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Intervisibility of Triangulation Station (T/Station): It is ascertained from the results of reconnaissance by one of the following……
Developing good study skills is critically important. You spend so much of childhood learning stuff, and being tested and quizzed……
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Methods of Curve Setting: Four methods are commonly used by using tape or chain together with an equipment:1) Offsets from Long Chord,……
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Excavation Generally, two steps are involved in estimating costs of excavation/earthworks Calculating quantity of earth to be handled……
CHICKEN AND POTATO CURRY It is different recipe which I am going to share with you and it’s my favourite dish. In this recipe……
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Today I want to discuss about most important thing in any type of industry which is Geometric Tolerance. Anyone part can’t be……
Have a nice day! Good luck to all!
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FRENCH FRIES Today I am going to share with you an evening snack recipe that is “FRENCH FRIES”. Every one like to……
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DAAL MASH Today I am going to share with you a different pulse recipe that is daal mash. Its very simple and easy to make this recipe……
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CHICKEN NOODLES Today i am going to share with you a very testy appetizer recipe. Chicken noodle is very simple recipe. All required……
CUCUMBER RAITA Cucumber raita is a special dip served with rice, pkorha, smosa or curry. This recipe is for 6-7 people make this at……
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LYCHEE MILKSHAKE Today I am going to share with you a very different and unique drink recipe. It is very simple and very easy to make,……
Mutter Pulao Mutter pulao is one of most favourite dish of all the Pakistani people. It is very simple and easy to make, all the ingredients……
APPLE AND BANANA MILK SHAKE This shake is very delightful especially for Aftar. It……
CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE Today I will share how to make delicious and sweet chocolate smoothie at home.This recipe……
(ii) Static Cone Penetration Test (CPT): Used for soft clays, silts and fine-sands only.In this test, pressure, denoted as Q(CPT)……
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument A deflection instrument uses a pointer that moves over a calibrated scale to indicate……
RECEPIE OF CUSTARD SHAHI TUKRYToday I will share with you recepie of custard hahi tukry.Shahi tukry is a rich dessert with……
Alu Gosht Alu gosht is a very popular recipe in the subcontinent indo-pak region. Just the name of this dish works as an appetizer.……
RECEPIE OF BADAMI DRUMSTICKSToday I will share with you recepie of "Badami Drumsticks".It is a very easy and quick recepie.You……
RECEPIE OF CLASSIC MACRONI Today i will share with you recepie of macroni.All of you are well familiar of this dish. It is……
RECIPE OF RASMALAI Today I will share with you the recipe of rasmalai.Rasmalai is a dessert.You can cook this delicious dessert……
RECIPE OF SPRING ROLLSToday I would like to share with you all the readers the recipe of spring rolls. Spring Roll is an awesome……
Potato and egg curry Potato and egg curry is very delicious and easy to make recipe. As there are a lot of methods to make potato……
Kabab Recipe Today i am going to share with you a very simple kabab recipe. This is for 5-6 people. Try this at home and enjoy. INGREDIENTS……
Chocolate milk shake Chocolate is all time favourite of child or even adults. This……
Chana chaat ……
MANGO FRAPPE Ingredients Mango chunks ……
Computer is an electronic machine which accept data processing it and give result and also store it . Functions of computer are accepting……
Today, we are going to talk about method of presentation. Is your presentation method is enough good that it clear the mind of students……
Comprehension means understanding something in all aspects. Most of us do not fully understand what we read. In order to be a good……
Following are some methods for achievement of knowledge; I have gotten an appreciable wall bring following some rules and regulations……
Cancer is very dangerous disease and rapidly increases.Cancer is so painful disease.Their are many types of cancer such as Skin cancer,Breast……
I want to present this topic for readers by concerning three main sections, which would be posted on my weblog in two different parts……