Why you need job experience before your first job

video credits: Linda Raynier via Youtube image source: ed2go Why you need job experience before your……
video credits: Linda Raynier via Youtube image source: ed2go Why you need job experience before your……
Hey guys ! so its now summer and this could be my last summer holiday (sad face) but this for me won't be no laid back summer drinking……
Hey guys this is really delayed blog as i wasn't a film annex user in November but this blog is about the work i did in November for……
I had slight hopes of work experience one being that i was offered and interview for Little Miss Creative in Birmingham.……
I am going to start my MBA program. Many people advice that the MBA should be applied in the foreign country and out of Afghanistan.……
I thought I’d share with you all an experience which I had when I applied for a job to work as a freelance video editor. ……
1000 mabrouk is a famous Egyptian movie. And the work mabrouk means congratulations. We say it in Arabic 1000 mabrouk as it is an……
At the start of August, I received an email from a wedding production company called The Big Day Productions, enquiring about my services……
Today I did some more filming for the Not So Strictly Come Dancing project. First of all we arrived to find out that we had to wait……
Yesterday I did my first shoot for The production company Unique. It's a project for a charity event called "Not so strictly come……
Since I was 18, every summer I’ve worked on at least one shoot. Now, for 3 years this was in Devon which although is a county……
It was exactly a year ago (well, it was a year on Friday - the 23rd August 2012) when I got my first work experience in the industry.……