52 Films by Women Vol 4. 1. Twin Flower (Fiore Gemello) (Director: Laura Luchetti)

Pictured: Basim (Kalill Kone) and Anna (Anastasyia Bogach) begin a beautiful friendship in 'Twin Flower' (Fiore Gemello) a Italian……
Pictured: Basim (Kalill Kone) and Anna (Anastasyia Bogach) begin a beautiful friendship in 'Twin Flower' (Fiore Gemello) a Italian……
Pictured: Shadi (Saleh Bakri) and Abu Shadi (Mohammad Bakri) take the stairs in Annemarie Jacir's Nazareth-set road movie, 'Wajib'.……
2018 Italian Republic Day celebration on bitLanders. The celebratory item & Buzz Bonus Italian Republic Day, also known……
Festa del Soccorso One of the craziest celebrations in the World. Image edited by Pixor Hey, bitfellows. During these days I had no……
Hey! I m back with my another informative blog. I want to write about it from long but couldn’t find the time. In this article,……
Happy Italian Republic Day! To celebrate the Italian Republic Day on June 02, we are releasing a special celebratory item: Fireworks……
Photo Credit: Myself Hello, guys! In my previous post, I made it to the middle of the little adventure I had……
Photo Credit: Myself Hi guys, If you've read my previous posts you know I like to travel and blog about my trips……
Lapis Lazuli Gemstone Information About Lapis Lazuli - History and IntroductionLapis lazuli, often referred to……
On 23rd December 2002 Vittorio Emanuele returned to Italy on a one day visit. Vittorio Emanuele is the son of Umberto II of Italy,……
On 18th December 1737 Antonio Stradivari died. Stradivari was born in Cremona, Italy, and during his life was a crafter of string……
Рим в первую очередь грандиозен или, высокопарно говоря, «величествен»……
Italy, commanding a long Mediterranean coastline, has left a powerful mark on Western culture and cuisine. Its capital, Rome, is home……
vita piu deficele in questo piese
After my Previous Blog About "Bravame" i decide to write a Blog on Sportivy. As you can see the word Sporivy comes from Sport-ivy……
"Roma è la capitale della storia, della cultura, della religione, Roma è l'Italia". "Rome is the capital……
Spamming in Bitlanders What is Bitlanders? BitLander is basically a well known site of the social media sites which pay……
"Venice is like eating an entire box of liqueur chocolates at once." Truman Capote. Venice is the city of love, perhaps the most beautiful……
Hi everyone, My name is Mehtab and I just joined this site, so thought to share something interesting with you guys, okay so let's……
Football is also Known as "The Game Of Thrones" is a Football Game played between two games. Each team consists of……
ITALY!!! ITALY!!! ITALY!!! ITALY!!! ITALY!!! ITALY!!! ITALY!!!Cosa farebbe Michael? Dona oggi.Hi everyone. Can you please help out……
When is a horse race like sex? When it is ninety seconds long, you can end up with a broken leg, and the winner could be rider-less.……
Michael Winterbottom is one of Britain’s most prolific directors. He produces at least a film a year. (A documentary on Russell……
Police complaint trader Karol Wolf and his colleagues uncovered and arrested them. Photo: File Rome: Italy 4 Noshir wing……
Alessandro Fatichi has been racing cars in Italy since 2010. He has also worked in the financial sector since 1986. He talked to us……
India on Saturday took up with Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe the "humanitarian" issue of fishermen's rights as controversy……
st francis founder of franciscans 900 years ago created it and in xxi century is still mandatory in portuguese stº antónio……
In the past, fear of dearly departed loved ones coming back as vampires was very real. There were a number of ways that people dealt……
VERY GOOD PTC SITE DAILY EARN $0.10 10% Referral Commission Mean You Earn also $0.10 Per Referral Minimum Payout: $2 instant……
World famous city of the world.
Italian authorities disembarked 360 cold and hungry migrants Saturday from a ship left adrift by its crew off the country's coast,……
Prediksi Bola Cagliari vs Chievo Verona, liga ini akan berlangsung di Stadion Stadio Sant’Elia (Cagliari) pada pukul 01:00 WIB……
due to sonia trek which was ruassina and died 52 years ago in paris and here you+´ve gott a picture of her with her man,robert……
An eye-catching mix of Eastern Byzantine, Western Gothic and even Islamic styles of architecture and art, Saint Mark’s Basilica……
New York, NY, 3 sentyabr, 2014 - 3 sentyabr 2014-cü, MTI USA, Inc bitLanders.com, bir Influencer nin RPG (rolu Play Game) İtaliya……
New York, NY, September 3, 2014 – On September 3, 2014, MTI USA, Inc. launched bitLanders.com, an Influencer’s RPG (Role……
The news of the parliamentary resolution presented a few days ago to the Italian Parliament by Giovanni Paglia (Left Ecologist and……
War and Peace Throughout the known history……
Today I'm traveling from New York to Shanghai and I have a lot of free time, so I decided to write a blog about the World Cup 2014……
In Italy, the most famous sport is football. Personally I hate it because too much money are involved, money which could have been……
Since February 2014, Bitcoin has become Film Annex's official currency. Users can request the Bitcoin they earn on the platform or……
Anche quest'anno sono stato ad Avellino come docente del Corso SEO, Web Marketing e Social Media Marketing organizzato dalla Camera……
So happy that my newest animated short Mario, a paint on glass piece, has premiered online on the Animated Documentary website. Watch……
In Wednesday April 23rd a test was held by the crew composed by Alessandro Fatichi and Cristian Pollini with the Renault Clio R3 of……
In Italy in 1830, Agostino Bassi proposed that the silkworm disease, muscardine was caused due to the presence of……
Quest'anno siamo andati alla Mostra dell'Artigianato di Firenze, e per l'ora di pranzo non poteva mancare una sosta al banco dei prodotti……
La scorsa settimana abbiamo installato la nuova insegna esterna per il nostro stupendo salone di parrucchieri ed estetica a Empoli……
With the great, awesome, massive Angry Birds in Rome! Last weekend me and Sara were in Rome, and in the city center we met the mythic……
Oggi prove del nuovo proiettore in aula a Empoli. Con l'occasione ho voluto provare la visualizzazione di Filmannex in vista del nuovo……
Per Pasqua io e Sara Pucci siamo stati a Roma! Ed abbiamo fatto molti video in esclusiva per Filmannex. Presto li caricheremo, seguimi……
Impara il Web è il mio progetto di corsi online di Web Design, SEO e Web Marketing e Social Media Marketing. Ci sono tante……
Buona Pasqua a tutti! ... Happy Easter to all! Alessandro Frangioni @AlexFrangioni
Buona Pasqua a tutti gli utenti di Filmannex! Happy Easter to all Filmannex's users! Alessandro Frangioni
Giornata splendita anche oggi. Qui alla Digital Design di Firenze si continua a creare, progettare e sviluppare per Filmannex. E fra……
Da Beauty Concept, il salone di Parrucchieri ed Estetica a Empoli (Firenze) trovi il taglio perfetto per rimanere alla moda e al passo……
Weekend di riposo e relax con Sara Pucci. tempo non molto bello però abitare in campagna ha sempre il suo fascino. e grazie……
Eccomi a casa mia! Oggi a Firenze è davvero una bella giornata. Questi sono i vantaggi di abitare in piena campagna.……
Mi dispiace per i miei colleghi, ma sono il pià forte a Street Fighter! Con il mio Blanka, non c'è nessuno che mi può……
Il nuovo HTML5 è un linguaggio davvero fantastico, per questo ho deciso di iniziare un nuovo corso di HTML5 per imparare a……
LAKE-DWELLINGS The Lake-Dwellings were used by the people of Neolithic Age. Traces of these Dwellings were found in Switzerland in……
Oggi mi sono soffermato su un altro articolo molto interessante. La giornalista di Style.com Katharine K. Zarrella ha commentato il……
Che bello, arrivare in ufficio di mattina, con un bella giornata di sole, e trovare il Mac che ti da il buongiorno chiamandoti per……
Another amazingly interesting piece caught my attention today. Style.com journalist Katharine K. Zarrella disputes about the……
Grande successo dell'Openday organizzato da Impara il Web, Isidat Informatica e Coeso a Empoli. Questo sopra è un'articolo……
Oggi pranzo in giardino alla Digital Design, a base di Fragole un po' speciali... Parallax. Infatti tutte le foto che facciamo alle……
Saper usare il computer al giorno d'oggi è fondamentale. In occasione dell'Openday di presentazione dei nuovi corsi e delle……
In occasione della nuova sede presso le aule di Coeso Empoli, Isidat presenta il nuovo Openday, con tante lezioni completamente gratuite.……
Fotoritocco: vuoi imparare ad usare Photoshop per conoscere le tecniche più usate dai fotografi? Sabato 5 aprile puoi assistere……
Vuoi imparare a realizzare un sito con Html5? Sabato 5 Aprile a Empoli presentiamo i nuovi corsi di informatica per Isidat, Coeso……
Staying here in Filmannex, I started to read about the condition of women around the world, and the situation they live in. That made……
INDUSTRIES In this recent time, people need not only food but they desire comforts and all extravagance items too. In order to become……
Torino in English called Turin was the first capital of Italy. It is situated in the northern part of Italy and is the capital of……
Now for a long time, in my mind took form a hypothesis about what could be the future of the country Italy, considering the constant……
Miki Biasion 在义大利布雷西亚(Brescia,Italy)举办的赛车活动“Motor Circus”中谈及了他在拉力赛车世界的新计划:“拉力赛车私人教练-……
di Ksenniya Grisé Realizzando la propria influenza ed il proprio potere, l'industria della moda gioca un ruolo importante nel……
By: Ksenniya Grisé Realizing its influence and power, fashion industry takes a great part in supporting and developing the……
My aim is to write informative blogs about the health because a universal truth that “Health is Wealth”. As a consequence……
Miki Biasion 在義大利布雷西亞(Brescia,Italy)舉辦的賽車活動“Motor Circus”中談及了他在拉力賽車世界的新計劃:“拉力賽車私人教練 -……
Most of the writers on Film Annex forum are students. That’s why it becomes my duty to inform all of my friends about all the……
Bei der Veranstaltung Motor Circus im Brescia hat Miki Biasion seine neue Initiative für die Rallyewelt beschreibt: "Rally Personal……
Miki Biasion, during the Motor Circus event in Brescia, has presented its new initiative linked to the world of rallying. " Rally……
These photos are from the last section of the film. After a dramatic shooting there are a few symbolic images of birds (birds are……
Germany football team is one of the best teams in Europe it was in international ranking after Brazil and Italy and for the first……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
At least 114 innocent souls died off of Italy’s southern with at least 250 missing after the boat caught fire carrying……
You can say Georgio Armani is the king of fashion as he has built an entire empire and is currently in the Top 200 of the World's……
Germany’s dual-education system is far from fool proof. I recently came across an article in The Economist in regards……
Researchers are seeking to develop genetically modified insects to combat different pests as opposed to various herbicides,……
Let’s paint a picture of the future that involves robots helping your lovely nana or grandpapa around the house, reminding……
History of Ballet Ballet's earliest precursors in Renaissance Italy were lavish entertainments. Acts included not just dancing,……
The past few days have been crazy getting ready to move to The Netherlands - that's right, I'll be there for a year on an MA course.……
Over the weekend, my wife and I were able to stay in Southampton, New York at the home of Francesco and Cara Rulli who currently are……
I met with a couple of my friends yesterday and we were discussing some plans for the future regarding vacations. You know how that……
Last June was very special in the life of a young judoka from Siena, Italy. Chiara Carminucci won the bronze medal at the European……
A hot summer afternoon in Flower Street Café in Kabul, I was glad to meet Aman Mojadidi, an amazing Afghan-American artist.……
I finished animating the first stanza of the song earlier this week. The lyrics of this part of the song translate as: "Everyone calls……
I love that feeling when I'm starting to animate a film - when I feel like I've planned enough that I know what direction I'm going……
Well, it's time to start working on my next film! This one is based on an Italian folk song called 'Tutti Mi Chiaman Mario' that I……
By Riccardo Costa In America we talk more and more about mixologists, who are creators of new drinks, engineers of liquor stills,……
James Gandolfini, who simultaneously elicited thrill and excitement with his portrayal of Tony Soprano on HBO's "The Sopranos" has……
If you’re looking for a taste of Naples in the city of New York, then you must stop at PizzArte.By Riccardo Costa In Manhattan there’s……
April is turning out to be a very busy month for the video artist Alessandro Amaducci. His spectacular productions will be screened……
by RICCARDO COSTA Celebrating the one year anniversary of Felice 83, I took part in a raffle where the prize was a full dinner for……
Riccardo Costa goes against his own rule of not eating at Italian restaurants in New York. Turns out, it was a great decision. By……
Riccardo Costa embarks on a mission to eat his way through Manhattan on discount coupons.By Riccardo CostaA few months ago I decided……
For more than 15 years, Jacquie Greaves Monda and her husband Antonio Monda, have entertained international stars in their……
Last week Chief Mario Draghi promised that the ECB would do whatever it takes to save the Euro. The capital markets reacted most ebulliently……
G-20 reached only partial success on the Eurozone crisis and no new initiative to resolve Syria. However, political expediency……
Does Spain’s continued fall into economic malaise reflect what US may have looked without stimulus and with more fiscal austerity?……
Austerity is killing European and global economic health? UN sees the Eurozone financial crisis as biggest global economic……
Born and raised in Florence, Italy, I started study Graphic Design and Visual Communication at the High School. My strong passion……
Professor Alessandro Amaducci has 14 one of a kind videos uploaded to his Film Annex Web TV. They are consistently submitted……
Breakthrough legal precedent - UN endorses European Court of Human Rights judgment that Italy violated its obligations under the European……
From Bosnia to Afghanistan - same cure where fear and hate now may rule – free market place of ideas. Fighting warlords and their……
Despite efforts to combat/counter, levels of violence remain high. Italy needs to do more and to address the underlying structural……
VIEW AWARD 2012 | International contest of animated shortsThe 2012 VIEW AWARD’s are ready to come out in full! Breaking free from……
“Water is our natural element. It is our duty to contribute to highlight the principles disciplining its preservation. We therefore……
After years of financial and political turmoil in Italy, I am struggling to find an explanation as to how millions of fellow Italian……