Why you must go to China for Higher Studies

● Why you must go to China for Higher Studies ● I have been studying in China for two years. Whenever my old friends……
● Why you must go to China for Higher Studies ● I have been studying in China for two years. Whenever my old friends……
Education is important for everyone We occupy an educational caste system. It is very difficult to get a reliable civilian children……
National University of Science and Technology Islamabad (NUST) PIEAS Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute
Sight is one of our most precious, and most delicate, abilities. The most common cause of blindness worldwide is cataracts –……
This current period of time is no doubt the era of technology where getting information about anything is just a click away. It is……
I met this website some weeks ago and I think it is one of my favorite ones. In this website you can watch courses of lots of famous……
I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
Teacher should follow the following point before teaching the students. Teacher should prepare the lecture first. Preparation of lecture……
The person who is under learning stage is known as student. Students are of many types. These are following: Students with IQ above……
Visit to hill station is very interesting and enjoying. Mostly people visit to hill stations in vacations. They go with their family……
Now A days The Study Is The Basic Part Of A Life.Without Study We Are Nothing. As The We Which Nation Is Good And Perfect And Advance……
For elevating the current decline of education in Pakistan the other most crucial step could be focusing the higher education which;……
BOOK REVIEW (FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS BY HALLIDAY RESNICK WALKER) Physics is the basic of all sciences. We can find hundreds of book……
The computers coming in the largest shape today are the mainframe computers; they are expensive one. They have huge storing capacities……
Schools are places where education is delivered to students. The purpose of this education is to help us think about the world and……
In view of numerous problems faced by out country, our universities have a very significant role to play. The future destiny of our……
Outline and summary of subjects to be enclosed in an schooling or preparation course is called……
Co-education means the gaining of knowledge of both boys and girls in same school under the same roof. It means imparting the same……
(Myself at a recent screening at Grossmont College speaking with students in San Diego - photo courtesy of Pat Palma) I've……
WHAT IS INTERNET..? Internet is the largest computer network in the world. It is often simply called Net or Cyberspace. Nowadays,……
In the big cities of every country of the world has a great importance for the people because in big cities are the facilities of……
We live in a Islamic society and Islam give importance to the woman in the society and give them honorable and respectable status.……
The word dust is used for the dirty thing those thing which have no use and these are harmful for the human body and there environment……
TRUE AIM OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION In view of numerous problems faced by our country, our universities have a very significant……
Definition: "Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality……
Women have to play every ride in the society, so there are many advantages of education for women. First an educated woman……
Technical education may be defined as the practical application of general principles and methods of scientific studies to the teaching……
Children are hope for the future and they are the foundation for prosperity or clues for future they are using in……
Pakistan is basically an agricultural land and 70-80% of its population is composed of rural area or the countryside. Villages and……
10-Faculty of commerce : In 1911 , a school for commerce was established in Cairo University and it was called "the commerce high……
Most of the writers on Film Annex forum are students. That’s why it becomes my duty to inform all of my friends about all the……
A Good Friend is blessing of God. Without good Friend life is so boring because these friends can make your life happy. We should……
If You Don’t Mind: This article may be tension creating for “Lovers and Beloveds”. This can lead to writer’s……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
First of all I have a question that what is the paper recycling mean? The paper recycling is a process, which old papers changes to……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
It seems like Colleges and Universities that offer Women’s Wrestling are springing up everywhere across the United States. ……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
The important decision that I had in my life was about my major in university. When I was child I wanted to be a filmmaker. I know……
In un post precedente, ho parlato di come la nuova generazione esprime il proprio pensiero attraverso l'arte e in particolare, attraverso……
Peace is a sacred phenomenon. peace bring fortune and luck and paves the way for progress,development,and uplift. The sabilization……
On a previous blog, I talked about how the young generation expresses its voice through art and particularly, films. Even though the……
An ambitious 23-year old entrepreneur from Scotland, Tom Walkinshaw, has started a Kickstarter campaign aimed to sell tiny,……
A separate benefit of the system was the pragmatic promotion of technical education, which was seen as the key to progress. This expansion……
In the past 11 years from the end of war in Afghanistan many governmental and nongovernmental sectors have been improved especially……
Germany’s dual-education system is far from fool proof. I recently came across an article in The Economist in regards……
Mostly, Innovation as the most important phenomenon of improvement is the result of knowledge in the laboratories and universities.……
Definitely, studying in university is the most important phase in everybody education period, and the youths, especially emphasize……
The schooling process in Afghanistan had been with vast changes since the Taliban regime up to now. In Taliban era no schools……
For learning Knowledge gender is not important. Seeking education is an obligation for every man and woman. Learning also education……