52 Films by Women Vol 5. 50. Shiva Baby (Director: Emma Seligman)

Pictured: Danielle (Rachel Sennott) with her back to her parents Joel (Fred Melamed) and Debbie (Polly Draper) flanking Danielle's……
Pictured: Danielle (Rachel Sennott) with her back to her parents Joel (Fred Melamed) and Debbie (Polly Draper) flanking Danielle's……
Pictured: Mae (Issa Rae) inspects some of her late mother's camera in the romantic drama, 'The Photograph', written and directed by……
Pictured: David (Brandon Polansky) and Sarah (Samantha Elisofon) meet at group in 'Keep The Change' a New York autistic romance written……
Querlo sponsors the Open New York Judo Championship 2017 which had commenced on the 26th of March, 2017 at the New York Athletic Club.……
On September 4th, 1882, the first central power plant for the production of electricity in the United States was switched on. The……
In case you're a lady, New York City is the greatest place on the planet to commence a business. That is the thing that Dell as a……
Patricia Clarkson is phee-nom-en-al as Wendy in the New York-set coming-to-terms-with-separation drama, Learning to Drive. Director……
The road to expanding a short film to a feature can be mighty long, but in the case of Tallulah, writer-director Siân……
The question of whether a woman can direct a taut Hollywood thriller as well as a man in answered in Money Monster, Jodie Foster’s……
5 Health Benefits of Donating Blood A spider bite might not transform you into a superhero, but a small needle prick and a little……
T H E G I R L N E X T D O O R Image Courtesy moviescreenshots.blogspot.com ……
New Year Eve shows in one the best cities of the world! Every year the same question: What do we do on New Years Eve? Traveling, or……
What is conversaty? Basically, The conversaty is a Web channel available online presenting the interviews of renown actors,directors,animators.scientist,business……
You must have seen many fundraising platforms on the internet, including crowd funding, etc. but, Givkwik is a bit different.……
Today after I witnessed the little Roberta Vinci take down Serena the Giant in a loud Irish Bar near Fulton Street, filled with Firemen……
Hey everyone, check out my film Half Way Crooks - point the finger (full movie 15min). It's a selection at #Cannes 2015 short film……
The previous chapter Much Water Has Passed Under The Bridges Chapter 5 My cell phone stated ten-thirty……
I remembered the first time I knew I was old. I was watching the new CGI version of Thunderbirds – no Jeff Tracy and a character……
In years to come, when Jason Schwartzman lists the top five characters he has played on screen, Philip Lewis Friedman should be number……
Govinda, who turned 51 recently, is unique in Bollywood for his ability to dance and act well at the same time, says his popular co-star……
"The Superheroes' qualities are Integrity, Will, Action, Determination." ……
Jokes and mocking - that's what comes first before any other public reaction, when the Russian government officially claims its next……
The practice of casting comedians in serious roles isn’t one I wholly agree with. We expect them to exercise their comedy muscles……
The Little Things – Inspirational As you might know, the head of a major company survived the tragedy of “9/11”……
new york coffee is now in karachi - the american-style cafe satisfying customers since the year 2000 in manama,bahrain.we import gourment……
A bear cub has been found dead under a bush inside New York City's Central Park, and authorities suspect animal cruelty played a role……
Today i am going to talk about the protest against Prime Minister of Pakistan of PMLN(Pakistan muslim League N) in New York. This……
In the kind of video ads we want to see more often, after the short film type, here comes the "tribute" one. It's no secret that……
Before we decided to shoot the Reunion sketch we thought that it would be a good idea to do a read through. Actually,……
On August 14, 1941, while the world was still engaged in war, American President F. D. Roosevelt met with the British Prime Minister……
Afghanistan is a country located in Central Asia and South Asia. Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghauri were two conquerors, who invaded……
Globalisation means that around the globe are coming together, as if they living in the same city. It is also said that, today they……
Today I'm traveling from New York to Shanghai and I have a lot of free time, so I decided to write a blog about the World Cup 2014……
Recap of The Disco Biscuits New York City - Irving Plaza Thursday June 12, 2014 Set 1: Spaga (Moonlight Sonata……
Photo by: Mike Losness Sam Hammer is a professional surfer, owner of Hammer Surf School, and a proud East Coast native. The beloved……
146th Belmont Stakes TODAY AT 6PM EST 11 Horses, 1 Triple Crown Contender Ready for the most exciting 2 minutes in sports? Distance:……
La gara che si è svolta lo scorso 11 maggio a Belluno, in Italia, è stata la prima volta del marchio Film Annex /……
The race that was held last May 11 in Belluno , Italy, was the first time the brand Film Annex Bitcoin Sponsorship on a rally car.The……
If you’re an East Coast surfer, you must surf at Montauk. Montauk is situated in the Hamptons, a summer getaway for the……
Sì, sono un po' in ritardo, ma sono stata impegnata a preparare un articolo per Russian Cosmo. È strano, ma i Russi……
Yes, I know it's not that current, but I've been pretty busy preparing an article for Russian Cosmo. That's weird but Russians are……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of……
While last night's snow was a very unexpected and un-welcomed event here in New York, it is, in fact, Springtime. Although i……
(Oscar nominated animator, Cordell Barker, animates on Post-it Notes from his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba) This is Part 2 of a previous……
La musica è sempre stata una compagna perfetta per l'esercizio fisico, per sollevare lo spirito e migliorare il morale. Tutti……
Music has always been a perfect compliment to working out, lifting spirits, and enhancing moods. We all at one time or another……
For many people across the USA and around the world, New York City is one of the most intriguing and interesting places that a person……
As many of you know, I am a nationally ranked squash player. And not only do I play the sport of squash frequently, I also get myself……
Apparteniamo ad una nuova generazione di giramondi. Il 21esimo secolo ci ha donato questa opportunità unica, quella di poter……
This is the Part III of this Synecdoche, New York analysis on Filmannex. Part I Part II Watching this movie over……
NEW YORK, NY - The 2014 New York Open Judo Team Tournament, held at the New York Athletic Club on Sunday, March 2nd, was won by France……
Ever since I read the review of the late Roger Ebert about “Synecdoche, New York“, I have wanted to watch it desperately,……
Liebe Judokas, Eigentlich sollte mein Flug von Fort Lauderdale (Florida) nach New York bereits vor einer halben Stunde gestartet……
“Mentalist, noun. Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.”They……
When you mention the name Amr Shabana to a squash player, the immediately know who he is. Shabana, better known as “Shabs”……
The world famous Tournament of Champions is back in town. Highly regarded as one of the most iconic squash events around the world,……
According to PIX 11 New York is furthering its adoption of BitCoin by introducing the first BitCoin ATM in the East Village. Take……
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones The Mortal Instruments:Cities of Bones is the action,adventure and drama film and it is a 2013……
We live on the land which constitutes 71% of area covered with water and 29% of the area of Earth. The huge bodies of water are called……
Cecil Williams, 61, and Orlando labrador escaped being killed by the train will lie in between the rails The Orlando guide dog, a……
Being a fan of semiotics and having learnt from many opinionated regarding the pros and cons of stereotypes, my travel experience……
Lavoro come attrice e vivo a New York. Essere un'attrice (quando sono impegnata) può voler dire alzarsi presto la mattina,……
Last year, I discovered the work of graphic artist Vahram Muratyan. His book, Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities, and prints……
Sunday’s game proved that the New York Giants are still committed to this season. They showed up and played like a strong……
When you live in the US, New York and Los Angeles are the "Mecca" of film shootings. Chances are that you will run into film sets……
Do you know someone who suffers from PTSD? Well, chances are most of us do when considering the fact that approximately 7.7……
You know My time in this world is limited But the things that I can do with that time Are not -Jeb Corliss I As I get older……
Caro Lou Reed, accade sempre così: ora che non ci sei più, ti dedicheranno qualche servizio al telegiornale (in Italia……
This simple question has lead to decades upon decades of debates between two worlds that have incessantly clashed in the past. Graffiti……
Have you heard of Billie Holiday? I hope for the all that is music that we’ve all had at least a tiny nibble of a taste……
Have you heard of Anna Wintour? No? Well, have you seen the popular romantic comedy, The Devil Wears Prada? Yes? Well……
Are you looking to meet some real ninjas? Well, then you should consider the Ninja New York Restaurant in Tribeca, New York. ……
میرے نزدیک نیویارک دنیا کا سب سے عظیم ترین شہرہے اور اگر اس کو دنیا کا……
俄罗斯电影周(Russian Film Week)将于2013年10月9日到13日在纽约盛大举行。 这个活动第一次举办时是在西元2000年的纽约,当时由俄罗斯专业电影摄影师联盟支持和赞助,并称这个活动为俄罗斯电影节(Festival……
Apples, apples, apples! We are a nation of apple-loving people and their juicy crunchiness. But what makes these guys so tasty……
俄羅斯電影週(Russian Film Week)將於2013年10月9日到13日在紐約盛大舉行。 這個活動第一次舉辦時是在西元2000年的紐約,當時由俄羅斯專業電影攝影師聯盟支持和贊助,並稱這個活動為俄羅斯電影節(Festival……
By Sem Maltsev The Russian Film Week will be held in NYC from 9-13, October 2013. The first time such an event was held in New York……
http://www.amazon.com/Dancer-Mimi-Gene-Geter/dp/1492367818/ When Mark was 13, he found a camera on his way to school and photographed……
One of my favorite paintings of all time has to be Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring” and I am……
6 ماہ Alfatex اورHyunjinn کی مشترکہ رفاقت کے بعد ہم نے آخرکار دو فیکڑیوں کو وزٹ کیاـ……
2pm, Sunday, August 26th, 2013 at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York. Film Annex's very own FK of FDRMX and FAMUSICTV arrived……
I was reading a book recently and it mentioned very briefly about the Son of Liberty. So naturally, I wanted to know more about……
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a waterfall? Probably not as we are sane, for the most part. I surely have……
Greetings and salutations New York City! The melting pot of the world is not about to meet the melting pot of sound: FKBAND. ……
Good morning, my dear friends. It is getting a little bit colder these days, and that's unfortunate. Summer is passing by...……
My aunt always wanted to take me to the Council on Foreign Relations daughters and sons meeting, but my parents would say that I was……
Hello everyone. Let me start this topic with the introduction. Today I flipped through the latest news, and again had a……
Everyone needs to know everything about this ride, ESPECIALLY the fun stuff. It is so important to motivate and to cheer a crowd……
Looking back at your own childhood, I’m sure you can think of at least one robot that was very memorable and left an impact……
I always liked musicals. Well, I liked making them. The only existing musical I really enjoy is The West Side Story. In 1995 I created……
The first time I knew about the Boston/New York AIDS ride was in 2008 when I was working as video editor/post production in the Media……
سرم را بالا میگیرم نفس عمیقی می کشم. با خودم میخندم دیگر کسی اینجا در موردم……
Usually I don't spend much time on talking to call centers, bank representatives, customer services, and so on in order to find some……
Hey guys! So I was recently watching a couple of shows on T.V., most likely Roseanne, and I noticed a large amount of commercials……
Anyone feels like you are in an oven in New York right now? No doubt.. I do! I feel like while I am walking down on the street, I……
Walking through New York on a hot and humid summer day feels like the sun is three feet away from your face. But, as a New Yorker,……
Music enthusiast of all mediums, step right up! Here comes a musical experience that pushes the very boundaries of the human beings:……
I keep telling people how fruits make my life better. Well, I am happy to say that apricot season is finally here! Apricot……
New Yorkers are increasingly taking themselves out of the dating game as the marriage gap widens and fewer couples are saying ‘I……
GROCERY SHOPPERS! PREPARE, TECH SHOPPING IS IN THE AIR! Imagine a new technologically advanced Supermarket that takes……
Will you tell Starbucks your name? The luxe coffee chain, Starbucks, recently launched the new campaign “ nice to meet……
I know at least one language that has never being spoken in New York City. Guess what language that is... Most of the times, when……
Beer me! Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proclaimed July as the Good Beer Month in New York City for the fifth year in a row.So,……
Zimmerman trial outcome of not guilty to shooting teen Trayvon Martin, sparked protests in New York Sunday night, raising more……
Hello guys! Here I am again. You wouldn't believe, I'm writing this blog while walking cross Queensboro Bridge. Yes!……
Walenda?? Stunt direktsändes på X Channel ger den snäva-rep stuntmannen en omedelbar väg till berömmelse.……
What would you do if you have only 24 hours in the big apple? Let explore New York, the city that never sleep. I have been in……
Beatbox: the art of vocal music that has been uprising in culture coming up within the latter half of the past century,……
Spencer Beatboxer has always been a performing artist. Since the days of his childhood he has ventured into improv comedy, greco roman……
Politicians these days are taking full advantage of the forgiving hearts of New Yorkers as Eliot Spitzer, 54, decides to regain his……
Hello, guys. As some of you know my brother Fred and I are going to break the Guinness World Record "Longest concert by a duo"……
By Riccardo Costa In America we talk more and more about mixologists, who are creators of new drinks, engineers of liquor stills,……
MSN Short-Form Storytellers ChallengeMSN and the NYTVF have teamed up to launch the “Short-Form Storytellers Challenge,”……
“Now You See Me” from director Louis Letterier magically arrives in theaters near you. It stars Woody Harrelson,……
If you’re looking for a taste of Naples in the city of New York, then you must stop at PizzArte.By Riccardo Costa In Manhattan there’s……
Solar powered airplane begins the crossing of the United States Aircraft 'Solar Impulse' took off from the air base in California……
After 6 months with the joint venture between Alfatex and Hyunjin, we finally headed to visit the 2 factories. Highvina and Kovina……
Explosions Wounded and Death on the Finish Line at Boston Marathon The Incident happened near the finish line of one of the most tradicional……
Wow, what a whirlwind first quarter of the year. It is really flying by. Sasketchshow season one is into it's seventh episode already,……
This week, the Film Annex team made a two-day trip to Washington DC to attend the annual American University of Afghanistan (AUAF)……
Hello, guys. Today I would like to say THANK YOU to Gene Geter, and dedicate this blog to him. A few days ago we uploaded several……
I believe that New York is the greatest city on planet Earth and the capital of the World. You can find here anything you want: any……
What do you know about Malaysia? Hello, my highly educated and slightly degraded friends! Today SweetAsiaTV (Sweet Asia TV)……
Today I want to start with breaking news: Woman gives birth during flight from South Africa to New York.17 years old Fatawmatt Kaba……
We got some great news on the past week: Film Annex now translated in Russian. You can find button at the bottom of the site. Now……
در برنامهی سی بی اس نیوز این هفته یکی از خبرنگاران سی بی اس نیوزكه باب……
Today my twin brother Fred Kurzh, the general manager of FAMUSICTV, received an email from Thomas Courtney, the president……
by: NAQIA LEE Day two begins with me waking up to one still relatively sore foot after having sprained an ankle on the way back yesterday.……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
When Yellow Sticky Notes had its World Premiere at the Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival in November 2007, the film won the 1st ever……
There's big news out of Brazil from the Sao Paolo Fashion Film Festival (SPFFF). 'ANEMONE' directed by Amber Gray was the winner……
Hi there and Welcome to the Film Annex Music TV (FAMusicTV). Hope the time you spent the last week was amazing. Today, as a……
In Astrology, we are lead to believe, changes in our lives are in direct correlation to changes in the stars, planets and universe. ……
Today is Friday,November 2, 2012. I am looking back what happened on the past week.Of course the biggest thing is Hurricane Sandy……
I almost feel ashamed by how lucky I am. Nearly three quarters of a million New Yorkers currently don't have have electricity.……
Sandy came. Sandy destroyed. And now New York must recover. As I remember all the fuss around Irene last year, I must say that, this……
Last night was a long Halloween night. Hurricane Sandy hit New York City hard. I live on Pearl Street, at the very border of……
For more information about a tour of Bourne's NYC please call Jeff Sado # 212 772-6598. Tours start at the Dakota……
I've always been fascinated by how different people around the world - and throughout history - take care of their loved ones when……
Competition News American Myles Porter wins judo silverWritten by Associated Press LONDON — American Myles Porter won silver……
by RICCARDO COSTA Celebrating the one year anniversary of Felice 83, I took part in a raffle where the prize was a full dinner for……
Bill Clinton received the most applause of any leader during his speech at the UN General Assembly – that was right after……
Roya Mahboob's visit to New York was very inspirational for me. Her role in Film Annex's endeavors in Afghanistan, both……
After about four months of production I finally finished my new short film "The Violin." The film stars Olan Montgomery as Walter,……
A few months ago Francesco Rulli came up with idea to shoot a web series for Film Annex's sister company M.T.I., an Italian textile……
During my two-day visit to Jacksonville, NC, I learned more about Afghanistan than the 43 years I spent in Florence and Manhattan.……