Thanks so much to be my first friends

Thanks so much to be my first friends in bitlanders @roshal, @bukhari_iz_here, @Usman_Butt123 and @SOAHAIL-9110 because of all 4……
Thanks so much to be my first friends in bitlanders @roshal, @bukhari_iz_here, @Usman_Butt123 and @SOAHAIL-9110 because of all 4……
Hi everybody! how are you. I am fine. Good morning all my friends.
Want to earn without investing a lot of your time? It is fully tested chores - are evidence of the payment. Just register:……
Say Thanks to Allah for All of given us
As i Introduced All web TV channels In my previous Blog. Now i will Review Each of them one by one So today i Started from……
PAUL WALKER Hi guys foremost i'd Thanks to bitlanders provide this platform to writes blogs it’s such a superb social web site……
Friday is the day of blessing Friday is the day of worship Friday is the day of peace Friday is the day of JummAH prayer ……
Before I joined this site, the Bitlanders to be exact, I was busy in the other site, Facebook. What I was busy……
A Thanksgiving gift for all fans of classical puzzles – it’s a new Holiday Puzzle! Holiday Jigsaw Thanksgiving Day 2 has……
- Allah (GOD) has placed babies in the womb of women in a very salty juice, deliberately to lighten the weight and at the same……
As I was expected, I got four gems as my reward upon publishing my first blog post. Thanks Bitlanders!!!……
Today is the best day for me in bitlanders because today i receive 5th payment of .025 mbtc . and i send two blogs for review……
kya online money making par yaqeen kya ja sakta ha to je hain ,but kasy is k bohat sy tareeqe hain on main ek bi ha……
Hello everyone.. How are you? I just want to share a little thing about me.. This photo (heart pillow) below with the text "Operation……
hazrat umer k door e khilafat ma ap ne farmya k agr meri waja se ak kuta b piyaas se mar jay to mja qiyamat k roz hisaab dena……
After two months of staying in this site, I finally getting some positive changes with my account. I hope that the luck will not end.……
What is any religion? I think when You are infant or just getting the senses then the grooming of relogion started by our elder which……
Hãy cảm ơn vì bạn chưa có tất cả những thứ bạn muốn. Vì nếu bạn có rồi……
We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter’s……
Every so often I have some great memories hitting me. So many from my childhood days and the fun I had growing up. They say if you……
Hi guys. Did you know that the effort and care we do with our works has a big effect on each and every outcome? Yes it is true because……
Hi guys, have you every wonder if the points in sharing your gallery is the same with those blogs and videos? I hope it will be, but……
HI guys. Have you noticed that each time you made your article or microblog here? There is a word counter now seeing in the interface……
Hi people, I am almost aware on how to the stuff and things here works. I need to make more research and ask more queries so I can……
Hi guys, I found out that this platform are so fun to use. I found lots of new friends here and it is really fun to read and check……
Mutan ka Jwan(episode#6) Then his father said to hero,”son,thanks,son thanks.” When he erase his lenzes then his father……
The Apparition Horror Movie 2012 Cast Cast overview: Ashley Greene ... Kelly Sebastian Stan ...……
My Earning In 1 month On bitlanders hey Guys .. i hope you all are Good and enjoying to earning here on bit-landers.. i also one of……
#include<stdio.h> int main() {int buzz; for(buzz=1;buzz<100;buzz++) {printf("buzz me\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("I buzz……
Recently, I read a news on yahoo, there was Girls Galaxy S4 Smartphone Burn under her pillow as she sleeps. Changing our devices as……
I would like to thank every who has welcomed me back to this site with such ease. I got stuck right in again and the buzz score and……
I read out the whole story. This is the story of the great love of father with his son. This is the true story made me cry. The boy……
, my dear teacher,the window of knowledge, Toward the dense of green flowers, I can remember the very first day of college,……
Days and months pass to begin a new year and involves another year with its memories (Painful and beautiful) Which have had a significant……