Calls for UN Reform: Veto Power, Climate Change to World Economic Growth

Is the United Nations the Titanic with a couple of Captains giving the order or an armada of nations plying toward shared objectives?……
Is the United Nations the Titanic with a couple of Captains giving the order or an armada of nations plying toward shared objectives?……
Agreement has been reached between Sudan and South Sudan on resuming oil production and exports for joint benefit, (mainly via pipelines……
“As Liberia moves toward its tenth year of sustained peace, we can state with conviction that our country has turned the corner.……
"At the moment, we still don't know very much about this virus. We do know that it is in the Corona family of viruses - Corona……
Perhaps it is mere coincidence, but as the wealth gap has grown in the US and middle class real income has lagged, the overall US……
QE3, (Quantitative Easing program Stage 3), has already made millionaire traders and speculators richer even before it was initiated……
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German policy……