ALLAH MAAF karey , Acid victim at Waqar Zaka FOUNDATION,

ALLAH MAAF karey , Acid victim at Waqar Zaka FOUNDATION, No crew, Just Waqar and his Mobile cam , helping the people in need practically……
ALLAH MAAF karey , Acid victim at Waqar Zaka FOUNDATION, No crew, Just Waqar and his Mobile cam , helping the people in need practically……
s Today, no matter how big the Enlightenment is not promising ... Why not consider myself liberal and secular, but a name of himself……
ACID ATTACK VICTIM A Friend: “Dude how is your girlfriend??Where is she?? How she looks haan??”He (with a smile……
Dear friends, I am not politically engaged and I do not intend to be. But I fear where the world is heading. There are too many……
I received bitlanders payment 0.025 last April 9,2015, and I was really happy for that. That payment would be sent directly to……
Thirteen years since the world pledged its support to help rebuild Afghanistan, to turn it into a country equipped with fair and equitable……
The incidence of WTC 9/11 ( It took almost 13 years for Dorry Tompsett to gather courage, turned the key and……
Acid attack is such a word, that it seems odd to read it and usually womanhood suffers this word. Islam has given women a superior……
A brief history and background of the production of poppy opium till to its eruption and explosion inside Afghanistan needs……
The tremendous advancement made by modern science in the different spheres of human life has completely changed the face of the earth.……
The division of people in various opposite ideological school of thoughts and groups within the same religion is called sectarianism.……
Over population is a global problem today. It has reached an alarming extent and demands a quick remedy. Family planning is considered……
This is the second part of the story Two Brave Boys. "Come on" a voice come from the room .Tom and Vicky both go inside the room .There……
This is the most important issue now a day but most of us really unaware of it. As we all know the use of the Bluetooth feature in……
Yes Pakistan is a failed state, there are many reason behind. Pakistan is coping in big matters nowadays. As we know, Pakistan is……
There is a man learned the justice from his father, he got paranoia from his father also. And his father taught about many guilt people……
One victim of forced marriage in jowzjan province spoke of the perceived burden of daughters upon families in times of economic hardship.……
As the level of Internet user’s understanding of cyber threats has increased over a period of years, the con-artists……
Have you been a victim of technological unemployment? As much as that question sounds like a poorly created late-night television……