BLOG #236: GIVKWIK: Impulse Philantrophy

GIVKWIK: Impulse Philantrophy What is Givkwik Givkwik is an online platform where companies or individuals can give back……
GIVKWIK: Impulse Philantrophy What is Givkwik Givkwik is an online platform where companies or individuals can give back……
bitLanders has been supporting and promoting many non-profits through its Charity Page, BitCharities, and on social networks.……
I was browsing pictures that I have screen captured from bitlanders when I come across the one above. It was dated March 11,……
The name of the charity says it all. Two words that really means a lot. We are all created by God and in His eyes we are……
In light of what happened to Vanuatu on March 13, I looked for charities here in bitlanders I could donate to that……
I visited the Charity section of the shop here in bitlanders and saw this new charity that we can donate. Maybe it's only now……
I am really happy to see the Charity tab on Bitlanders Shop & find out first tab "Action Against Hunger" under ACF International,……
Action Against Hunger Foundation Let us help in eliminating or at least lessening the problems of hunger. It is important that……
Lifevest Inside I really the mission of this organization. Remember that no kindness is ever wasted. We should be kind……