Underwater Sea Tribe who are the last of their Kind

THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF INDONESIA Indonesia as known as emerald equator or zamrud khatulistiwa. indonesia is a country that is crossed……
There’s more ocean than land in the Maldives, a chain of tiny islands and coral atolls far out in the Indian Ocean. Most of……
Churna Island has become a famous place for divers. The joy of snorkelling and diving has reached the newest heights at Churna Island.……
The Jewels That Mountains Wear Image source: google.com How much ice did you ever see in one place? An ice tray full?……
Top 5 Tips for New Underwater Photographers #1: Get Close I would have to say that by far the #1 mistake made by new underwater……
I want to feature Electric Blue Media videos. Their videos showcase the beauty of my country Philippines. I feel so proud that……
The modern fountain pen was invented by Lewis Edison waterman in 1889 and technology hasn’t looked back since waterman created……
Egypt is a very beautiful country with too many nice places. In Egypt, there is a spirit, just whenever you visit it; you would like……
The Internet has gone underwater, literally! Scientists have successfully experimented with using the Internet under the surface……
One of the most interesting furry creatures has to be the sea otter. I adore these furry little guys with their webbed feet,……
We’ve all heard of Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter’s very unfortunate encounter with a stingray while filming……
We can all remember that moment in childhood when we go on vacation to a swimming pool or even to a public pool with some of……
I was watching a program on the Discovery Channel and one of the programs mentioned a new rise in the creation of underwater……
Usually when we think of scuba diving, we think of the awesome underwater world we will see, all the different kinds of fish,……
Imagine creating one of National Geographic’s 25 Wonders of the World before you reach the age of 40. It is definitely……
Life under water possesses a great deal that we still have not yet discovered entirely, which makes underwater adventures all the……
Hola to all out there in the deep blue sea, specifically Dory, Marlin and Nemo. I was flipping through my iFunny app on my……
Underwater lions Do you know who sea lions are? I personally love underwater life. Especially I love a view of……
EXHIBITION ANDRE BRITO - 11-23-2012 TO 1-25-2013 7S Art Gallery curated for the first time the work of Portuguese photographer André……