The centralized banking petro-dollar cartel and our way out!

A centralized banking system isn't a new idea, it's been used for thousands of years and it destroys civilizations, it works simply……
A centralized banking system isn't a new idea, it's been used for thousands of years and it destroys civilizations, it works simply……
image A little size, an extensive enrichment of normal assets and/or an exceptionally created saving money framework……
As we known that the Muslim world is not fertile for agriculture because of lack of water or poor soil, but it is the most important……
Oil, natural gas and coal are called fossil fuels as they are derived from the remains of the living things, such as dead animals……
The two parts of Malaysia are separated by South China Sea which extends for hundreds of kilometers. The western part, Malaysia is……
Middle East is the name given to the Muslim countries of southwest Asia, north Africa and southeaster Europe. Many of these countries……
“OIL POLITICS” is a widely know terminology among the developed and developing countries. It became very siginificant……
7-Faculty of Engineering : In 1816 , a school of engineering was established in the citadel and then , another one was established……
4-Faculty of science : In 1925 , the faculty of science was established and it was located in El-Za'afran palace then , it joined……
Fuel is any substance used to produce heat and energy through a chemical or nuclear reaction. In this world every machine start and……
Resources and factors given by the Almighty Allah are helpful in production of wealth and provision facilities of life are called……
Afghanistan is a country full of natural reserves.According to a study on Afghanistan stated that about forty million years……
Oggi parliamo della Cina, il paese che sta per diventare la più grande economia del mondo.Questa condizione……
Today we talk about China, the region that is about to become the world's largest economy.This status will be accelerated after the……
Petroleum is one of the greatest servants of mankind. It provides light, heat, and power for automobiles, tractors, planes,……
Every day Pakistan government tries to bother the innocent people of Pakistan by new means. After an increase in electricity and petroleum……
The peoples of Pakistan are compelled to think that in last sixteen (16) years when the leaders in Government are selected they give……
Monetary accommodation, including any hint of such forthcoming, brings a sharp rise in financial speculation on petroleum and its……
Urged on by the African Union, South Sudan and Sudan have apparently resolved at least part of their dispute over the transfer……
As oil prices have been driven up by speculators, now they are similarly driven down, is the new argument. However, demand/supply,……
Double-dip recession? Europe has been only the most notable, but from China to the US, the economy and job creation is losing……
“Mounting financial speculation in commodities and the increasing diversion of agricultural land to biofuel crops has changed……
US has more domestic supplies and less demand in approximately a decade plus, but oil prices persist at highest ever levels, (especially……
Highest ever at this time of year even as demand is down to decade old levels. The US Federal Reserve under Ben Bernanke and Obama……
From changing political fortunes to increased food prices and hunger as potential consequences. Gasoline prices are hurting the consumer,……
Vladimir Putin is his worst enemy. He is afraid to evolve. With him Russia is again stagnating and not rising to meet challenges.……
Predictions for $5.00 gasoline are more frequent even if rationale is contradictory and frankly avoids the core of the problem. Neither……
Leashing the Speculation Predator! Gasoline in US has risen by well 20%+ in just a month or so. Bad news for Obama as well as consumers.……