Moral Sms

Moral SMS A leaf falling from the tree is at the mercy of wind, it goes wherever wind takes it.Be the wind to drive others, not the……
Moral SMS A leaf falling from the tree is at the mercy of wind, it goes wherever wind takes it.Be the wind to drive others, not the……
Once there was a small boy named Shankar. He belonged to a poor family. One day, he was crossing through the forest carrying……
Once upon a time there was a man who had a big garden. He had planted many fruit trees and cared for them till they bear fruits. Now……
Most people are of the opinion that Good People don't exist any more in this rapidly growing fast paced world of ours which is only……
Education aims at full and harmonious development of all the faculties of man. A person is like a rough diamond that needs cutting……
mB 1.96694 || 06/03/15 By the grace of Allah Almighty I am received this maximum earning today 06-March-15. This is my highest earning……
Whether you have a SUZUKI or a BMW, the road remains the same. Whether you travel economy class or business, your destination……
Shared Beliefs and Values within a Social Context: Many similarities between a number of culturesEngineering is a Cross-Culture and……
Normative Ethics Vs Descriptive Ethics Yesterday I wrote about the concepts of ethics. But today my concern is……
Existing ethical theories may develop and new theories may emergeAs the social, economic, industrial and engineering setups and standards……
PATRIOTISM Patriotism may be defined as a social virtue demanding ardent love for, and selfless devotion to, one’s country.……
Right mind and Wrong mind Upon reading the nice story Right Mind and Wrong Mind from Panchatantra, I felt happy and joyous, that s……
THE IMPORTANCE OF GAMES AND SPORTS IN OUR LIFE By sports we mean out-door recreations. There are two elements in it; first, the element……
One of the most important aspects of life of every individual is policy, no one can generally be separate from politics and its affairs,……
Teacher is a person who polishes his students and changes them from a raw material……
Ethics is he greatest motive force which reflects the human in its best from as ethics is the introducer of real humanity. the progress……
You know him well, and he knows you better than anyone else. Today we are going to interview the one and only THE MR. DIVIL. Interviewer:……
The greatest difference between psychopaths and your average person is their ability to be socially cunning and their absolute……
well, this question would never found the right answer. It's a very controversial one. This question might not be considered as a……