Tolerance and Mystic Traditions in Plural Society: A way forward to Peace and Prosperity

Tolerance and Mystic Traditions in Plural Society: A way forward to Peace and Prosperity TOLERANCE, What tolerance is? Do any……
Tolerance and Mystic Traditions in Plural Society: A way forward to Peace and Prosperity TOLERANCE, What tolerance is? Do any……
This isn't going to be very long, and in all seriousness it's being posted here more to rant than anything In the wake of the……
Education aims at full and harmonious development of all the faculties of man. A person is like a rough diamond that needs cutting……
This is the post of my cousin Rebie this evening. This post is actually her prayer and It caught heart and attention,……
Today I want to discuss about most important thing in any type of industry which is Geometric Tolerance. Anyone part can’t be……
Shared Beliefs and Values within a Social Context: Many similarities between a number of culturesEngineering is a Cross-Culture and…… Seriously, how hypocritical can you get? Anyway. Back to your regularly scheduled……
Terrorism, in its real concept, means creating fears by using violent means. It involves the use of horrible techniques and ways,……
Someone said true that hostel is 2nd home for the students who came from the several cities for the education in the institutes. In……
Tolerance is best part of the life and it shows about character of the life. But unfortunately we are living in the 21th century where……
A friend loves at all times , and a brother is born for adversity.(proverb) Friendship means a feeling that exists between two or……
Islam is religion of tolerance par excellence. In fact, it is tolerant to the extent of generousity. The fundamental principle enunciated……
Driving is a skill that each Afghan men and women should be very careful about it. In order to be a good driver which should be calm……
One of the most important things in our life is sports by all f its types although it's ignored by many people but i's still can be……
Life! No one can exactly define this word. It is impossible to define life with all aspects. No one can give a standard and understandable……
Sports and Extra circular activities are parts of our daily’s lives. We can get enjoyment through the sports. Sports are very……
Introduction: Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal is a documentary filmmaker from Kabul. He is becoming a prominent voice and……
“We recognize and celebrate the values that are shared across religious traditions,” said UN General Assembly President Nassir……