5 Of My Favorite Weird Guinness World Records

5 Of My Favorite Weird Guinness World Records What is Guinness World Records? Guinness World Records is known as The Guinness……
5 Of My Favorite Weird Guinness World Records What is Guinness World Records? Guinness World Records is known as The Guinness……
GRANTED won "Best Environmental Short" - Bay Area Women in Film and Media (BAWIFM) Short Film Festival 2013. This lovely film was……
Hello, First of all it has been a while since I have posted a blog and it is my first one of 2014, so happy new year, hope you had……
The final blog this year covering the highlights between September to December September This month meant the start as my role at……
Hello, So last week I filmed my MA project, coming soon in next blog, and a Christmas Video, One Minute at Christmas, that tested……
In October I attended a film festival in Leeds called No / Gloss, was a VIP and presented a time-lapse workshop there. It……
I'm happy to announce that I have a new short film, and it's now on Film Annex. It's a one minute animated short about the George……