Macau Invasion Part 2

This would be a continuation of my previous blog about my visit to Macau about three years ago. If you haven't read it yet, you……
This would be a continuation of my previous blog about my visit to Macau about three years ago. If you haven't read it yet, you……
Truyện Ma= Ghi chép lung tung về những câu chuyện ma của bạn bè Em không tin vào ma lắm……
Nói đến Đèo Hải Vân – Thiên Hạ Đệ Nhất Hùng Quan thì có lẽ ai……
cầu mong 1 tháng nữa mình có đống tiền này :)))))))))))))))))))))))
today, i hope they 'll try to win dormund
Quê hương - Tế Hanh Làng tôi ở vốn làm nghề chài lưới: Nước bao vây,……
Allegory is really a Greek word, meaning speaking otherwise. The easiest type of allegory includes a story or situation written in……
SWIFT'S STYLE ( part 1st) Another peculiar quality of Swift's style is his perfect ease with which he could create by words……
"Style is the man." It is the most familiar notion regarding style of a writer and aptly fits to the subject. Style either in writing……
A journey through a family's life, living in the streets of São Paulo, facing the consequences of the FIFA Soccer World Cup's……
[TWO-FOLD APPEAL] IRONY AND SATIRE IN GULLIVER'S TRAVELS ( PART 1ST) Though comic episodes are not so frequent in the second……
[TWO-FOLD APPEAL] Gulliver's Travels has two-fold appeal, one to the child, the other to the grown up. For the child, it is a sort……
GULLIVER'S TRAVELS AS A MOCK UTOPIA ( part 1st) Gulliver's Travels' is a mock utopia in other way also. Besides mocking the……
FOURTH VOYAGE OF GULLIVER (part 1st) Dividing human nature into two parts, Swift has More’s utopia. If reason is extracted……
The fourth voyage of Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" is one of the most studied voyages. It is a veritable happy hunting ground for critics.……
THIRD VOYAGE TO LAPUTA ( part 1st) Swift here ridicules the politicians for the way in which they behave and suggests that……
The account of the third voyage of Gulliver has generally been regarded as the least successful. However, it is the funniest account……
SECOND VOYAGE TO BROBDINGNAG (part 1st) The Brobdingnagian king and his people think practically not theoretically, concretely,……
Michael Foot says: "A voyage to Brobdingnag is Lilliput in reverse but it also offers some of Swift's fiercest assaults upon the behavior……
"Gulliver's Travels" is not only a fantastic storybook but it has also serious implications. At the deeper level, this work shows……
“OF TRUTH” is the indicative of the greatness of Bacon's mind and art. Having philosophic and pragmatic bias of mind,……
“OF REVENGE” is a masterpiece of Bacon who in the eyes of Hugh Walker is: "First of English essayists, as he remains……
"OF MARRIAGE AND SINGLE LIFE" is a typical product of Bacon's versatile genius. It exhibits Bacon's tendency to present a subject……
“OF DEATH” is the fruit of Bacon's ripe wisdom and vast experience of the world. In this essay, Bacon illustrates and……
Renaissance means the revival of learning and an absolute change in every occupation. In its broadest sense, it denotes the gradual……
Bacon is certainly a moralist and he appears in this role in his essays. His essays abound in moral precepts. He lays down valuable……
Bacon is of great importance in the history of English Essay. His essays have become the classic of English language. They owe this……
Continuing through the year, in this blog we will focus on the highlights between the months May - August, which proved to be a career……
So I graduated last Friday with a BA (Hons) Experimental Film Production, here I am before the hot gown wearing happened. It was a……
ÉCU is proud to announce the scripts that have been shortlisted for our “Much More Than A Script Competition 2012”. We have selected……