there! Good evening here in Pakistan, my friends! This is my debut appearance at filmannex. Now the question as to how I came in……
美國國務卿(US Secretary of State)和前總統候選人-約翰·凱瑞(John Kerry)決定寫一篇關於“Roya……
11月13号是麦克斯威尼(MIKE SWEENEY)的生日,我们一起庆祝和分享这个特殊的日子,之后,他与我分享了他眼中@FILMANNEX……
11月13號是麥克斯威尼(MIKE SWEENEY)的生日,我們一起慶祝和分享這個特殊的日子,之後,他與我分享了他眼中@FILMANNEX……
Firenze, da Piazzale Michelangelo Film Annex è stato ideato e sviluppato da fiorentini e forse è questa la ragione……
Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Film Annex was conceived and developed by Florentines. This is possibly the reason why……
This Question in front of every time wants fear answer, according to the time and human minds or history and knowledge of human people……
Film Annexは映画配給とブロギングプラットフォームです。だから、フィルムマーカーは映画をアップロードする上でブログも書けますが、ライターやユーザーも記事を書くことを通して、お金が稼げます。全てのユーザーの収入はBuzzScoreによって決まります。点数のシステムのBuzzScoreはソーシャルメディアでユーザーのシェア力と視聴者を引き付ける力を測ります。BuzzScoreはあなたのブログの数とライターにとって大切なブログの質も測ります。……
As one writer puts it, the small things have the look of nothing, but peace can be found in them; it is like the flowers of……
Dear Film Annex friends ! It has been a while since each of you have been involved on @FilmAnnex either by writing blogs, uploading……
By “Empowerment” we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational,……
Film Annex ist eine Filmdistribution und Blog-Plattform. Das heißt, dass Filmemacher, neben dem Hochladen vom Videos, auch bloggen……
Il mio blog di oggi è una riflessione sul motivo per cui creo contenuti per questo sito. È passato quasi un anno dal……
Film Annex 的社群里积极参与我们的“Buzz分数(Buzz Score)”系统的成员有287,000名。但是您了解“Buzz分数”是如何运作的呢?事实证明,利用您的Buzz分数以获得报酬只需要一个非常简单的过程-……
L'industria della pubblicità online funziona per esclusione. Le piattaforme con milioni di visitatori filtrano i propri utenti……
傳統線上廣告業(Online Advertising Industry)的工作原理是排阻。擁有數百萬觀眾的平台根據流量品質以過濾他們的用戶,並專注於表現最佳的用戶群。排阻系統到現在為止一直被採用,我們相信我們必須要積極主動地往前跨一步。……
Facebook changed the algorithm for its news feed... yet, again! As announced on Facebook's blog by Varun Kacholia, Engineering Manager,……
David Woo of Bank of America Merrill Lynch states in his recent Wall Street research report: "We believe Bitcoin can become a major……
Film Annex 的社群裡積極參與我們的“Buzz分數(Buzz Score)”系統的成員有287,000名。但是您了解“Buzz分數”是如何運作的呢?事實證明,利用您的Buzz分數以獲得報酬只需要一個非常簡單的過程……
这个星期,Film Annex 义大利佛罗伦萨的开发团队来访纽约,这给了我们大家一个可以面对面合作,交谈的机会。……
10月24号的晚上,我拜访了一些住在布鲁克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。 Nicolas 是一位科学家,音乐家和魔术师。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚,我们谈谈生活里发生的事,看他玩卡片展现魔术技巧。在我们谈到有关智慧时,我提及了我所遵循的规则:“当您是房间里最聪明的人的时候,那么您就走错了房间!(If……
Everyone has ideas - Chris Saunders, a filmmaker and photographer based in Johannesburg – included. During a one-year residency……
November is Diabetes month and many nations around the world including Saint Lucia are coming to grips with how well they are doing……
Ci sono vari motivi per cui il Segretario di Stato degli Stati Uniti, nonché ex candidato premier John Kerry……
There are reasons why US Secretary of State and former Presidential candidate John Kerry decided to write an article……
這個星期,Film Annex 義大利佛羅倫薩的開發團隊來訪紐約,這給了我們大家一個可以面對面合作,交談的機會。Film……
Man is a great creature of God. He is gifted with great intellect by God. By using his intellect, he does all his jobs from morning……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
10月24號的晚上,我拜訪了一些住在布魯克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。Nicolas 是一位科學家,音樂家和魔術師。我們度過了一個美好的夜晚,我們談談生活裡發生的事,看他玩卡片展現魔術技巧。在我們談到有關智慧時,我提及了我所遵循的規則:……
Questa settimana il team di programmazione di Film Annex di Firenze si trova a New York e abbiamo quindi la possibilità di……
Today is Mike Sweeney's Birthday, and after our first morning exchange celebrating his special day here a note he shared with me just……
This week, we have the Florence, Italy programming team of Film Annex in New York City and it gives us a chance to collaborate face……
Film Annex è una piattaforma di distribuzione e blogging. Ciò vuol dire che i filmmaker hanno la possibilità……
Film Annex 是一个线上电影和文章发行公司,拥有近30万名注册用户,并且每天在平台上发布专业级内容。经由广告,展示横幅广告(Banners)和前贴片广告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以产生收入。……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美国领事馆遭受恐怖袭击,这个事件夺去了两名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警卫和七名自杀式炸弹袭击者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Ieri sera ho fatto visita a dei miei grandi amici di Brooklyn, Cecile e Nicolas Heron. Nicolas è uno scienziato, musicista……
Last night, I was visiting some good friends in Brooklyn, Cecile and Nicolas Heron. Nicolas is a scientist, musician and magician.……
Today’s world is the world of digital literacy, target thinking, and internet. The main reason of the success of the developed……
Film Annex 是一個電影發行平台和部落格平台。電影製作人們除了上傳視頻以外,也可以發表部落格文章,而作家,部落客和用戶們可以在平台上撰寫文章以產生收入。所有 Film……
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is start a project but if you can actually get started then you have gotten through the hardest……
My name is Aafia. I am a student in a University of K.P.K Pakistan. A strict Islamic religion area where women rights are not known……
My name is Syed Ahmad Shakir, student of BS (honors) chemistry Department in Haripur University Pakistan. And I am also……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美國領事館遭受恐怖襲擊,這個事件奪去了兩名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警衛和七名自殺式炸彈襲擊者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Film Annex is a film distribution and blogging platform. It means that filmmakers can blog in addition to uploading videos, and also……
Film Annex 是一個線上電影和文章發行公司,擁有近30萬名註冊用戶,並且每天在平台上發佈專業級內容。經由廣告,展示橫幅廣告(Banners)和前貼片廣告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以產生收入。Film……
Target Thinking = (Thought Leadership using Strategic Positioning) + (Target Marketing using Strategic Keywords) We recently……
The two most important factors in a presentation are: A- Content B- Delivery Establish a positive relationship with your audience……
The traditional Online Advertising Industry works by exclusion. Platforms with millions of viewers filter their users based on the……
The Soufriere Foundation 2013 Scholarship/Bursary Awards Ceremony was held on August 28th 2013. 218 students received assistance costing……
Procrastination is defined as doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks……
Digital Design Annex LLC is a portfolio company of Film Annex Capital Partners, and Film Annex founder Francesco Rulli……
Film Annexسسٹم اور Examer content دونوں افغان اٹالوی اور امریکی سافٹ ویئر اور سوشل……
It’s this time of the year when students gear up to return to school. It’s a time of mixed emotion. As a kid growing up……
Film Annex 是一個線上專業網絡(online professional network),擁有遍布世界各地將近30萬名用戶所提供的電影和文章,從阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat,……
In places like Afghanistan where there are just one computer for fifty students and limited internet access, students are rising up……
In places like Afghanistan where there are just one computer for fifty students and limited internet access, students are rising up……
287,000 people on Film Annex actively participant in our Buzz Score program. But how does it work? As it turns out, getting paid for……
The Facebook EdgeRank is the nifty name that Facebook has given for their algorithm in determining what content is seen by who and……
As a kid growing up in the island of St. Lucia my desire was always to travel to a big country in order to become the person I wanted……
BY: NICOLE TAN Net a Porter has one, so does Gilt, and H&M. The phenomenon of many editors jumping from publishing to e-commerce……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
Film Annex 是一个线上专业网络(online professional network),擁有遍布世界各地將近30万名用戶所提供的电影和文章,从阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat,……
The Film Annex Revenue Sharing System and the Examer Content Creator both come from a strong collaboration between Afghan, Italian……
Organic Traffic = Traffic from Search Engines Search engines have robot scripts that regularly crawl webpages on the internet to look……
Why is film production so important? And I am not talking about Hollywood productions now. I would like to talk about online film……
FAMusicTV is an official web TV, representing independent material, in collaboration with Web TV is dedicated to the……