52 Films by Women Vol 5. 30. The Old Guard (Director: Gina Prince-Blythewood)

Pictured (from left to right): Joe (Marwan Kenzari), Sebastian (Matthias Schoenaerts), Andy (Charlize Theron), Nicky……
Pictured (from left to right): Joe (Marwan Kenzari), Sebastian (Matthias Schoenaerts), Andy (Charlize Theron), Nicky……
Image credit: Screenshot of Querlo chat If you want to participate in BitLanders C-Blogging, read the guidelines here and create your……
AI is not going to take over the human brain in near future If you feel that the machine has already taken over our life, rest assured……
Yesterday finally came out the expected trailer of the third season of Stranger Things and although seems interesting no one can't……
Movie Review: BLACK MIRROR: BANDERSNATCH - Photo credit: vaaju.com, Edition by Amber255 via bitLanders.com Netflix always wants……
Image credits: reddit Judging the movie based on the poster is not a good habit. I looked upon Netflix’ Mowgli poster and……
Last week, I watched the series “The Haunting of Hill House,” which was released on Netflix in October 2018. And now,……
Blood on the Dance Floor At the time of this writing, Halloween would have had ended, but it's never too late to talk about vampires.……
English Movie Review - Mute Image Credit: 7wallpapers.net ……
Violet Evergarden. Photo credit: ZeHaffen via violet-evergarden.wikia.com If I have the power to “1up” another anime……
Image credits: Death Note promotional banner via Facebook - Deathnote official page I discovered Death Note some twelve years……
Image credits: Glass of blood by frolicsomepl via Canva.com This is a series I hadn't considered at first, due to its title (I'm no……
Image credits: Prison Cell by AlexVan via Canva.com and Pixabay.com I discovered Mindhunter, both the series and the book, a few weeks……
I Watched The Worst Witch Because of Lyanna Mormont Have you watched Game of Thrones yet? While the penultimate season just ended,……
Netflix is the currently on the best streaming platform for movies and TV Shows which are not available else. Last year Netflix……
Image Source: Google Images Hello, everyone. Welcome to the blog. This is the second part review of the Political……
Image Source: Impawards.com Hello, everyone. Here am I back again with another review. If you have not given a read to my previous……
I’m stunned by how the final, 8th episode eventually won me over. The depth of mixed emotions were much more rich than……
Stranger Things, Season 1, Chapter 7 Now they are just rolling the dice to decide what certain characters are going to do next. OK.……
Stranger Things, Season 1, Chapter 6 The pacing slowed way up in this episode. You can almost ignore Episode 5 altogether and pick……
Stranger Things, Season 1, Chapter 5 I wrote a long vitriolic post about Stranger Things Chapter 5, but decided not to post it. Suffice……
Stranger Things Season 1, Chapter 4 I was hoping that the discovery in the last few minutes of chapter 3 wasn’t just a head-fake……
Here, in Chapter 2 of Stranger Things, the small-town setting is being utilized to great effect. We know what the reputations are……
First impressions of Stranger Things, Episode 1: I found episode 1 diverting and fun. It’s heavy on plot; a little light on……
I’m a little relieved that there are only 8 episodes in this series that draws heavily on 1980s-style thrillers, especially……
Hello, everyone! I am a retailer selling all kinds of online premium accounts. My most-viewed products are Spotify premium accounts,……
We are support Netflix issue, Netflix Customer Care Support Service Phone Number
(Image Source : Google.com) One of the films I waiting - waiting to be published in June next is a film Voltron: Defender Legendary.……
My Top 10 TV Shows List #1 House of Cards American drama series My Rate 9.5/10 9.1/10·IMDb……
I thought that my first blog should be a little introduction to me and what you should expect more of on my profile:) Hello,……
This link has images of the Daredevil red carpet premiere, I cannot wait for this to start, I have been a daredevil fan since I was……
Hey everyone. If you're like me, you have a dual monitor set-up and like to watch bitlanders, youtube, hulu, or netflix on your second……
Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Woody Harrelson – I could almost stop right there. These are three of the most exciting male……
Recently I was in the mood to watch something that evoked some sort of emotion, an appreciation for life or some universal spiritual……
The animal! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Oranges the new black,……
You know you already miss it. It was reported earlier this year that NBC finally axed community, a show that has lived on the bubble……
It had been rumored by Latino-Review and Variety has confirmed that Boardwalk Empire's Charlie Cox will be dawning the signature……
I've been spending a lot of time on Netflix lately so now I want to share with you the top 5 television shows to binge watch on the……
"I film non devono preoccuparsi." E se lo dice Aaron Sorkin, allora deve essere vero. Lunedì notte Aaron Sorkin, lo sceneggiatore……
"Film doesn't have to worry." If Aaron Sorkin says so, then it has to be true. On Monday night, Aaron Sorkin, the Academy and……
Marvel, in a joint press conference with New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced today that their Netflix series —……
A postal worker holds a stack of Netflix envelopes at the U.S. Post Office sort facility, Oct. 24, 2011, in San Francisco. ……
Recently in my spare time, I watched a movie called the host. When I first turned on the movie I was expecting a typical story of……
Being somewhat of a self-proclaimed technology geek it always hits home when I feel like I can see myself aging. Most people feel……
I can’t speak for you, but for me watching movies online has become an integral part of my everyday life. No, I do like……
Todos conocen a NETFLIX commo el sitio web de transmicion de videos y servicio de rentas de DVD's. El 2013 marco un camino importante……
Net Neutrality can be defined as the process or idea of treating everybody on the internet equally. That's it. It's not a fancy engineering……
Tutti conoscono Netflix, un sito di streaming e di noleggio DVD. Il 2013 ha segnato un importante passo avanti nella storia……
Everybody knows Netflix as an Internet video streaming website and DVD rental service. 2013 marked an important milestone in Netflix……
If any of you have been following the wonderful world of books in recent months I'm sure you have heard of the greatest hit……
اگر آپ فلم انیکسر ہواور یہ پڑھ رہے ہوتو آپ پہلے سے جانتے ہو کہ ہم کس طرح کام……
What have you watched recently? I for one absolutely love my Netflix account, especially during those weekend nights when you’re……
The television and film industry lost another giant on Wednesday. Actor James Gandolfini died at age 51 during a trip in Italy. The……
This week, we'll set the major film festivals aside and focus back on the independent films scene. Much Ado About Nothing opens in……
Если вы являетесь FilmAnnex-ером и читаете это, значит вы уже знаете, как мы работаем.……