Presenting the Beauty of Social Media Stories!

Image edited in Canva credits: bitLanders Society via Facebook Video credits: Long Doggers via YouTube Today's……
Image edited in Canva credits: bitLanders Society via Facebook Video credits: Long Doggers via YouTube Today's……
Today I am here with some very interesting stories. All those thing are true, but your history teachers will not talk about them.……
One morning, a bear woke up to see that all the honey she had collected for the week was gone, she was confused at first.……
There was a game I loved most. As a child I played it with friends within a quarter of our polygon yard. We would call out to each……
Hello guys!This is my first blog post, and I thought I am going to tell a little bit about myself and the thinks I will write about.……
When I knew that my study tour was going to Lahore I was really happy that day to think about that tour because its mine first tour……
Have you ever fallen in love with an artist of any kind? Or are you curious what it's like to love one? Well I'll give you four reasons……
Jackie’s keys slipped out of her fingers while she giggled and braced her hand on the trim around the doorway. Kate, a whimsical……
the happy prince is a short story by oscar wilde The story is allegory. it bring out the importance of charity. we learn that……
Let me distract you for a moment and tell you four short stories. These are old stories – familiar stories. The people……
As i Introduced All web TV channels In my previous Blog. Now i will Review Each of them one by one So today i Started from……
image created by me What is Web-TV? Web-TV is short of "Web Television" and it is way of broadcasting Television through World Wide……
Stories of survival emerge from East Coast rainstorm much of South Carolina to a standstill. Thousands warily watched rising creeks,……
Famous Storyteller The friendly, gentle Englishman called Lewis Carroll wasn't two people. But he had two names. Lewis Carroll wasn't……
Positive Inspirational Attitude Stories The Nails in the Fence There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him……
There are many stories or novels that are now published and featured in a movie. Some of their stories were written by some famous……
Hello I'm new in this website. I live in Italy, i love reading and writing stories, creepypastas are my favourites, so I've got a……
An Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and……
Một cụ già sống đến hơn 100 tuổi. Khi được hỏi về bí quyết sống lâu của mình,……
Có bốn anh thợ cưa xẻ gỗ cho một ông nhà giàu dưới vườn cây vào tiết tháng……
Kugny tuayz online sales this year will be presented to the .jpg file New York: Children are eager for new toys they find a dinosaur……
I remember I was 13, a schoolgirl, far from my hometown, far from Kabul, where there was only the sound of school bells, no shouts……
I am a firm believer in human stories, it is through stories we experience the reality of other persons, and in through stories we……
I am a firm believer in human stories, it is through stories we experience the reality of other persons, and in through stories we……
A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked……
An old man went to college that he studied at. He knocked on Room 3 of the hostel and said: "May I come in?I lived in this room 30……
1. I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again. 2. The……
I came back again today, nikita. In the corner of my room, I was viewing the clock on the……
Lazy Summer FREE Kindle Book Promotions- 30 August to 1 September 2014 FREE Books for Children Mason Visits The Magical Universe……
Experience The Phenomenon and Magic of Summer Time with FREE Kindle Books Damaged Hearts and Other Short Stories of Love and……
Hi I am new to this site so I thought that I would start my blog by telling you a bit about my life. My name is Emma and I am from……
in spring i went to village ,and i stay for many days there ,they love each other very much but their lives are very different……
Year 2013 has been a great year for technological and scientific innovations and discoveries, we have to remember the most important……
Here is a thought for you………. What is the greatest computer MAC & PC?How about the huge mainframe computer……
Accusation, blaming, allegation, taking/giving credit, these are some of the terms I would be highlighting in this blog. The word……
Sherlock Holmes pastiches are a dime-a-dozen, with authors placing Holmes in the midst of investigations dealing with everything from……
Una volta ero solita viaggiare molto. Sono certa che la parte più emozionante di viaggiare sia incontrare nuove persone, non……
I used to travel a lot in good old days. And I'm sure, no matter where you are going, the most exiting part of the traveling is to……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
In all honesty I have not been overly familiar with the work of Phillip Bloom in the past, and it is only quite recently that I came……
This is a little fun short i came up with the other day, something we can all relate to and understand. Not a selection of mine to……
Journalism is to write, to record and to broadcast the news or daily happens. Exchanges of information through mass media or social……
Some of the most amazing stories of that we hear on the news or from our friends and families are those of lucky people who……
I saw her about 8 years ago in the Herat computer science faculty for the first time. In that time she was a senior. Fereshteh Forough and……
Tutti quanti a dirgli: "Ma che fai, Steven? Giochi ancora con il Progressive Rock? Non sai che il mellotron non va più……
Hello. Today I am making review on one of the most popular books in society, The Stories of Ibis by Hiroshi Yamamoto. ……
The little girl was very shy ……
Today I want to start with breaking news: Woman gives birth during flight from South Africa to New York.17 years old Fatawmatt Kaba……
“When we are able to find personal stories that documentaries do very, very well; and illuminate for people the conditions [of]……
If you're looking for a way to learn something new about international politics over your coffee break, take a look at the Stories……
At times, you must pick your stars and inspirations. I am an avid watcher of 60 Minutes on CBS. A few years ago, I contacted one of……