After 2 year brake from bitlander

After 2 year bitlanders is trying to get improve more and more and more and get lots of security to his work out who's trying to make……
After 2 year bitlanders is trying to get improve more and more and more and get lots of security to his work out who's trying to make……
In my last article, I discussed about the present situation of iWriter for the Asian writers. It has gone from bad to worse if you……
SAY BYE TO SLOW INTERNET ACCESS AND WE CONNECTED EVERYWHERE Indonesia is an archipelago with high mountain and step valley, it difficult……
Canal - The Water Road (image source: Some of the world's finest roads are made of water. Can you guess……
Hello everyone! So if you've been watching my BitLander's channel for the past week, you've probably discovered that I've been……
Revealing the Shadows Portraits of the New Parisians Victor Guérin is a French photographer based in Paris, he……
Housing; broken promises, families in cars, and ideological idiocy . . Continued from: Housing; broken promises,……
We currently working on a type of robot which will give us interesting styles of a football player and will play like a real football……
TYPES of the Civil Engineering Projects with respect to the Geological Aspects and Investigations:(i) Structures in which the basic……
TYPES of the Civil Engineering Projects with respect to the Geological Aspects and Investigations: (i) Structures in which the basic……
“A glance on women situation in our afghan society “ As we know women in afghan society had faced with lots of……
Any person not knows the future of anything so who live in Pakistan and live another country not know the future of Pakistan. Anyone……
Hello, First of all it has been a while since I have posted a blog and it is my first one of 2014, so happy new year, hope you had……
Peace , a word that is always used in the war . When we apply the word to their own peace of mind , we are drawn into the war , the……
hello!! In this occasion I´m writing from Tokyo. As I told you in some other blogs, I´m writing and working on the development……
Among all the sacred places on earth the most sacred place is a heart of a child, a child’s perception of the is his mother,……
Cari studenti, come sapete, la fondazione Women's Annex sta lavorando in nome della filantropia sostenibile nei paesi in via di sviluppo,……
Dear students, As you know, Women’s Annex foundation is working on sustainable philanthropy in developing countries starting from……
The institution of banking is an integral part of any modern economic system. The principle of banking is concentration and channelization……
After a decade of Russian invasion, the country suffered a big blow in the shape of civil war that resulted in forced migration of……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
A new viral video in the robotics world shows the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funded Boston Dynamics lab’s……
In July 2012 Manchester based artist Liz West asked me if I would photograph the opening of her exhibition ‘Chroma’, a……
Imagine citizens across the country using pictures of themselves for the sake of immigration reform and awareness. For……
شارلٹ Delgrange کی طرف سے بات چیت کے تبادلے سے نہ صرف جذبات پر مشتمل ایک تحفہ……
BY: CHARLOTTE DELGRANGE Certainly, most don’t want to be one of the first to arrive at an event–that’s just not……
BY: Charlotte Delgrange The exchange of interaction is not only a gift composed of sentiments, but also of moments that one cannot……
I want to start this blog from a small intro. I live in Manhattan (Upper East Side) on the first floor and I could not help hearing……
In the last few weeks, Film Annex has defined two very important initiatives: (G.I.V.E.) Global Initiative for Veteran EntrepreneurshipThe……